675 research outputs found

    Descent and penalization techniques for equilibrium problems with nonlinear constraints

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    This paper deals with equilibrium problems with nonlinear constraints. Exploiting a gap function recently introduced, which rely on a polyhedral approximation of the feasible region, we propose two descent methods. They are both based on the minimization of a suitable exact penalty function, but they use different rules for updating the penalization parameter and they rely on different types of line search. The convergence of both algorithms is proved under standard assumptions

    Gap functions for quasi-equilibria

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    An approach for solving quasi-equilibrium problems (QEPs) is proposed relying on gap functions, which allow reformulating QEPs as global optimization problems. The (generalized) smoothness properties of a gap function are analysed and an upper estimate of its Clarke directional derivative is given. Monotonicity assumptions on both the equilibrium and constraining bifunctions are a key tool to guarantee that all the stationary points of a gap function actually solve QEP. A few classes of constraints satisfying such assumptions are identified covering a wide range of situations. Relying on these results, a descent method for solving QEP is devised and its convergence proved. Finally, error bounds are given in order to guarantee the boundedness of the sequence generated by the algorithm

    Existence and solution methods for equilibria

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    Equilibrium problems provide a mathematical framework which includes optimization, variational inequalities, fixed-point and saddle point problems, and noncooperative games as particular cases. This general format received an increasing interest in the last decade mainly because many theoretical and algorithmic results developed for one of these models can be often extended to the others through the unifying language provided by this common format. This survey paper aims at covering the main results concerning the existence of equilibria and the solution methods for finding them

    Gap functions for quasi-equilibria

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    An approach for solving quasi-equilibrium problems (QEPs) is proposed relying on gap functions, which allow reformulating QEPs as global optimization problems. The (generalized) smoothness properties of a gap function are analysed and an upper estimates of its Clarke directional derivative is given. Monotonicity assumptions on both the equilibrium and constraining bifunctions are a key tool to guarantee that all the stationary points of a gap function actually solve QEP. A few classes of constraints satisfying such assumptions are identified covering a wide range of situations. Relying on these results, a descent method for solving QEP is devised and its convergence proved. Finally, error bounds are given in order to guarantee the boundedness of the sequence generated by the algorithm

    Optimal control of Allen-Cahn systems

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    Optimization problems governed by Allen-Cahn systems including elastic effects are formulated and first-order necessary optimality conditions are presented. Smooth as well as obstacle potentials are considered, where the latter leads to an MPEC. Numerically, for smooth potential the problem is solved efficiently by the Trust-Region-Newton-Steihaug-cg method. In case of an obstacle potential first numerical results are presented

    An interior-point method for mpecs based on strictly feasible relaxations.

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    An interior-point method for solving mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs) is proposed. At each iteration of the algorithm, a single primaldual step is computed from each subproblem of a sequence. Each subproblem is defined as a relaxation of the MPEC with a nonempty strictly feasible region. In contrast to previous approaches, the proposed relaxation scheme preserves the nonempty strict feasibility of each subproblem even in the limit. Local and superlinear convergence of the algorithm is proved even with a less restrictive strict complementarity condition than the standard one. Moreover, mechanisms for inducing global convergence in practice are proposed. Numerical results on the MacMPEC test problem set demonstrate the fast-local convergence properties of the algorithm


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    An interior-point method for solving mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs) is proposed. At each iteration of the algorithm, a single primaldual step is computed from each subproblem of a sequence. Each subproblem is defined as a relaxation of the MPEC with a nonempty strictly feasible region. In contrast to previous approaches, the proposed relaxation scheme preserves the nonempty strict feasibility of each subproblem even in the limit. Local and superlinear convergence of the algorithm is proved even with a less restrictive strict complementarity condition than the standard one. Moreover, mechanisms for inducing global convergence in practice are proposed. Numerical results on the MacMPEC test problem set demonstrate the fast-local convergence properties of the algorithm.
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