770 research outputs found

    Segmentation in large-scale cellular electron microscopy with deep learning: A literature survey

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    Electron microscopy (EM) enables high-resolution imaging of tissues and cells based on 2D and 3D imaging techniques. Due to the laborious and time-consuming nature of manual segmentation of large-scale EM datasets, automated segmentation approaches are crucial. This review focuses on the progress of deep learning-based segmentation techniques in large-scale cellular EM throughout the last six years, during which significant progress has been made in both semantic and instance segmentation. A detailed account is given for the key datasets that contributed to the proliferation of deep learning in 2D and 3D EM segmentation. The review covers supervised, unsupervised, and self-supervised learning methods and examines how these algorithms were adapted to the task of segmenting cellular and sub-cellular structures in EM images. The special challenges posed by such images, like heterogeneity and spatial complexity, and the network architectures that overcame some of them are described. Moreover, an overview of the evaluation measures used to benchmark EM datasets in various segmentation tasks is provided. Finally, an outlook of current trends and future prospects of EM segmentation is given, especially with large-scale models and unlabeled images to learn generic features across EM datasets

    Magnetic resonance image-based brain tumour segmentation methods : a systematic review

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    Background: Image segmentation is an essential step in the analysis and subsequent characterisation of brain tumours through magnetic resonance imaging. In the literature, segmentation methods are empowered by open-access magnetic resonance imaging datasets, such as the brain tumour segmentation dataset. Moreover, with the increased use of artificial intelligence methods in medical imaging, access to larger data repositories has become vital in method development. Purpose: To determine what automated brain tumour segmentation techniques can medical imaging specialists and clinicians use to identify tumour components, compared to manual segmentation. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of 572 brain tumour segmentation studies during 2015–2020. We reviewed segmentation techniques using T1-weighted, T2-weighted, gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, diffusion-weighted and perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging sequences. Moreover, we assessed physics or mathematics-based methods, deep learning methods, and software-based or semi-automatic methods, as applied to magnetic resonance imaging techniques. Particularly, we synthesised each method as per the utilised magnetic resonance imaging sequences, study population, technical approach (such as deep learning) and performance score measures (such as Dice score). Statistical tests: We compared median Dice score in segmenting the whole tumour, tumour core and enhanced tumour. Results: We found that T1-weighted, gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted, T2-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery magnetic resonance imaging are used the most in various segmentation algorithms. However, there is limited use of perfusion-weighted and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Moreover, we found that the U-Net deep learning technology is cited the most, and has high accuracy (Dice score 0.9) for magnetic resonance imaging-based brain tumour segmentation. Conclusion: U-Net is a promising deep learning technology for magnetic resonance imaging-based brain tumour segmentation. The community should be encouraged to contribute open-access datasets so training, testing and validation of deep learning algorithms can be improved, particularly for diffusion- and perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, where there are limited datasets available

    Semi-automated learning strategies for large-scale segmentation of histology and other big bioimaging stacks and volumes

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    Labelled high-resolution datasets are becoming increasingly common and necessary in different areas of biomedical imaging. Examples include: serial histology and ex-vivo MRI for atlas building, OCT for studying the human brain, and micro X-ray for tissue engineering. Labelling such datasets, typically, requires manual delineation of a very detailed set of regions of interest on a large number of sections or slices. This process is tedious, time-consuming, not reproducible and rather inefficient due to the high similarity of adjacent sections. In this thesis, I explore the potential of a semi-automated slice level segmentation framework and a suggestive region level framework which aim to speed up the segmentation process of big bioimaging datasets. The thesis includes two well validated, published, and widely used novel methods and one algorithm which did not yield an improvement compared to the current state-of the-art. The slice-wise method, SmartInterpol, consists of a probabilistic model for semi-automated segmentation of stacks of 2D images, in which the user manually labels a sparse set of sections (e.g., one every n sections), and lets the algorithm complete the segmentation for other sections automatically. The proposed model integrates in a principled manner two families of segmentation techniques that have been very successful in brain imaging: multi-atlas segmentation and convolutional neural networks. Labelling every structure on a sparse set of slices is not necessarily optimal, therefore I also introduce a region level active learning framework which requires the labeller to annotate one region of interest on one slice at the time. The framework exploits partial annotations, weak supervision, and realistic estimates of class and section-specific annotation effort in order to greatly reduce the time it takes to produce accurate segmentations for large histological datasets. Although both frameworks have been created targeting histological datasets, they have been successfully applied to other big bioimaging datasets, reducing labelling effort by up to 60−70% without compromising accuracy

    Histopathological image analysis : a review

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    Over the past decade, dramatic increases in computational power and improvement in image analysis algorithms have allowed the development of powerful computer-assisted analytical approaches to radiological data. With the recent advent of whole slide digital scanners, tissue histopathology slides can now be digitized and stored in digital image form. Consequently, digitized tissue histopathology has now become amenable to the application of computerized image analysis and machine learning techniques. Analogous to the role of computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) algorithms in medical imaging to complement the opinion of a radiologist, CAD algorithms have begun to be developed for disease detection, diagnosis, and prognosis prediction to complement the opinion of the pathologist. In this paper, we review the recent state of the art CAD technology for digitized histopathology. This paper also briefly describes the development and application of novel image analysis technology for a few specific histopathology related problems being pursued in the United States and Europe

    Gesture tracking and neural activity segmentation in head-fixed behaving mice by deep learning methods

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    The typical approach used by neuroscientists is to study the response of laboratory animals to a stimulus while recording their neural activity at the same time. With the advent of calcium imaging technology, researchers can now study neural activity at sub-cellular resolutions in vivo. Similarly, recording the behaviour of laboratory animals is also becoming more affordable. Although it is now easier to record behavioural and neural data, this data comes with its own set of challenges. The biggest challenge, given the sheer volume of the data, is annotation. A traditional approach is to annotate the data manually, frame by frame. With behavioural data, manual annotation is done by looking at each frame and tracing the animals; with neural data, this is carried out by a trained neuroscientist. In this research, we propose automated tools based on deep learning that can aid in the processing of behavioural and neural data. These tools will help neuroscientists annotate and analyse the data they acquire in an automated and reliable way.La configuración típica empleada por los neurocientíficos consiste en estudiar la respuesta de los animales de laboratorio a un estímulo y registrar al mismo tiempo su actividad neuronal. Con la llegada de la tecnología de imágenes del calcio, los investigadores pueden ahora estudiar la actividad neuronal a resoluciones subcelulares in vivo. Del mismo modo, el registro del comportamiento de los animales de laboratorio también se está volviendo más asequible. Aunque ahora es más fácil registrar los datos del comportamiento y los datos neuronales, estos datos ofrecen su propio conjunto de desafíos. El mayor desafío es la anotación de los datos debido a su gran volumen. Un enfoque tradicional es anotar los datos manualmente, fotograma a fotograma. En el caso de los datos sobre el comportamiento, la anotación manual se hace mirando cada fotograma y rastreando los animales, mientras que, para los datos neuronales, la anotación la hace un neurocientífico capacitado. En esta investigación, proponemos herramientas automatizadas basadas en el aprendizaje profundo que pueden ayudar a procesar los datos de comportamiento y los datos neuronales.La configuració típica emprada pels neurocientífics consisteix a estudiar la resposta dels animals de laboratori a un estímul i registrar al mateix temps la seva activitat neuronal. Amb l'arribada de la tecnologia d'imatges basades en calci, els investigadors poden ara estudiar l'activitat neuronal a resolucions subcel·lulars in vivo. De la mateixa manera, el registre del comportament dels animals de laboratori també ha esdevingut molt més assequible. Tot i que ara és més fàcil registrar les dades del comportament i les dades neuronals, aquestes dades ofereixen el seu propi conjunt de reptes. El major desafiament és l'anotació de les dades, degut al seu gran volum. Un enfocament tradicional és anotar les dades manualment, fotograma a fotograma. En el cas de les dades sobre el comportament, l'anotació manual es fa mirant cada fotograma i rastrejant els animals, mentre que per a les dades neuronals, l'anotació la fa un neurocientífic capacitat. En aquesta investigació, proposem eines automatitzades basades en laprenentatge profund que poden ajudar a modelar les dades de comportament i les dades neuronals

    Reconstruction of neuronal activity and connectivity patterns in the zebrafish olfactory bulb

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    In the olfactory bulb (OB), odors evoke distributed patterns of activity across glomeruli that are reorganized by networks of interneurons (INs). This reorganization results in multiple computations including a decorrelation of activity patterns across the output neurons, the mitral cells (MCs). To understand the mechanistic basis of these computations it is essential to analyze the relationship between function and structure of the underlying circuit. I combined in vivo twophoton calcium imaging with dense circuit reconstruction from complete serial block-face electron microscopy (SBEM) stacks of the larval zebrafish OB (4.5 dpf) with a voxel size of 9x9x25nm. To address bottlenecks in the workflow of SBEM, I developed a novel embedding and staining procedure that effectively reduces surface charging in SBEM and enables to acquire SBEM stacks with at least a ten-fold increase in both, signal-to-noise as well as acquisition speed. I set up a high throughput neuron reconstruction pipeline with >30 professional tracers that is available for the scientific community (ariadne-service.com). To assure efficient and accurate circuit reconstruction, I developed PyKNOSSOS, a Python software for skeleton tracing and synapse annotation, and CORE, a skeleton consolidation procedure that combines redundant reconstruction with targeted expert input. Using these procedures I reconstructed all neurons (>1000) in the larval OB. Unlike in the adult OB, INs were rare and appeared to represent specific subtypes, indicating that different sub-circuits develop sequentially. MCs were uniglomerular whereas inter-glomerular projections of INs were complex and biased towards groups of glomeruli that receive input from common types of sensory neurons. Hence, the IN network in the OB exhibits a topological organization that is governed by glomerular identity. Calcium imaging revealed that the larval OB circuitry already decorrelates activity patterns evoked by similar odors. The comparison of inter-glomerular connectivity to the functional interactions between glomeruli indicates that pattern decorrelation depends on specific, non-random inter-glomerular IN projections. Hence, the topology of IN networks in the OB appears to be an important determinant of circuit function
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