88 research outputs found

    Resource-efficient wireless relaying protocols

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    Relay-aided communication is considered one of the key techniques to achieve high throughput at low cost in future wireless systems. However, when transmitting signals via a relay, additional time slots, antennas, or frequency slots are required, which may erode the potential gain of relay-aided systems. In this article various approaches to creating relay-aided systems are reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages of various relaying schemes are compared in terms of their slot efficiency, error rate performance, and feasibility. Our detailed comparisons and the numerical results indicate that the specific family of network coding aided relaying protocols constitutes one of the most promising solutions. We conclude this article by listing a number of open problems

    Distributed Space Time Coding for Wireless Two-way Relaying

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    We consider the wireless two-way relay channel, in which two-way data transfer takes place between the end nodes with the help of a relay. For the Denoise-And-Forward (DNF) protocol, it was shown by Koike-Akino et. al. that adaptively changing the network coding map used at the relay greatly reduces the impact of Multiple Access interference at the relay. The harmful effect of the deep channel fade conditions can be effectively mitigated by proper choice of these network coding maps at the relay. Alternatively, in this paper we propose a Distributed Space Time Coding (DSTC) scheme, which effectively removes most of the deep fade channel conditions at the transmitting nodes itself without any CSIT and without any need to adaptively change the network coding map used at the relay. It is shown that the deep fades occur when the channel fade coefficient vector falls in a finite number of vector subspaces of C2\mathbb{C}^2, which are referred to as the singular fade subspaces. DSTC design criterion referred to as the \textit{singularity minimization criterion} under which the number of such vector subspaces are minimized is obtained. Also, a criterion to maximize the coding gain of the DSTC is obtained. Explicit low decoding complexity DSTC designs which satisfy the singularity minimization criterion and maximize the coding gain for QAM and PSK signal sets are provided. Simulation results show that at high Signal to Noise Ratio, the DSTC scheme provides large gains when compared to the conventional Exclusive OR network code and performs slightly better than the adaptive network coding scheme proposed by Koike-Akino et. al.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, A mistake in the proof of Proposition 3 given in Appendix B correcte

    Space-Time Coded Spatial Modulated Physical Layer Network Coding for Two-Way Relaying

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    Using the spatial modulation approach, where only one transmit antenna is active at a time, we propose two transmission schemes for two-way relay channel using physical layer network coding with space time coding using Coordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Designs (CIOD's). It is shown that using two uncorrelated transmit antennas at the nodes, but using only one RF transmit chain and space-time coding across these antennas can give a better performance without using any extra resources and without increasing the hardware implementation cost and complexity. In the first transmission scheme, two antennas are used only at the relay, Adaptive Network Coding (ANC) is employed at the relay and the relay transmits a CIOD Space Time Block Code (STBC). This gives a better performance compared to an existing ANC scheme for two-way relay channel which uses one antenna each at all the three nodes. It is shown that for this scheme at high SNR the average end-to-end symbol error probability (SEP) is upper bounded by twice the SEP of a point-to-point fading channel. In the second transmission scheme, two transmit antennas are used at all the three nodes, CIOD STBC's are transmitted in multiple access and broadcast phases. This scheme provides a diversity order of two for the average end-to-end SEP with an increased decoding complexity of O(M3)\mathcal{O}(M^3) for an arbitrary signal set and O(M2M)\mathcal{O}(M^2\sqrt{M}) for square QAM signal set.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Integer Forcing-and-Forward Transceiver Design for MIMO Multi-Pair Two-Way Relaying

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    In this paper, we propose a new transmission scheme, named as Integer Forcing-and-Forward (IFF), for communications among multi-pair multiple-antenna users in which each pair exchanges their messages with the help of a single multi antennas relay in the multiple-access and broadcast phases. The proposed scheme utilizes Integer Forcing Linear Receiver (IFLR) at relay, which uses equations, i.e., linear integer-combinations of messages, to harness the intra-pair interference. Accordingly, we propose the design of mean squared error (MSE) based transceiver, including precoder and projection matrices for the relay and users, assuming that the perfect channel state information (CSI) is available. In this regards, in the multiple-access phase, we introduce two new MSE criteria for the related precoding and filter designs, i.e., the sum of the equations MSE (Sum-Equation MSE) and the maximum of the equations MSE (Max-Equation MSE), to exploit the equations in the relay. In addition, the convergence of the proposed criteria is proven as well. Moreover, in the broadcast phase, we use the two traditional MSE criteria, i.e. the sum of the users' mean squred errors (Sum MSE) and the maximum of the users' mean squared errors (Max MSE), to design the related precoding and filters for recovering relay's equations by the users. Then, we consider a more practical scenario with imperfect CSI. For this case, IFLR receiver is modified, and another transceiver design is proposed, which take into account the effect of channels estimation error. We evaluate the performance of our proposed strategy and compare the results with the conventional amplify-and-forward (AF) and denoise-and-forward (DF) strategies for the same scenario. The results indicate the substantial superiority of the proposed strategy in terms of the outage probability and the sum rate.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to a IEEE journa

    Non-coherent and semi-coherent schemes for physical-layer wireless network coding

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    We investigate non-coherent and semi-coherent schemes for physical-layer network coding in two-way relaying scenarios. We distinguish between scenarios without any channel knowledge requirements (non-coherent communication) and scenarios when either the relay or the users have receive channel knowledge (semi-coherent communication). We combine the paradigm of subspace-based communication originally developed for non-coherent point-to-point channels, with two-way relaying schemes based on physical-layer wireless network coding with denoise-and-forward (DNF). The aim is to demonstrate that denoising can be performed non-coherently and to investigate if these schemes offer an improvement over the schemes based on amplify-and-forward (AF)

    Symbol error rate analysis for M-QAM modulated physical-layer network coding with phase errors

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    Recent theoretical studies of physical-layer network coding (PNC) show much interest on high-level modulation, such as M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM), and most related works are based on the assumption of phase synchrony. The possible presence of synchronization error and channel estimation error highlight the demand of analyzing the symbol error rate (SER) performance of PNC under different phase errors. Assuming synchronization and a general constellation mapping method, which maps the superposed signal into a set of M coded symbols, in this paper, we analytically derive the SER for M-QAM modulated PNC under different phase errors. We obtain an approximation of SER for general M-QAM modulations, as well as exact SER for quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK), i.e. 4-QAM. Afterwards, theoretical results are verified by Monte Carlo simulations. The results in this paper can be used as benchmarks for designing practical systems supporting PNC. © 2012 IEEE

    Cooperative network-coding system for wireless sensor networks

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    Describes a cooperative network coding system for wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we propose two practical power) and bandwidth)efficient systems based on amplify)and)forward (AF) and decode)and)forward (DF) schemes to address the problem of information exchange via a relay. The key idea is to channel encode each source’s message by using a high)performance non)binary turbo code based on Partial Unit Memory (PUM) codes to enhance the bit)error)rate performance, then reduce the energy consumption and increase spectrum efficiency by using network coding (NC) to combine individual nodes’ messages at the relay before forwarding to the destination. Two simple and low complexity physical layer NC schemes are proposed based on combinations of received source messages at the relay. We also present the theoretical limits and numerical analysis of the proposed schemes. Simulation results under Additive White Gaussian Noise, confirm that the proposed schemes achieve significant bandwidth savings and fewer transmissions over the benchmark systems which do not resort to NC. Theoretical limits for capacity and Signal to Noise Ratio behaviour for the proposed schemes are derived. The paper also proposes a cooperative strategy that is useful when insufficient combined messages are received at a node to recover the desired source messages, thus enabling the system to retrieve all packets with significantly fewer retransmission request messages

    Multi-Antenna Assisted Virtual Full-Duplex Relaying with Reliability-Aware Iterative Decoding

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    In this paper, a multi-antenna assisted virtual full-duplex (FD) relaying with reliability-aware iterative decoding at destination node is proposed to improve system spectral efficiency and reliability. This scheme enables two half-duplex relay nodes, mimicked as FD relaying, to alternatively serve as transmitter and receiver to relay their decoded data signals regardless the decoding errors, meanwhile, cancel the inter-relay interference with QR-decomposition. Then, by deploying the reliability-aware iterative detection/decoding process, destination node can efficiently mitigate inter-frame interference and error propagation effect at the same time. Simulation results show that, without extra cost of time delay and signalling overhead, our proposed scheme outperforms the conventional selective decode-and-forward (S-DF) relaying schemes, such as cyclic redundancy check based S-DF relaying and threshold based S-DF relaying, by up to 8 dB in terms of bit-error-rate.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, conference paper has been submitte