6 research outputs found

    Systematic Derivation of Bounds and Glue Constraints for Time-Series Constraints

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    slides corresponding to this paperInteger time series are often subject to constraints on the aggregation of the integer features of all occurrences of some pattern within the series. For example, the number of inflexions may be constrained, or the sum of the peak maxima, or the minimum of the peak widths. It is currently unknown how to maintain domain consistency efficiently on such constraints. We propose parametric ways of systematically deriving glue constraints, which are a particular kind of implied constraints, as well as aggregation bounds that can be added to the decomposition of time-series constraints [5]. We evaluate the beneficial propagation impact of the derived implied constraints and bounds, both alone and together

    Solvi : a visual constraint modeling tool

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    Current Funding Sources List: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canada Award Number: 2020-04401 — Recipient: Miguel A Nacenta. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, United Kingdom Award Number: DTG1796157 — Recipient: Xu Zhu.Discrete constraint problems surface often in everyday life. Teachers might group students with complex considerations and hospital administrators need to produce staff rosters. Constraint programming (CP) provides techniques to efficiently find solutions. However, there remains a key challenge: these techniques are still largely inaccessible because expressing constraint problems requires sophisticated programming and logic skills. In this work we contribute a language and tool that leverage knowledge of how non-experts conceptualize problems to facilitate the expression of constraint models. Additionally, we report the results of a study surveying the advantages and remaining challenges towards making CP accessible to the wider public.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Parameterised bounds on the sum of variables in time-series constraints

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    For two families of time-series constraints with the aggregator Sum and features one and width, we provide parameterised sharp lower and upper bounds on the sum of the time-series variables wrt these families of constraints. This is important in many applications, as this sum represents the cost, for example the energy used, or the manpower effort expended. We use these bounds not only to gain a priori knowledge of the overall cost of a problem, we can also use them on increasing prefixes and suffixes of the variables to avoid infeasible partial assignments under a given cost budget. Experiments show that the bounds drastically reduce the effort to find cost limited solutions

    Invariants for time-series constraints

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    Many constraints restricting the result of some computations over an integer sequence can be compactly represented by counter automata. We improve the propagation of the conjunction of such constraints on the same sequence by synthesising a database of linear and non-linear invariants using their counter-automaton representation. The obtained invariants are formulae parameterised by the sequence length and proven to be true for any long enough sequence. To assess the quality of such linear invariants, we developed a method to verify whether a generated linear invariant is a facet of the convex hull of the feasible points. This method, as well as the proof of non-linear invariants, are based on the systematic generation of constant-size deterministic finite automata that accept all integer sequences whose result verifies some simple condition. We apply such methodology to a set of 44 time-series constraints and obtain 1400 linear invariants from which 70% are facet defining, and 600 non-linear invariants, which were tested on short-term electricity production problems

    Automated medical scheduling : fairness and quality

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    Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les façons de tenir compte de la qualité et de l’équité dans les algorithmes de confection automatique d’horaires de travail. Nous découpons ce problème en deux parties. La modélisation d’un problème d’horaires permet de créer des horaires plus rapidement qu’un humain peut le faire manuellement, puisqu’un ordinateur peut évaluer plusieurs horaires simultanément et donc prendre des décisions en moins de temps. La première partie du problème étudié consiste à améliorer la qualité des horaires en encodant des contraintes et des préférences à l’aide de modèles mathématiques. De plus, puisque la création est plus rapide à l’aide d’un ordinateur, il est plus facile pour un ordinateur de trouver l’horaire ayant la meilleure qualité lorsque les règles et préférences sont clairement définies. Toutefois, déterminer les règles et préférences d’un groupe de personne n’est pas une tâche facile. Ces individus ont souvent de la difficulté à exprimer formellement leurs besoins et leurs préférences. Par conséquent, la création d’un bon modèle mathématique peut prendre beaucoup de temps, et cela même pour un expert en création d’horaires de travail. C’est pourquoi la deuxième partie de cette thèse concerne la réduction du temps de modélisation à l’aide d’algorithmes capable d’apprendre un modèle mathématique à partir de solutions données comme par exemple, dans notre cas, des horaires de travail.In this thesis, we study the ways to take quality and fairness into account in the algorithms of automatic creation of work schedules. We separate this problem into two subproblems. The modeling of a scheduling problem allows a faster creation of schedules than what a human can produce manually. A computer can generate and evaluate multiple schedules at a time and therefore make decisions in less time. This first part of the studied problem consists in improving the quality of medical schedules by encoding constraints and preferences using mathematical models. Moreover, since the creation is faster, it is easier for a computer to find the schedule with the highest quality when the rules and the preferences are clearly defined. However, determining the rules and preferences of a group of people is not an easy task. Those individuals often have difficulties formally expressing their requirements and preferences. Therefore, the creation a good mathematical model might take a long time, even for a scheduling expert. This is why the second part of this thesis concerns the reduction of modeling time using algorithms able to learn mathematical models from given solutions, in our case schedules