2,126 research outputs found

    Learning Generative Models across Incomparable Spaces

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    Generative Adversarial Networks have shown remarkable success in learning a distribution that faithfully recovers a reference distribution in its entirety. However, in some cases, we may want to only learn some aspects (e.g., cluster or manifold structure), while modifying others (e.g., style, orientation or dimension). In this work, we propose an approach to learn generative models across such incomparable spaces, and demonstrate how to steer the learned distribution towards target properties. A key component of our model is the Gromov-Wasserstein distance, a notion of discrepancy that compares distributions relationally rather than absolutely. While this framework subsumes current generative models in identically reproducing distributions, its inherent flexibility allows application to tasks in manifold learning, relational learning and cross-domain learning.Comment: International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML

    Relational Neural Machines

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    Deep learning has been shown to achieve impressive results in several tasks where a large amount of training data is available. However, deep learning solely focuses on the accuracy of the predictions, neglecting the reasoning process leading to a decision, which is a major issue in life-critical applications. Probabilistic logic reasoning allows to exploit both statistical regularities and specific domain expertise to perform reasoning under uncertainty, but its scalability and brittle integration with the layers processing the sensory data have greatly limited its applications. For these reasons, combining deep architectures and probabilistic logic reasoning is a fundamental goal towards the development of intelligent agents operating in complex environments. This paper presents Relational Neural Machines, a novel framework allowing to jointly train the parameters of the learners and of a First--Order Logic based reasoner. A Relational Neural Machine is able to recover both classical learning from supervised data in case of pure sub-symbolic learning, and Markov Logic Networks in case of pure symbolic reasoning, while allowing to jointly train and perform inference in hybrid learning tasks. Proper algorithmic solutions are devised to make learning and inference tractable in large-scale problems. The experiments show promising results in different relational tasks

    Curating a Consumption Ideology: Platformization and Gun Influencers on Instagram

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    This study explores how a platform enables social media influencers to promulgate a consumption ideology. We show how gun influencers, or “gunfluencers,” use Instagram to link products, activities, and meanings to Second Amendment ideology – a gun-centric belief system in the United States colloquially known as “2A ideology.” Through a qualitative study of 25 Instagram gunfluencers, we identify a process of curating a consumption ideology wherein social media influencers employ four curatorial tactics: glamourizing, demystifying, victimizing, and tribalizing. Findings suggest gunfluencers extend audiences and leverage algorithms to prescribe and model how supporters of 2A ideology should look, act, speak, feel, and consume. Our research contributes to understanding how consumption ideologies are promulgated in a digital, platformized world. In the context of U.S. gun culture, implications address the role of platformization in supporting gun companies’ promotional efforts, despite government- and platform-based restrictions, and the political dimensions of influencer and consumer cultures

    HOFA: Twitter Bot Detection with Homophily-Oriented Augmentation and Frequency Adaptive Attention

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    Twitter bot detection has become an increasingly important and challenging task to combat online misinformation, facilitate social content moderation, and safeguard the integrity of social platforms. Though existing graph-based Twitter bot detection methods achieved state-of-the-art performance, they are all based on the homophily assumption, which assumes users with the same label are more likely to be connected, making it easy for Twitter bots to disguise themselves by following a large number of genuine users. To address this issue, we proposed HOFA, a novel graph-based Twitter bot detection framework that combats the heterophilous disguise challenge with a homophily-oriented graph augmentation module (Homo-Aug) and a frequency adaptive attention module (FaAt). Specifically, the Homo-Aug extracts user representations and computes a k-NN graph using an MLP and improves Twitter's homophily by injecting the k-NN graph. For the FaAt, we propose an attention mechanism that adaptively serves as a low-pass filter along a homophilic edge and a high-pass filter along a heterophilic edge, preventing user features from being over-smoothed by their neighborhood. We also introduce a weight guidance loss to guide the frequency adaptive attention module. Our experiments demonstrate that HOFA achieves state-of-the-art performance on three widely-acknowledged Twitter bot detection benchmarks, which significantly outperforms vanilla graph-based bot detection techniques and strong heterophilic baselines. Furthermore, extensive studies confirm the effectiveness of our Homo-Aug and FaAt module, and HOFA's ability to demystify the heterophilous disguise challenge.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    An integrated framework for user modeling using deep learning on a data monetization platform

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    This paper presents a novel approach to privacy-preserving user modeling for digital marketing campaigns using deep learning techniques on a data monetization platform, which enables users to maintain control over their personal data while allowing marketers to identify suitable target audiences for their campaigns. The system comprises of several stages, starting with the use of representation learning on hyperbolic space to capture the latent user interests across multiple data sources with hierarchical structures. Next, Generative Adversarial Networks are employed to generate synthetic user interests from these embeddings. To ensure the privacy of user data, a Federated Learning technique is implemented for decentralized user modeling training, without sharing data with marketers. Lastly, a targeting strategy based on recommendation system is constructed to leverage the learned user interests for identifying the optimal target audience for digital marketing campaigns. Overall, the proposed approach provides a comprehensive solution for privacy-preserving user modeling for digital marketing.publishersversionpublishe

    BotMoE: Twitter Bot Detection with Community-Aware Mixtures of Modal-Specific Experts

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    Twitter bot detection has become a crucial task in efforts to combat online misinformation, mitigate election interference, and curb malicious propaganda. However, advanced Twitter bots often attempt to mimic the characteristics of genuine users through feature manipulation and disguise themselves to fit in diverse user communities, posing challenges for existing Twitter bot detection models. To this end, we propose BotMoE, a Twitter bot detection framework that jointly utilizes multiple user information modalities (metadata, textual content, network structure) to improve the detection of deceptive bots. Furthermore, BotMoE incorporates a community-aware Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) layer to improve domain generalization and adapt to different Twitter communities. Specifically, BotMoE constructs modal-specific encoders for metadata features, textual content, and graphical structure, which jointly model Twitter users from three modal-specific perspectives. We then employ a community-aware MoE layer to automatically assign users to different communities and leverage the corresponding expert networks. Finally, user representations from metadata, text, and graph perspectives are fused with an expert fusion layer, combining all three modalities while measuring the consistency of user information. Extensive experiments demonstrate that BotMoE significantly advances the state-of-the-art on three Twitter bot detection benchmarks. Studies also confirm that BotMoE captures advanced and evasive bots, alleviates the reliance on training data, and better generalizes to new and previously unseen user communities.Comment: Accepted at SIGIR 202