4 research outputs found

    Wikification of learning objects using metadata as an alternative context for disambiguation

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    We present a methodology to wikify learning objects. Our proposal is focused on two processes: word sense disambiguation and relevant phrase selection. The disambiguation process involves the use of the learning objects metadata as either additional or alternative context. This increases the probability of success when a learning object has a low quality context. The selection of relevant phrases is perf ormed by identifying the highest values of semantic relat edness between the main subject of a learning object and t he phrases. This criterion is useful for achieving the didactic objectives of the learning object

    A Unified Kernel Approach For Learning Typed Sentence Rewritings

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    International audienceMany high level natural language processing problems can be framed as determining if two given sentences are a rewriting of each other. In this paper, we propose a class of kernel functions, referred to as type-enriched string rewriting kernels, which, used in kernel-based machine learning algorithms, allow to learn sentence rewritings. Unlike previous work, this method can be fed external lexical semantic relations to capture a wider class of rewriting rules. It also does not assume preliminary syntactic parsing but is still able to provide a unified framework to capture syntactic structure and alignments between the two sentences. We experiment on three different natural sentence rewriting tasks and obtain state-of-the-art results for all of them

    Paraphrase Plagiarism Identifcation with Character-level Features

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    [EN] Several methods have been proposed for determining plagiarism between pairs of sentences, passages or even full documents. However, the majority of these methods fail to reliably detect paraphrase plagiarism due to the high complexity of the task, even for human beings. Paraphrase plagiarism identi cation consists in automatically recognizing document fragments that contain re-used text, which is intentionally hidden by means of some rewording practices such as semantic equivalences, discursive changes, and morphological or lexical substitutions. Our main hypothesis establishes that the original author's writing style ngerprint prevails in the plagiarized text even when paraphrases occur. Thus, in this paper we propose a novel text representation scheme that gathers both content and style characteristics of texts, represented by means of character-level features. As an additional contribution, we describe the methodology followed for the construction of an appropriate corpus for the task of paraphrase plagiarism identi cation, which represents a new valuable resource to the NLP community for future research work in this field.This work is the result of the collaboration in the framework of the CONACYT Thematic Networks program (RedTTL Language Technologies Network) and the WIQ-EI IRSES project (Grant No. 269180) within the FP7 Marie Curie action. The first author was supported by CONACYT (Scholarship 258345/224483). The second, third, and sixth authors were partially supported by CONACyT (Project Grants 258588 and 2410). The work of the fourth author was partially supported by the SomEMBED TIN2015-71147-C2-1-P MINECO research project and by the Generalitat Valenciana under the Grant ALMAMATER (PrometeoII/2014/030).Sánchez-Vega, F.; Villatoro-Tello, E.; Montes-Y-Gómez, M.; Rosso, P.; Stamatatos, E.; Villaseñor-Pineda, L. (2019). Paraphrase Plagiarism Identifcation with Character-level Features. Pattern Analysis and Applications. 22(2):669-681. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-017-0674-zS66968122

    Noyaux de réécriture de phrases munis de types lexico-sémantiques

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    National audienceDe nombreux problèmes en traitement automatique des langues requièrent de déterminer si deux phrases sont des réécritures l’une de l’autre. Une solution efficace consiste à apprendre les réécritures en se fondant sur des méthodes à noyau qui mesurent la similarité entre deux réécritures de paires de phrases. Toutefois, ces méthodes ne permettent généralement pas de prendre en compte des variations sémantiques entre mots, qui permettraient de capturer un plus grand nombre de règles de réécriture. Dans cet article, nous proposons la définition et l’implémentation d’une nouvelle classe de fonction noyau, fondée sur la réécriture de phrases enrichie par un typage pour combler ce manque. Nous l’évaluons sur deux tâches, la reconnaissance de paraphrases et d’implications textuelles