6 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Tugas Akhir dan Skripsi (SIMITA) di Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)

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    Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM) as one of the private university that provides final and thesis work as one of the graduation requirements to get a Diploma or Bachelor degree. Final Assignment and Thesis Information System (SIMITA) makes it easy for the thesis committee to manage data and provide information about the stages of the final assignment and thesis procedures for students. SIMITA development at UNIKOM was carried out to complement features that did not exist in the existing system. The features are feature for providing information or announcements to students about the final project and thesis and the feature to facilitate the thesis committee for setting any attributes that must be filled in by the thesis participant in each procedure that must be taken to carry out the final project or thesis. This research is developing information systems using Content Management System (CMS) concept so that the thesis committee can manage the system easily. Descriptive research method used in this research. Observation and interview techniques used as data collection methods. The prototype method used as a system development method. System design tools use Unified Modeling Language (UML) in the form of use case diagrams. The results of this study are the development of SIMITA which aims to provide convenience for the thesis committee in managing data and provide information about the final project and thesis.Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM) sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta yang memberikan tugas akhir dan skripsi sebagai salah satu syarat kelulusan untuk mendapatkan gelar Diploma atau Sarjana. Sistem Informasi Tugas Akhir dan Skripsi (SIMITA) memberikan kemudahan bagi panitia skripsi untuk mengelola data dan memberikan informasi mengenai tahapan prosedur tugas akhir dan skripsi bagi para mahasiswa. Pengembangan SIMITA di UNIKOM dilakukan untuk menambah fitur-fitur yang belum ada diantarnya fitur yang memberikan informasi atau pengumuman kepada mahasiswa seputar tugas akhir dan skripsi dan fitur yang memudahkan panitia skripsi untuk mengatur atribut apa saja yang harus diisi oleh peserta skripsi dalam setiap prosedur yang harus ditempuh untuk melaksanakan tugas akhir atau skripsi. Penelitian ini melakukan pengembangan sistem informasi dengan konsep Content Management System (CMS) agar panitia skripsi dapat mengelola sistem dengan mudah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dan metode pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi dan wawancara. Metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode prototype. Alat bantu perancangan sistem menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML) berupa use case diagram. Hasil penelitian ini merupakan pengembangan SIMITA yang bertujuan memberikan kemudahan bagi panitia skripsi dalam mengelola data dan memberikan informasi mengenai tugas akhir dan skripsi

    Decision Support Capabilities of Enterprise Content Management Systems: An Empirical Investigation

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    Enterprise content management (ECM) systems help organizations cope with the increasing complexity and volume of data and information. Despite the growing popularity of ECM, published literature indicates that organizations primarily use ECM for operational benefits, while the strategic decision making capabilities are rarely considered. Thus, the most significant rewards of ECM implementation may be largely forgone. This study investigates the potential of ECM technology for decision support. A research model is proposed and validated via an empirical investigation. The results show that ECM positively influences problem identification and definition, decision making speed and analysis, decision quality, and decision makers’ satisfaction


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    To deal with the increasing information overload and with the structured and unstructured data complexity, many organizations have implemented enterprise content management (ECM) systems. Published research on ECM so far is very limited and reports on ECM implementations have been scarce until recently (Tyrväinen et al. 2006). However, the little available ECM literature shows that many organizations using ECM focus on operational benefits while strategic decision-making benefits are rarely considered. Moreover, the strategic capabilities such as decision making capabilities of ECM are not fully investigated in the current literature. In addition, the literature lacks a strategic management framework (SMF) that links strategies, business objectives, and performance management although there are several published studies that discuss ECM strategy. A strategic management framework would seem essential to effectively manage ECM strategy formulation, implementation, and performance evaluation (Kaplan and Norton 1996; Ittner and Larcker 1997). The absence of an appropriate strategic management framework keeps organizations from effective strategic planning, implementation, and evaluation, which affects the organizational capabilities overall. Therefore, the objective of this dissertation is to determine the decision support capabilities of ECM, and specify how ECM strategies can be formulated, implemented, and evaluated in order to fully utilize the ECM strategic capabilities. Structural equation modeling as well as design science approaches will be adopted to achieve the dissertation objectives