43 research outputs found

    Issues in integrating existing multi-agent systems for power engineering applications

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    Multi-agent systems (MAS) have proven to be an effective platform for diagnostic and condition monitoring applications in the power industry. For example, a multi-agent system architecture, entitled condition monitoring multi-agent system (COMMAS) (McArthur et al., 2004), has been applied to the ultra high frequency (UHF) monitoring of partial discharge activity inside transformers. Additionally, a multi-agent system, entitled protection engineering diagnostic agents (PEDA) (Hossack et al., 2003), has demonstrated the use of MAS technology for automated and enhanced post-fault analysis of power systems disturbances based on SCADA and digital fault recorder (DFR) data. In this paper, the authors propose the integration of COMMAS and PEDA as a means of offering enhanced decision support to engineers tasked with managing transformer assets. By providing automatically interpreted data related to condition monitoring and power system disturbances, the proposed integrated system offer engineers a more comprehensive picture of the health of a given transformer. Defects and deterioration in performance can be correlated with the operating conditions it experiences. The integration of COMMAS and PEDA has highlighted the issues inherent to the inter-operation of existing multi-agent systems and, in particular, the issues surrounding the use of differing ontologies. The authors believe that these issues need to be addressed if there is to be widespread deployment of MAS technology within the power industry. This paper presents research undertaken to integrate the two MAS and to deal with ontology issues

    Multi-agent systems for power engineering applications - part 2 : Technologies, standards and tools for building multi-agent systems

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    This is the second part of a 2-part paper that has arisen from the work of the IEEE Power Engineering Society's Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) Working Group. Part 1 of the paper examined the potential value of MAS technology to the power industry, described fundamental concepts and approaches within the field of multi-agent systems that are appropriate to power engineering applications, and presented a comprehensive review of the power engineering applications for which MAS are being investigated. It also defined the technical issues which must be addressed in order to accelerate and facilitate the uptake of the technology within the power and energy sector. Part 2 of the paper explores the decisions inherent in engineering multi-agent systems for applications in the power and energy sector and offers guidance and recommendations on how MAS can be designed and implemented. Given the significant and growing interest in this field, it is imperative that the power engineering community considers the standards, tools, supporting technologies and design methodologies available to those wishing to implement a MAS solution for a power engineering problem. The paper describes the various options available and makes recommendations on best practice. It also describes the problem of interoperability between different multi-agent systems and proposes how this may be tackled

    On Generalized Records and Spatial Conjunction in Role Logic

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    We have previously introduced role logic as a notation for describing properties of relational structures in shape analysis, databases and knowledge bases. A natural fragment of role logic corresponds to two-variable logic with counting and is therefore decidable. We show how to use role logic to describe open and closed records, as well the dual of records, inverse records. We observe that the spatial conjunction operation of separation logic naturally models record concatenation. Moreover, we show how to eliminate the spatial conjunction of formulas of quantifier depth one in first-order logic with counting. As a result, allowing spatial conjunction of formulas of quantifier depth one preserves the decidability of two-variable logic with counting. This result applies to two-variable role logic fragment as well. The resulting logic smoothly integrates type system and predicate calculus notation and can be viewed as a natural generalization of the notation for constraints arising in role analysis and similar shape analysis approaches.Comment: 30 pages. A version appears in SAS 200

    The Description Logic for Relational Databases

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    Ontological foundation for protein data models

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    In this paper, we proposed a Protein Ontology to integrate protein data and information from various Protein Data Sources. Protein Ontology provides the technical and scientific infrastructure and knowledge to allow description and analysis of relationships between various proteins. Protein Ontology uses relevant protein data sources of information like PDB, SCOP, and OMIM. Protein Ontology describes: Protein Sequence and Structure Information, Protein Folding Process, Cellular Functions of Proteins, Molecular Bindings internal and external to Proteins, and Constraints affecting the Final Protein Conformation. We also created a database of 10 Major Prion Proteins available in various Protein data sources, based on the vocabulary provided by Protein Ontology. Details about Protein Ontology are available online athttp://www.proteinontology.info/

    Using description logics to integrate fishers' ecological knowledge in the research of artisanal fisheries

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    [Abstract] The aim of this paper is to show the role that Knowledge Representation can play in the research of artisanal fisheries. In particular we concentrate on the epistemological and technological adequacy of implementations of Description Logics to represent fishers’ ecological knowledge, so contributing to address some open methodological questions about its collection and us

    Methodology for integration of fisher's ecological knowledge in fisheries biology and management using knowledge representation (artificial intelligence)

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    Presentado na International Conference "Putting Fisher's Knowledge to Work", Vancouver, Canadá, 27-30 agosto de 2001[abstract] The fisheries crisis of the last decades and the overexploitation of a great number of stocks (FAO 1995) have been due mainly to the inadequacy of scientific knowledge, uncertainties in assessments and/or failures of the management systems. These problems are critical when the management of coastal ecosystems and artisanal fisheries is involved. These systems possess great complexity due to the high number of human factors that influence their functioning and the fishing activity. Small-scale coastal fisheries have a much greater social significance than offshore industrial fisheries, despite the larger economical importance of the latter (only in macro-economic terms). The artisanal coastal fisheries in Galicia (NW Spain) are in a general state of overexploitation derived from the mismatch between management (derived implicitly from models designed for industrial finfisheries) and the biological and socioeconomic context. Freire and García-Allut (2000) proposed a new management policy (based on the establishment of territorial users’ rights, the involvement of fishers in the assessment and management process in collaboration with the government agencies, and the use of protected areas and minimum landing sizes as key regulations) to solve the above problems. As well as a new management system, research should pay special attention to the design and use of inexpensive and rapid methodologies to get relevant scientific data, and introduce local or traditional ecological knowledge of the fishers to the assessment and management process. In this paper, we analyze the values and characteristics of fishers’ ecological knowledge (FEK). Using the artisanal coastal fisheries of Galicia as a case study, we present the objectives of the integration of FEK in fisheries biology and management and propose a methodology for that goal. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a tool for the analysis and integration of FEK is discussed, and the role of Knowledge Representation, a branch of AI, is described to show the epistemological and technological adequacy of the chosen languages and tools in a non-computer science foru

    Introducing Dynamic Behavior in Amalgamated Knowledge Bases

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    The problem of integrating knowledge from multiple and heterogeneous sources is a fundamental issue in current information systems. In order to cope with this problem, the concept of mediator has been introduced as a software component providing intermediate services, linking data resources and application programs, and making transparent the heterogeneity of the underlying systems. In designing a mediator architecture, we believe that an important aspect is the definition of a formal framework by which one is able to model integration according to a declarative style. To this purpose, the use of a logical approach seems very promising. Another important aspect is the ability to model both static integration aspects, concerning query execution, and dynamic ones, concerning data updates and their propagation among the various data sources. Unfortunately, as far as we know, no formal proposals for logically modeling mediator architectures both from a static and dynamic point of view have already been developed. In this paper, we extend the framework for amalgamated knowledge bases, presented by Subrahmanian, to deal with dynamic aspects. The language we propose is based on the Active U-Datalog language, and extends it with annotated logic and amalgamation concepts. We model the sources of information and the mediator (also called supervisor) as Active U-Datalog deductive databases, thus modeling queries, transactions, and active rules, interpreted according to the PARK semantics. By using active rules, the system can efficiently perform update propagation among different databases. The result is a logical environment, integrating active and deductive rules, to perform queries and update propagation in an heterogeneous mediated framework.Comment: Other Keywords: Deductive databases; Heterogeneous databases; Active rules; Update