2,745 research outputs found

    Adaptive Density Estimation for Generative Models

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    Unsupervised learning of generative models has seen tremendous progress over recent years, in particular due to generative adversarial networks (GANs), variational autoencoders, and flow-based models. GANs have dramatically improved sample quality, but suffer from two drawbacks: (i) they mode-drop, i.e., do not cover the full support of the train data, and (ii) they do not allow for likelihood evaluations on held-out data. In contrast, likelihood-based training encourages models to cover the full support of the train data, but yields poorer samples. These mutual shortcomings can in principle be addressed by training generative latent variable models in a hybrid adversarial-likelihood manner. However, we show that commonly made parametric assumptions create a conflict between them, making successful hybrid models non trivial. As a solution, we propose to use deep invertible transformations in the latent variable decoder. This approach allows for likelihood computations in image space, is more efficient than fully invertible models, and can take full advantage of adversarial training. We show that our model significantly improves over existing hybrid models: offering GAN-like samples, IS and FID scores that are competitive with fully adversarial models, and improved likelihood scores

    BRUNO: A Deep Recurrent Model for Exchangeable Data

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    We present a novel model architecture which leverages deep learning tools to perform exact Bayesian inference on sets of high dimensional, complex observations. Our model is provably exchangeable, meaning that the joint distribution over observations is invariant under permutation: this property lies at the heart of Bayesian inference. The model does not require variational approximations to train, and new samples can be generated conditional on previous samples, with cost linear in the size of the conditioning set. The advantages of our architecture are demonstrated on learning tasks that require generalisation from short observed sequences while modelling sequence variability, such as conditional image generation, few-shot learning, and anomaly detection.Comment: NIPS 201

    Flow-GAN: Combining Maximum Likelihood and Adversarial Learning in Generative Models

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    Adversarial learning of probabilistic models has recently emerged as a promising alternative to maximum likelihood. Implicit models such as generative adversarial networks (GAN) often generate better samples compared to explicit models trained by maximum likelihood. Yet, GANs sidestep the characterization of an explicit density which makes quantitative evaluations challenging. To bridge this gap, we propose Flow-GANs, a generative adversarial network for which we can perform exact likelihood evaluation, thus supporting both adversarial and maximum likelihood training. When trained adversarially, Flow-GANs generate high-quality samples but attain extremely poor log-likelihood scores, inferior even to a mixture model memorizing the training data; the opposite is true when trained by maximum likelihood. Results on MNIST and CIFAR-10 demonstrate that hybrid training can attain high held-out likelihoods while retaining visual fidelity in the generated samples.Comment: AAAI 201
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