896 research outputs found

    Über den Konjunktiv in althochdeutschen Nebensätzen : Vierter Teil : Ohne Berücksichtigung der Einwirkungen des Hauptsatzes

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    八亀徳也教授 武市修教授 古稀・退職記念

    Über den Konjunktiv in althochdeutschen Nebensätzen : bei fragendem und negiertem Hauptsatz

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    本稿は、科学研究費・基盤研究 (C) 「モダリテートから見た古高ドイツ語の接続法」(課題番号 : 22520437 研究代表者 : 黒沢宏和) の助成を受けて執筆されたものである

    Kategorien der Redewiedergabe im Deutschen: Konjunktiv I versus sollen

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    In present-day German, the present subjunctive (Konjunktiv I) and the modal verb sollen 'shall' are used to mark reported discourse. In this paper, we aim at clarifying the semantic relationship between these two markers. We suggest that they basically pertain to two separate semantic-functional domains, viz. origo-shifting versus evidentiality. While Konjunktiv I is an origo-shifting quotative marker, sollen is a reportive evidential marker. We argue that the proposed basic difference in semantics accounts for the different behavior of these elements in present-day German: e. g. with respect to their distribution over different contexts of use, to complementation patters, to combinatorial potential with certain prepositional phrases, etc. These theoretical observations are corroborated by the results of two small corpus studies: the one analyzing sollen that is embedded under a communicative matrix predicate, and the other focusing on combinatorial regularities with prepositional phrases with nach 'after', laut 'as per', and zufolge 'according to'

    O modo subjuntivo no português do Brasil e no alemão

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    For the learners of Portuguese and German as foreign languages the subjunctive mood represents a learning problem. Based on syntactic and pragmatic categories, the subjunctive is classified in a way that describes its use and permits the comparison between the Portuguese subjuntivo and the German Konjunktiv.Für Lernende des Portugiesischen bzw. des Deutschen als Fremdsprache stellt der Konjunktiv eine Lernschwierigkeit dar. Ausgehend von syntaktischen und pragmatischen Kategorien wird hier versucht, eine Klassifikation des Konjunktivs durchzuführen, die seinen Gebrauch beschreibt und einen Vergleich des portugiesischen subjuntivo mit dem deutschen Konjunktiv ermöglicht

    Die Bedeutung von Infinitiv und Konjunktiv als Modi der Nicht-Mitteilung (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Italienischen)

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    The infinitive (also referred to as "Nennform") is positioned both formally and functionally between noun and verb. This so-called "intermediate status" and the pragmatic-communicative characteristics/functions resulting from it are described on the basis of a selection of Old Italian language samples. The study therefore examines the correlation between morphosyntactic and informational structure and focuses in particular on the morphosyntactic codification of thematic elements of expression. An accordance can be ascertained regarding the pragmatic-communicative characteristics/functions of the infinitive ( i.e. infinitive constructions of the type: definite article + infinitive + subject) and the (thematic) subjunctive