324 research outputs found

    Efficient real-time video delivery in vehicular networks

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) are a special type of networks where the nodes involved in the communication are vehicles. VANETs are created when several vehicles connect among themselves without the use of any infrastructure. In certain situations the absence of infrastructure is an advantage, but it also creates several challenges that should be overcome. One of the main problems related with the absence of infrastructure is the lack of a coordinator that can ensure a certain level of quality in order to enable the correct transmission of video and audio. Video transmission can be extremely useful in this type of networks as it can be used for videoconferencing of by traffic authorities to monitor the scene of an accident. In this thesis we focused on real time video transmission, providing solutions for both unicast and multicast environments. Specifically, we built a real-world testbed scenario and made a comparison with simulation results to validate the behavior of the simulation models. Using that testbed we implemented and improved DACME, an admission control module able to provide Quality of Service (QoS) to unicast video transmissions. DACME proved to be a valid solution to obtain a certain level of QoS in multi-hop environments. Concerning multicast video transmission, we developed and simulated several flooding schemes, focusing specifically on VANET environments. In this scope, the main contribution of this thesis is the Automatic Copies Distance Based (ACDB) flooding scheme. Thanks to the use of the perceived vehicular density, ACDB is a zeroconf scheme able to achieve good video quality in both urban and highway environments, being specially effective in highway environments.[ES] Las redes vehiculares ad-hoc (VANET) son un tipo especial de redes en las que los nodos que participan de la comunicación son vehículos. Las VANETs se crean cuando diversos vehículos se conectan entre ellos sin el uso de ninguna infraestructura. En determinadas situaciones, la ausencia de infraestructura es una ventaja, pero también crea una gran cantidad de desafíos que se deben superar. Uno de los principales problemas relacionados con la ausencia de infraestructura, es la ausencia de un coordinador que pueda asegurar un determinado nivel de calidad, para poder asegurar la correcta transmisión de audio y vídeo. La transmisión de vídeo puede ser de extrema utilidad en este tipo de redes ya que puede ser empleada para videoconferencias o por las autoridades de tráfico para monitorizar el estado de un accidente. En esta tesis nos centramos en la transmisión de vídeo en tiempo real, proveyendo soluciones tanto para entornos unicast como multicast. En particular construimos un banco de pruebas real y comparamos los resultados obtenidos con resultados obtenidos en un entorno simulado para comprobar la fiabilidad de estos modelos. Usando el mismo banco de pruebas, implementamos y mejoramos DACME, un módulo de control de admisión capaz de proveer de calidad de servicio a transmisiones de vídeo unicast. DACME probó ser una solución válida para obtener ciertos niveles de calidad de servicio en entornos multisalto. En lo referente a la transmisión de vídeo multicast, desarrollamos y simulamos diversos esquemas de difusión diseñados específicamente para entornos VANET. En este campo, la principal contribución de esta tesis es el esquema de difusión "Automatic Copies Distance Based" (ACDB). Gracias al uso de la densidad vehicular percibida, ACDB es un esquema, que sin necesidad de configuración, permite alcanzar una buena calidad de vídeo tanto en entornos urbanos como en autopistas, siendo especialmente efectivo en este último entorno.[CA] Les xarxes vehiculars ad-hoc (VANET) son un tipus de xarxes especials a les que els diferents nodes que formen part d'una comunicació son vehicles. Les VANETs es formen quan diversos vehicles es connecten sense fer ús de cap infraestructura. A certes situacions l'absència d'una infraestructura suposa un avantatge, encara que també genera una gran quantitat de desafiaments que s'han de superar. U dels principals problemes relacionats amb l'absència d'infraestructura, és la manca d'un coordinador que puga garantir una correcta transmissió tant de video com d'àudio. La transmissió de video pot ser d'extrema utilitat a aquest tipus de xarxes, ja que es por emprar tant per a videoconferències com per part de les autoritats de trànsit per monitoritzar l'estat d'un accident. A aquesta tesi ens centrem en transmissió de video en temps real, proporcionant solucions tant a entorns unicast como a entorns multicast. Particularment, vam construir un banc de proves i obtinguérem resultats que comparàrem amb resultats obtinguts mitjançant simulació. D'aquesta manera validarem la fiabilitat dels resultats simulats. Fent ús del mateix banc de proves, vàrem implementar i millorar DACME, un mòdul de control d'admissió, capaç de proveir de qualitat de servici a transmissions de video unicast. DACME va provar ser una bona solució per obtindré un bon nivell de qualitat de servici en entorns de xarxes ad-hoc amb diversos salts. Si ens centrem a la transmissió de video multicast, vàrem implementar i simular diferents esquemes de difusió, específicament dissenyats per al seu ús a entorns VANET. La principal contribució d'aquesta tesi es l'esquema de difusió ACDB (Automatic Copies Distance Based). Fent ús de la densitat vehicular, ACDB es capaç d'obtindre una bona qualitat de video tant a ciutats com a vies interurbanes, sent a especialment efectiu a aquestes últimes. A més a més no es necessària cap configuració per part de l'usuari.Torres Cortés, Á. (2016). Efficient real-time video delivery in vehicular networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62685TESISCompendi

    Quality of service differentiation for multimedia delivery in wireless LANs

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    Delivering multimedia content to heterogeneous devices over a variable networking environment while maintaining high quality levels involves many technical challenges. The research reported in this thesis presents a solution for Quality of Service (QoS)-based service differentiation when delivering multimedia content over the wireless LANs. This thesis has three major contributions outlined below: 1. A Model-based Bandwidth Estimation algorithm (MBE), which estimates the available bandwidth based on novel TCP and UDP throughput models over IEEE 802.11 WLANs. MBE has been modelled, implemented, and tested through simulations and real life testing. In comparison with other bandwidth estimation techniques, MBE shows better performance in terms of error rate, overhead, and loss. 2. An intelligent Prioritized Adaptive Scheme (iPAS), which provides QoS service differentiation for multimedia delivery in wireless networks. iPAS assigns dynamic priorities to various streams and determines their bandwidth share by employing a probabilistic approach-which makes use of stereotypes. The total bandwidth to be allocated is estimated using MBE. The priority level of individual stream is variable and dependent on stream-related characteristics and delivery QoS parameters. iPAS can be deployed seamlessly over the original IEEE 802.11 protocols and can be included in the IEEE 802.21 framework in order to optimize the control signal communication. iPAS has been modelled, implemented, and evaluated via simulations. The results demonstrate that iPAS achieves better performance than the equal channel access mechanism over IEEE 802.11 DCF and a service differentiation scheme on top of IEEE 802.11e EDCA, in terms of fairness, throughput, delay, loss, and estimated PSNR. Additionally, both objective and subjective video quality assessment have been performed using a prototype system. 3. A QoS-based Downlink/Uplink Fairness Scheme, which uses the stereotypes-based structure to balance the QoS parameters (i.e. throughput, delay, and loss) between downlink and uplink VoIP traffic. The proposed scheme has been modelled and tested through simulations. The results show that, in comparison with other downlink/uplink fairness-oriented solutions, the proposed scheme performs better in terms of VoIP capacity and fairness level between downlink and uplink traffic

    Belaidžio ryšio tinklų terpės prieigos valdymo tyrimas

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    Over the years, consumer requirements for Quality of Service (QoS) has been growing exponentially. Recently, the ratification process of newly IEEE 802.11ad amendment to IEEE 802.11 was finished. The IEEE 802.11ad is the newly con-sumer wireless communication approach, which will gain high spot on the 5G evolution. Major players in wireless market, such as Qualcomm already are inte-grating solutions from unlicensed band, like IEEE 802.11ac, IEEE 802.11ad into their architecture of LTE PRO (the next evolutionary step for 5G networking) (Qualcomm 2013; Parker et al. 2015). As the demand is growing both in enter-prise wireless networking and home consumer markets. Consumers started to no-tice the performance degradation due to overcrowded unlicensed bands. The un-licensed bands such as 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz are widely used for up-to-date IEEE 802.11n/ac technologies with upcoming IEEE 802.11ax. However, overusage of the available frequency leads to severe interference issue and consequences in to-tal system performance degradation, currently existing wireless medium access method can not sustain the increasing intereference and thus wireless needs a new methods of wireless medium access. The main focal point of this dissertation is to improve wireless performance in dense wireless networks. In dissertation both the conceptual and multi-band wireless medium access methods are considered both from theoretical point of view and experimental usage. The introduction chapter presents the investigated problem and it’s objects of research as well as importance of dissertation and it’s scientific novelty in the unlicensed wireless field. Chapter 1 revises used literature. Existing and up-to-date state-of-the-art so-lution are reviewed, evaluated and key point advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. Conclusions are drawn at the end of the chapter. Chapter 2 describes theoretical analysis of wireless medium access protocols and the new wireless medium access method. During analysis theoretical simula-tions are performed. Conclusions are drawn at the end of the chapter. Chapter 3 is focused on the experimental components evaluation for multi-band system, which would be in line with theoretical concept investigations. The experimental results, showed that components of multi-band system can gain sig-nificant performance increase when compared to the existing IEEE 802.11n/ac wireless systems. General conclusions are drawn after analysis of measurement results

    Towards Real-time Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are poised to change the way computer systems interact with the physical world. We plan on entrusting sensor systems to collect medical data from patients, monitor the safety of our infrastructure, and control manufacturing processes in our factories. To date, the focus of the sensor network community has been on developing best-effort services. This approach is insufficient for many applications since it does not enable developers to determine if a system\u27s requirements in terms of communication latency, bandwidth utilization, reliability, or energy consumption are met. The focus of this thesis is to develop real-time network support for such critical applications. The first part of the thesis focuses on developing a power management solution for the radio subsystem which addresses both the problem of idle-listening and power control. In contrast to traditional power management solutions which focus solely on reducing energy consumption, the distinguishing feature of our approach is that it achieves both energy efficiency and real-time communication. A solution to the idle-listening problem is proposed in Energy Efficient Sleep Scheduling based on Application Semantics: ESSAT). The novelty of ESSAT lies in that it takes advantage of the common features of data collection applications to determine when to turn on and off a node\u27s radio without affecting real-time performance. A solution to the power control problem is proposed in Real-time Power Aware-Routing: RPAR). RPAR tunes the transmission power for each packet based on its deadline such that energy is saved without missing packet deadlines. The main theoretical contribution of this thesis is the development of novel transmission scheduling techniques optimized for data collection applications. This work bridges the gap between wireless sensor networks and real-time scheduling theory, which have traditionally been applied to processor scheduling. The proposed approach has significant advantages over existing design methodologies:: 1) it provides predictable performance allowing for the performance of a system to be estimated upon its deployment,: 2) it is possible to detect and handle overload conditions through simple rate control mechanisms, and: 3) it easily accommodates workload changes. I developed this framework under a realistic interference model by coordinating the activities at the MAC, link, and routing layers. The last component of this thesis focuses on the development of a real-time patient monitoring system for general hospital units. The system is designed to facilitate the detection of clinical deterioration, which is a key factor in saving lives and reducing healthcare costs. Since patients in general hospital wards are often ambulatory, a key challenge is to achieve high reliability even in the presence of mobility. To support patient mobility, I developed the Dynamic Relay Association Protocol -- a simple and effective mechanism for dynamically discovering the right relays for forwarding patient data -- and a Radio Mapping Tool -- a practical tool for ensuring network coverage in 802.15.4 networks. We show that it is feasible to use low-power and low-cost wireless sensor networks for clinical monitoring through an in-depth clinical study. The study was performed in a step-down cardiac care unit at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. This is the first long-term study of such a patient monitoring system

    Performance Evaluation of Video Streaming in an Infrastructure Mesh Based Vehicle Network

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    Most next-generation wireless networks are expected to support video stream- ing which constitutes the bulk of traffic on the Internet. This thesis evaluates the performance of video streaming in a vehicle network with an infrastructure wireless mesh network (WMN) backhaul. Several studies have investigated video quality per- formance primarily in single hop wireless networks and static WMNs. This thesis is based on those studies and conducts the study in relation to a network where the multi-hop features of the mesh network and mobility of the streaming clients may have substantial impact on the perceived video quality in the network. The study assumes a previously proposed vehicle network architecture con- sisting of an infrastructure WMN that serves as the mesh backhaul [2, 3]. A number of mesh routers (MRs) form the mesh backhaul using one of their two IEEE 802.11g radios whereas the other radio is used to communicate with the fast moving mesh clients (MCs). Selective MRs called mesh gateways (MGs) are connected to a wired network (e.g., the Internet, hereafter referred to as the core network) via a point-to- point link and provide gateway connectivity to the rest of the network. A server on the core network acts as a video server and streams individual video streams to the fast moving MCs. Upon deployment, network discovery occurs and segregates the network into a number of separate routing zones with each routing zone consisting of a single MG and all the MRs that use the MG as their gateway. A minimum-hop based routing protocol is used to enable seamless handover of MCs from one MR to another within a single zone. Simulation studies in this thesis inspects the network and video streaming performance within a single routing zone, assuming the handoff and inter-zone routing being taken care of by the routing protocol and only focus on the intra-zone packet forwarding and scheduling impacts. Hence, this study does not address cases where MCs move from one routing zone to another routing zone in the mobile network. In the first part of the study, we evaluate the performance of video streaming in the described network by studying performance metrics across different layers of the protocol stack. The number of video flows that can be supported by the network is experimentally determined for each scenario. In the second part, the thesis studies controllable network and protocol parameters\u27 ability to improve the network and video quality performance. Simulations are run in an integrated framework that includes network-simulator ns-2, NS-MIRACLE, and Evalvid

    Measuring Transmission Opportunities in 802.11 Links

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    We propose a powerful MAC/PHY cross-layer approach to measuring IEEE 802.11 transmission opportunities in WLAN networks on a per-link basis. Our estimator can operate at a single station and it is able to: 1) classify losses caused by noise, collisions, and hidden nodes; and 2) distinguish between these losses and the unfairness caused by both exposed nodes and channel capture. Our estimator provides quantitative measures of the different causes of lost transmission opportunities, requiring only local measures at the 802.11 transmitter and no modification to the 802.11 protocol or in other stations. Our approach is suited to implementation on commodity hardware, and we demonstrate our prototype implementation via experimental assessments. We finally show how our estimator can help the WLAN station to improve its local performance