11 research outputs found

    Generalized Fault Trees: from reliability to security

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    Fault Trees (FT) are widespread models in the reliability \ufb01eld, but they lack of modelling power. So, in the literature, several extensions have been proposed and introduced speci\ufb01c new modelling primitives. Attack Trees (AT) have gained acceptance in the \ufb01eld of security. They follow the same notation of standard FT,but they represent the combinations of actions necessary for the success of an attack to a computing system. In this paper, we extend the AT formalism by exploiting the new primitives introduced in speci\ufb01c FT extensions. This leads to more accurate models. The approach is applied to a case study: the AT is exploited to represent the attack mode and compute speci\ufb01c quantitative measures about the system security

    Methodologies synthesis

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    This deliverable deals with the modelling and analysis of interdependencies between critical infrastructures, focussing attention on two interdependent infrastructures studied in the context of CRUTIAL: the electric power infrastructure and the information infrastructures supporting management, control and maintenance functionality. The main objectives are: 1) investigate the main challenges to be addressed for the analysis and modelling of interdependencies, 2) review the modelling methodologies and tools that can be used to address these challenges and support the evaluation of the impact of interdependencies on the dependability and resilience of the service delivered to the users, and 3) present the preliminary directions investigated so far by the CRUTIAL consortium for describing and modelling interdependencies

    Serviços Distribuídos Tolerantes a Intrusões: resultados recentes e problemas abertos

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    A ideia de aplicar conceitos, mecanismos e arquitecturas da área da confiabilidade no domínio da segurança tem gerado muito interesse em ambas as comunidades sob a designação de tolerância a intrusões. Muita da atenção foi criada pelo projecto europeu MAFTIA e pelo programa americano OASIS por volta do ano 2000, embora a noção venha de bem mais longe. Apesar desses projectos terem terminado, muito trabalho relevante tem surgido recentemente, sendo já possível ter ideias claras sobre como se podem concretizar serviços distribuídos tolerantes a intrusões. O objectivo consiste em garantir a integridade, disponibilidade e confidencialidade desses serviços mesmo que alguns servidores sejam atacados e controlados com sucesso por atacantes ou código nocivo. Este texto apresenta o estado da arte na área, clarificando os problemas que permite resolver e os tópicos que permanecem abertos e que precisam de ser investigado

    Dependability and Performance Evaluation of Intrusion-Tolerant Server Architectures

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    In this work, we present a first e#ort at quantitatively comparing the strengths and limitations of various intrusion-tolerant server architectures. We study four representative architectures, and use stochastic models to quantify the costs and benefits of each from both the performance and dependability perspectives. We present results characterizing throughput and availability, the e#ectiveness of architectural defense mechanisms, and the impact of the performance versus dependability tradeo#. We believe that the results of this evaluation will help system architects to make informed choices for building more secure and survivable server systems

    From Resilience-Building to Resilience-Scaling Technologies: Directions -- ReSIST NoE Deliverable D13

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    This document is the second product of workpackage WP2, "Resilience-building and -scaling technologies", in the programme of jointly executed research (JER) of the ReSIST Network of Excellence. The problem that ReSIST addresses is achieving sufficient resilience in the immense systems of ever evolving networks of computers and mobile devices, tightly integrated with human organisations and other technology, that are increasingly becoming a critical part of the information infrastructure of our society. This second deliverable D13 provides a detailed list of research gaps identified by experts from the four working groups related to assessability, evolvability, usability and diversit