776 research outputs found

    Najcitiraniji radovi istraĆŸivača srpskih stomatoloĆĄkih institucija (1996-2018)

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    Introduction Citation analysis, as one of the best-known bibliometric approaches, is widely used in the evaluation of research output and assessment of research performance and impact. The purpose of this study was to identify the top cited articles published by researchers affiliated to Serbian dental institutions and to analyze their characteristics in order to describe cooperation at individual and institutional, as well as at national and international level. Material and Methods Articles that cited the most 2018 publication in the Web of Science were assessed. The analyzed aspects covered distribution of annual production, annual citations, journals, categories, countries, institutions, authors, research focuses and trends by author keywords and KeyWords Plus. Results the top cited papers were published in 60 journals from 1997 to 2016, with the mean number of 45.08 citations per article. These papers were co-authored by 449 authors, responsible for 726 authorships, affiliated to 149 institutions from 41 countries. Among the overall number of authors, 238 were from Serbia, while 211 were affiliated with international institutions. The most productive institutions were the University of Belgrade and Military Medical Academy from Serbia, whilst the international contributing institutions were primarily from the USA, England, and Italy. Conclusion the present study presented useful insight into the most influential Serbian dental institutions research, revealing the most productive actors and multidisciplinary nature of the research contribution.Uvod Citatna analiza, kao jedan od najpoznatijih bibliometrijskih pristupa, u velikoj meri se koristi prilikom procene naučnih rezultata, postignutog istraĆŸivačkog učinka I uticaja. Cilj ovoga rada bio je identifikacija najcitiranijih članaka koje su objavili istraĆŸivači povezani sa srpskim stomatoloĆĄkim institutcijama, kao I analiza njihovih odlika, radi opisa ostvarene saradnje, kako na individualnom I institucionalnom, tako I na nacionalnom I internacionalnom nivou. Materijal I metode Članci sa najvećim brojem citata dobijenih u okviru baze Web of Science od datuma publikovanja do 2018. godine bili su predmet procene. Aspekti koji su analizirani obuhvatali su podatke o broju objavljenih članaka na godiĆĄnjem nivou, broju dobijenih citata u toku godine, časopisima, predmetnim kategorijama, zemljama, institucijama, autorima, ali I centralnim temama I trendovima u istraĆŸivanjima, posmatranim na osnovu ključnih reči koje je autor dodelio članku, ali I dodatnih ključnih reči, generisanih u okviru koriơćene baze Web of Science (KeyWords Plus). Rezultati Posmatrana grupa najcitiranijih radova objavljena je u okviru 60 različitih časopisa, u periodu od 1997. do 2016. godine, uz 45,08 prosečan broj citata po radu. U izradi ovih članaka učestvovalo je ukupno 449 autora, odgovornih za 726 autorstava I povezanih sa 149 institucija iz 41 zemlje. Od ukupnog broja autora, 238 je iz Srbije, dok je 211 autora vezano za strane institucije. Najproduktivnije ustanove iz Srbije bile su Univerzitet u Beogradu I Vojnomedicinska akademija, dok su strane institucije koje su učestvovale u izradi radova prevashodno dolazile iz SAD-a, Engleske I Italije. Zaključak Ova studija pruĆŸa koristan uvid u to koja su istraĆŸivanja srpskih stomatoloĆĄkih ustanova izvrĆĄila najveći uticaj, otkrivajući I najproduktivnije aktere I multidisciplinarnu prirodu naučnog doprinosa

    Sub-field normaliztion in the multiplicative case : high- and low- impact citation indicators

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    This paper uses high- and low-impact citation indicators for the evaluation of the citation performance of research units at different aggregate levels. To solve the problem of the assignment of individual articles to multiple sub-fields, it follows a multiplicative strategy according to which each paper is wholly counted as many times as necessary in the several categories to which it is assigned at each aggregation level. To control for wide differences in citation practices at the lowest level of aggregation, we apply a novel sub-field normalization procedure in the multiplicative case. The methodology is applied to a partition of the world into three geographical areas: the U.S., the European Union (EU), and the Rest of the World. The main findings are the following two. (i) Although normalization does not systematically bias the results against any area, it reduces the U.S./EU highimpact gap in the all-sciences case by a non-negligible 14.4%. (ii) The dominance of the U.S. over the EU in the basic and applied research published in the periodical literature is almost universal at all aggregation levels. From the high-impact perspective, for example, the U.S. is ahead of the EU in 77 out of 80 disciplines, and all of 20 fields. For all sciences as a whole, the U.S. high-impact indicator is 61% greater than that of the EU. The authors acknowledge financial support from the Santander Universities Global Division of Banco Santander. Ruiz-Castillo also acknowledges financial help from the Spanish MEC through grant SEJ2007- 67436. This paper is part of the SCIFI-GLOW Collaborative Project supported by the European Commission.s Seventh Research Framework Programme, Contract number SSH7-CT-2008-217436 European Community's Seventh Framework Program.

    Sub-field normalization in the multiplicative case: average-based citation indicators

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    This paper investigates the citation impact of three large geographical areas –the U.S., the European Union (EU), and the rest of the world (RW)– at different aggregation levels. The difficulty is that 42% of the 3.6 million articles in our Thomson Scientific dataset are assigned to several sub-fields among a set of 219 Web of Science categories. We follow a multiplicative approach in which every article is wholly counted as many times as it appears at each aggregation level. We compute the crown indicator and the Mean Normalized Citation Score (MNCS) using for the first time sub-field normalization procedures for the multiplicative case. We also compute a third indicator that does not correct for differences in citation practices across sub-fields. It is found that: (1) No geographical area is systematically favored (or penalized) by any of the two normalized indicators. (2) According to the MNCS, only in six out of 80 disciplines –but in none of 20 fields– is the EU ahead of the U.S. In contrast, the normalized U.S./EU gap is greater than 20% in 44 disciplines, 13 fields, and for all sciences as a whole. The dominance of the EU over the RW is even greater. (3) The U.S. appears to devote relatively more –and the RW less– publication effort to subfields with a high mean citation rate, which explains why the U.S./EU and EU/RW gaps for all sciences as a whole increase by 4.5 and 5.6 percentage points in the un-normalized case.

    Dental Treatment under General Anesthesia in Healthy and Medically Compromised/Developmentally Disabled Children: A Comparative Study

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    Aim: To compare the type, number of procedures and working time of dental treatment provided under dental general anesthesia (DGA) in healthy and medically compromised/developmentally disabled children (MCDD children). Design: This cross-sectional prospective study involved 80 children divided into two groups of 40 children each. Group 1 consisted of healthy and Group 2 consisted of MCDD children. Results: Healthy children needed more working time than MCDD children, the means being 161±7.9 and 84±5.7 minutes, respectively (P= 0.0001). Operative dentistry and endodontic treatments showed a significant statistical difference (P= 0.0001). The means of procedures were 17±5.0 for healthy children and 11±4.8 for MCDD children (P= 0.0001). Conclusions: Healthy children needed more extensive dental treatment than MCDD children under DGA. The information from this sample of Mexican children could be used as reference for determining trends both within a facility as well as in comparing facilities in cross-population studies

    The Evolution of Dental Journals from 2003 to 2012: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Dental research in Spain. A bibliometric analysis on subjects, authors and institutions (1993-2012)

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    Background: Bibliometrics is defined as the use of statistical methods in the analysis of a body of literature to reveal the historical development of subject fields and patterns of authorship, publication, and use. Our objective was to characterize Spanish scientific output in Dentistry through the analysis of Web of Science database in a 20- year period. By means of a bibliometric study documents were statistically analyzed using indicators that showed quantitative and qualitative aspects of the production. Specifically, time course of the scientific production within the time span was analysed, as were the journals where the article was published and the categories of Journal Citation Reports (JCR) in which they belong, thematic areas, authorship, and finally authors and institutions with the highest production in Spain. Material and Methods: By means of the design of a specific search strategy previously described in the scientific literature, we recovered all citable documents about Dentistry signed by Spanish researchers and included in the WoS database between 1993 and 2012. Results: A total of 3006 documents fulfilled the search criteria, of which 2449 (81.5%) were published in journals within the category Dentistry Oral Surgery and Medicine and 557 (18.5%) within other categories of the JCR. During the four quinquenniums studied, the production increased quantitatively (8.6-fold) and qualitatively. Finally, the universities of Granada and Complutense of Madrid were the institutions with the highest production and most prolific authors. Conclusions: The Spanish dental production sharply increased in the last two decades, reaching quantitative and qualitative levels similar to those of the other medical specialties in the country

    Willingness of High School Students to be Treated by an HIV Infected Health Practitioner: A Study Done in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

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    To assess willingness of high school students to be treated by HIV/AIDS infected dental practitioners in Ilala municipality, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. More than half (52.8%) of the high school students showed fear of being treated by HIV/AIDS infected dental practitioner, with 175 (55.4%) out of 316 students fearing even to be clinically examined by HIV positive dental practitioner. Out of 316 students, 163 (51.6%) students showed no problem in consulting a HIV/AIDS infected dental practitioner for dental problems. There were 170 (53.8%) respondents who were uncomfortable to undergo dental treatment provided by HIV positive dental practitioner. The results of this study showed that there is fear an element of negative attitude and stigmatization among high school students on being treated by HIV/AIDS infected health care practitione

    We Are...Marshall, February 19, 2020

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