44 research outputs found

    An asymmetric high serial rate TDM-PON with single carrier 25 Gb/s upstream and 50 Gb/s downstream

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    We report a 2:1 rate asymmetric high serial rate time division multiplexing passive optical network (TDM-PON) with single carrier 25 Gb/s upstream and 50 Gb/s downstream. In the upstream, we present a first 25 Gb/s three-level modulated burst-mode receiver employing a 1/4-rate linear burst-mode avalanch photodiode transimpedance amplifier and a custom decoder IC. We successfully demonstrated burst-mode sensitivity of -20.4 dBm with 18 dB dynamic burst-to-burst for 25 Gb/s upstream links. In another direction, a downstream in upper O-band is proposed and demonstrated with three-level duo-binary modulation at 50 Gb/s in real time. The upstream and downstream transmission experiments show that the proposed asymmetric 50 G/25 G high serial rate TDM-PON can support >= 32 users while covering more than 20 km reach

    Design and applications of advanced optical modulation formats for optical metro/access transmission systems.

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    光纖通信技術與光網絡在過去三十年間極大地改變了人們的生活。雖然整個光通信行業因為2000年互聯網泡沫的破滅受到了影響,但近年來由於高清電視,移動多媒體和社交網絡的興盛,互聯網對通信網絡傳輸帶寬的需求達到了前所未有的高度,進而推動了光通信行業的再一次興盛。站在行業的高度來看,寬帶接入網無疑是推動行業發展的最主要領域。而實現寬帶接入網的最主要技術則是無源光網絡技術。無源光網絡的本質是一個樹型拓撲的光網絡,其主要的傳輸光纖可被多用戶共享,且在中央基站和用戶之間無任何有源器件,從而大大降低了網絡的成本。然而,在具體實踐中,仍然有許多的技術難題需要解決,例如:無色光網絡單元、突發性傳輸、全雙工傳輸、長距離無源光網絡和網絡功能集成等。這些技術需求亦反應了市場對通信技術發展的要求,及“更快,更便宜,更灵活“。為滿足無源光網絡的技術要求,研究者們從不同的角度提出了各種解決方案,研究領域囊括光傳輸技術、新型器件、系統結構、網絡協議等等。本論文研究從傳輸碼型的角度來解決上述一項或幾項問題。研究碼型包括雙二進制反歸零碼,雙二進制曼切斯特碼,還有常規曼切斯特碼。研究內容則包括上述碼型的產生、接收、傳輸特性和系統應用等等。論文首貳章為概要和背景技術介紹,其餘幾章則按照不同的碼型分類討論。本論文第一項研究課題為雙二進制反歸零碼。相比傳統的歸零碼和反歸零碼,雙二進制反歸零碼具有更大的色散容限,且每個傳輸符號均有能量。我們先研究了它的優勢,調製/解調方法,而後研究了該碼型在無源光網絡中的具體應用,包括10‐Gb/s 全光組播系統和基於重調製的80 公里長距離波分複用無源光網絡系統。第二項研究課題為雙二進制曼切斯特碼型,該碼型的優勢包括較大的時鐘分量,窄帶寬,無直流分量等。我們提出了一種基於直接調製的雙二進制曼切斯特碼產生方法。該方法具有高效,低價,高輸出功率等特點。基於該雙二進制曼切斯特碼發射機,我們實現了70 公里雙向傳輸的波分複用無源光網絡。該系統下行傳輸採用雙二進制曼切斯特碼型,上行傳輸採用直接調製的反射式半導體激光器,所以系統成本大大降低。最後,我們研究了電色散補償技術對於傳統曼切斯特碼型的傳輸性能的改善。所使用的電均衡技術包括前向均衡器、判決反饋均衡器和極大似然估計均衡器。通過離線處理的方法,我們對曼切斯特碼型在三種均衡器下的傳輸性能進行了實驗驗證。研究內容包括前向均衡器和判決反饋均衡器抽頭數的優化、不同採樣率下系統性能、極大似然估計中狀態機個數的影響和不同的曼切斯特接收機的影響等等。The increasing demands for bandwidth have aroused a myriad of industry and academic activities in developing high-speed and cost-effective optical networks,among which optical broad band access networks was the main driving force for such growth in recent years. The most promising solution to optical broadband access network is the passive optical network (PON), which is a point-to-multipoint tree-topology network that connects optical line terminal (OLT) with many optical network units (ONUs) via a long fiber feeder and many short distribution fibers. Promising the concept it is, it raises many detailed technical challenges, such as colorless ONUs, burst mode transmission, bi-directional transmission with mitigated backscattering noise, long-reach PON, and integrating network functionalities. All of the technical requirements are motivated by the “original requirements“ of telecommunication -- faster, cheaper, and more robust.To fulfill the technical requirements, different researchers take different angles to design system and to study the enabling technologies. For example, devices, system architectures, network protocols, etc. In this thesis research, we have tried to deal with one or multiple problems by employing advanced modulation formats for the optical signals. In particular, we have studied IRZ-duobinary, Manchester-duobinary, and Manchester formats, including the modulation/demodulation techniques, transmission properties, and system applications. The research topics are classified according to the type of modulation formats.In the first topic, IRZ-duobinary format is proposed for optical signal transmission. It has desirable properties of large dispersion tolerance (as compared to conventional RZ/IRZ) and finite optical power in each bit. In this study, we firstly show the advantages of IRZ-duobinary and the corresponding modulation techniques. Then, we demonstrate a 10-Gb/s per channel optical multicast overlay scheme and an 80-km-reach system with re-modulated ONU, both in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) PON.In the second topic, Manchester-duobinary format, which has the advantages including easy clock/level recovery, compressed bandwidth, and zero DC component, is studied. We propose an efficient and cost-effective Manchester-duobinary transmitter by properly modulating a chirp managed laser (CML) with electrical Manchester signal. Then, a cost-effective CLS 70-km-Reach full-duplex WDM-PON with downstream 10-Gb/s Manchester-duobinary signal and upstream 1.25-Gb/s re-modulated NRZ-OOK signal is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. This design simultaneously solves the problems of colorless ONU, bi-directional transmission, and long-reach, using cost-effective system design and devices.Finally, we investigate the performance of electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) technique on 10-Gb/s Manchester coded optical signal, so as to further improve its dispersion tolerance and may enables its applications in long-reach PON. In this study, feed forward equalizer (FFE), decision feedback equalizer (DFE), and maximum-likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) are employed as the equalizers Utilizing off-line signal processing, the performance of different equalizers with different parameters (number of taps, sampling rates, number of states, etc.) under both cases of single-ended and balanced detection are studied and compared. Experimental results show that the transmission distance of Manchester coded signal can be increased by a factor of three with four-sample-per-symbol FFE-DFE.Detailed summary in vernacular field only.Detailed summary in vernacular field only.Detailed summary in vernacular field only.Detailed summary in vernacular field only.Detailed summary in vernacular field only.Liu, Zhixin.Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 128-148).Abstract also in Chinese.Acknowledgement --- p.1Abstract --- p.3摘要 --- p.5Table of contents --- p.7List of figures and tables --- p.13Chapter Chapter 1. --- IntroductionChapter 1.1 --- Optical Broadband Access --- p.18Chapter 1.1.1 --- Bandwidth requirement --- p.19Chapter 1.1.2 --- Passive optical networks --- p.22Chapter 1.2 --- Research Challenge of Next-Generation Optical Access Network --- p.25Chapter 1.2.1 --- Colorless ONU --- p.25Chapter 1.2.2 --- Burst Mode Transmission --- p.27Chapter 1.2.3 --- Backscattering Noise in PON --- p.28Chapter 1.2.4 --- Long-Reach Access Network --- p.30Chapter 1.2.5 --- Enriching Network Functionalities --- p.31Chapter 1.3 --- Major contribution of this thesis --- p.32Chapter 1.3.1 --- IRZ-duobinary transmitter and application --- p.32Chapter 1.3.2 --- Manchester-duobinary transmitter and application --- p.33Chapter 1.3.3 --- Receiver with electronic equalizer for Manchester signal --- p.34Chapter 1.4 --- Outline of this Thesis --- p.35Chapter Chapter 2. --- Optical Modulation Technique and Transmission ImpairmentsChapter 2.1 --- Optical Modulation techniques --- p.38Chapter 2.1.1 --- Chirp managed laser --- p.38Chapter 2.1.2 --- Mach-Zehnder modulator --- p.41Chapter 2.2 --- Transmission Impairments --- p.47Chapter 2.2.1 --- Noise --- p.47Chapter 2.2.2 --- Chromatic dispersion --- p.49Chapter 2.2.3 --- Fiber nonlinearity --- p.50Chapter 2.3 --- Impairment Mitigation Techniques --- p.51Chapter 2.3.1 --- In-line compensation techniques --- p.51Chapter 2.3.2 --- Post-compensation techniques --- p.52Chapter Chapter 3. --- Optical Multicast and Re-modulation Based on Inverse-RZ-duobinary TransmitterChapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.53Chapter 3.2 --- IRZ-duobinary transmitter --- p.55Chapter 3.2.1 --- Generation of IRZ-duobinary format --- p.55Chapter 3.2.2 --- Comparison of different configurations of IRZ-duobinary generation --- p.56Chapter 3.3 --- IRZ-duobinary format for optical multicast in WDM-PON --- p.60Chapter 3.3.1 --- Optical multicast in WDM-PON --- p.60Chapter 3.3.2 --- Proposed system architecture --- p.61Chapter 3.3.3 --- Experimental demonstration of the proposed optical multicast system --- p.65Chapter 3.4 --- IRZ-duobinary for long-reach PON --- p.68Chapter 3.4.1 --- Long-reach PON using DI based IRZ-duobinary transmitter --- p.69Chapter 3.4.2 --- Long-reach PON using CML based IRZ-duobinary transmitter --- p.75Chapter 3.5 --- Summary --- p.81Chapter Chapter 4. --- Manchester-duobinary Transmitter for Bi-directional WDM-PONChapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.83Chapter 4.2 --- Manchester-duobinary transmitter --- p.85Chapter 4.2.1 --- Mach-Zehnder modulator based Manchester-duobinary transmitter --- p.85Chapter 4.2.2 --- Chirp managed laser based Manchester-duobinary transmitter --- p.87Chapter 4.3 --- Rayleigh noise mitigated bi-directional WDM-PON based on Manchester-duobinary transmitter --- p.94Chapter 4.3.1 --- CLS Bi-directional long-reach WDM-PON. --- p.94Chapter 4.3.2 --- Proposed system architecture --- p.97Chapter 4.3.3 --- Experimental demonstration --- p.99Chapter 4.4 --- Summary --- p.102Chapter Chapter 5. --- Electronic Equalizer for Manchester Coded SignalChapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.103Chapter 5.2 --- Electronic equalizer for CD compensation --- p.104Chapter 5.2.1 --- Channel model --- p.104Chapter 5.2.2 --- FFE-DFE --- p.106Chapter 5.2.3 --- MLSE --- p.107Chapter 5.3 --- FFE-DFE for Manchester signal --- p.109Chapter 5.3.1 --- Experimental setup for CD compensation of Manchester signal using FFE-DFE --- p.110Chapter 5.3.2 --- Results and discussion --- p.112Chapter 5.4 --- MLSE equalizer for Manchester signal --- p.121Chapter 5.4.1 --- Experimental setup for CD compensation of Manchester format using MLSE --- p.121Chapter 5.4.1 --- Results and discussion --- p.122Chapter 5.5 --- Summary --- p.124Chapter Chapter 6. --- ConclusionChapter 6.1 --- Summary of this thesis --- p.125Chapter 6.2 --- Future work --- p.127References --- p.128Chapter Appendix: --- p.149Chapter A. --- List of abbreviations --- p.149Chapter B. --- List of publications --- p.15

    Overview of high-speed TDM-PON beyond 50 Gbps per wavelength using digital signal processing [Invited Tutorial]

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    The recent evolution of passive optical network standards and related research activities for physical layer solutions that achieve bit rates well above 10 Gbps per wavelength (lambda) is discussed. We show that the advancement toward 50, 100, and 200 Gbps/lambda will certainly require a strong introduction of advanced digital signal processing (DSP) technologies for linear, and maybe nonlinear, equalization and for forward error correction. We start by reviewing in detail the current standardization activities in the International Telecommunication Union and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and then we present a comparison of the DSP approaches for traditional direct detection solutions and for future coherent detection approaches. (c) 2022 Optica Publishing Grou

    Key Signal Processing Technologies for High-speed Passive Optical Networks

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    With emerging technologies such as high-definition video, virtual reality, and cloud computing, bandwidth demand in the access networks is ever-increasing. Passive optical network (PON) has become a promising architecture thanks to its low cost and easy management. IEEE and ITU-T standard organizations have been standardizing the next-generation PON, targeting on increasing the single-channel capacity from 10 Gb/s to 25, 50, and 100 Gb/s as the solution to address the dramatic increase of bandwidth demand. However, since the access network is extremely cost-sensitive, many research problems imposed in the physical layer of PON need to be addressed in a cost-efficient way, which is the primary focus of this thesis. Utilizing the low-cost 10G optics to build up high-speed PON systems is a promising approach, where signal processing techniques are key of importance. Two categories of signal processing techniques have been extensively investigated, namely optical signal processing (OSP) and digital signal processing (DSP). Dispersion-supported equalization (DSE) as a novel OSP scheme is proposed to achieve bit-rate enhancement from 10 Gb/s to 25 Gb/s based on 10G class of optics. Thanks to the bandwidth improved by DSE, the non-return-zero on-off keying which is the simplest modulation format is able to be adopted in the PON system without complex modulation or DSP. Meanwhile, OSP is also proposed to work together with DSP enabling 50G PON while simplifying the DSP complexity. Using both DSE and simple feed-forward equalizer is able to support 50 Gb/s PAM-4 transmission with 10G optics. For C-band 50 Gb/s transmission, injection locking techniques as another OSP approach is proposed to compress the directly modulated laser chirp and increase system bandwidth in the optical domain where a doubled capacity from 25 Gb/s to 50 Gb/s over 20 km fiber can be built on top of 10G optics. For DSP, we investigated the advantages of neural network (NN) on the mitigation of the time-varying nonlinear semiconductor optical amplifier pattern effect. In order to reduce the expense caused by the high computation complexity of NN, a pre- equalizer is introduced at the central office that allows cost sharing for all connected access users. In order to push the PON system line rate to 100 Gb/s, a joint nonlinear Tomlinson- Harashima precoding-Volterra algorithm is proposed to compensate for both linear and nonlinear distortions where 100 Gb/s PAM-4 transmission over 20 km fiber with 15 GHz system bandwidth can be achieved

    Towards Higher Speed Next Generation Passive Optical Networks

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    Next generation technologies for 100 Gb/s PON systems

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    The worldwide explosion of Internet traffic demand is driving the research for innovative solutions in many aspects of the telecommunication world. In access systems, passive optical networks (PONs) are becoming the preferred solution towards which most providers are migrating thanks to the unrivalled bandwidth they can offer. PON systems with a capacity of 100 Gb/s are envisioned as the solution to the dramatic increase in bandwidth and will be essential to support the future fixed and mobile broadband services. However, many challenging aspects have to be addressed in order to overcome the limitations imposed by the physical layer while meeting the economical requirements for mass deployment. In this thesis a comprehensive approach is taken in order to address the most compelling problems and investigate a series of solutions to the current capacity limitations of PONs. Advanced modulation formats are used to achieve bit-rate enhancement from 10 Gb/s to 25 Gb/s re-using the same optoelectronic devices in order to provide a 2.5x increase in transmission speed without resorting to a newer, more expensive generation of higher speed devices. The management of chromatic dispersion is also addressed in order to extend the reach of the networks beyond the standard 20 km using either electronic or optical based compensation strategies. Transmission of 25 Gb/s traffic over fibre lengths of 40 and 50 km is demonstrated confirming the suitability of the proposed technologies for extended reach networks which could greatly reduce the number of existing nodes and hence the capital and operational costs of PONs. Optical amplification strategies are also discussed as a means to improve the physical reach of the networks, both in terms of distance and number of customers. Raman amplifiers and semiconductor optical amplifiers are investigated in order to extend the reach of a PON upstream channel. The results demonstrate a reach of up to 50 km which is more than double the typical fibre length of 20 km adopted in deployed systems today. A number of customers, up to 512, was also demonstrated in a 20 km network, increased from the typical 32 or 64 users of most commercial networks

    Spectrally efficient and low cost time and wavelength division multiplexed passive optical network systems

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    The next-generation passive optical network stage 2 (NG-PON2) intends to support stacking 10 Gb/s wavelengths and maintaining the compatibility with the deployed legacy passive optical network (PON) systems. Essentially, Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexed-PON (TWDM-PON) is the best solution for NGPON2 that aims to support a symmetric 40 Gb/s data rate transmission, a split ratio of 1:64 and a distance up to 60 km. Unfortunately, most of the existing low cost and practical TWDM-PON solutions are still incapable to support remote users and inefficient for spectral bandwidth in higher services. Typically, low cost transceivers are avoided as they suffer from significant frequency chirp that seriously impact its transmission performance at the bit rate above 10 Gb/s. Therefore, the objectives of this thesis are to improve the current TWDM-PON power budget in supporting more access services reaching the remote customers to enhance the bandwidth capacity at lower cost and to reduce the complexity implementation problem. This is achieved by overcoming the significant frequency chirp of the low cost transceivers used such as reflective semiconductor optical amplifier (RSOA) and directly modulated lasers (DMLs), which are suitable for high data rate transmission. The RSOA chirp is mitigated using a single bi-pass delay interferometer (DI) at the optical line terminal (OLT) while the DML chirp is managed by ensuring its resulting current is in phase with the bandwidth enhancement factor, , at both optical network unit (ONU) and OLT. Apart from that, DML equipped with dispersion compensation fiber (DCF) technique for power budget improvement is also proposed. Furthermore, low cost schemes for even higher data rate TWDM-PON up to 56 Gb/s is proposed utilizing highly spectral efficient 16-quadrature amplitude modulation (16-QAM). The results are obtained from physical layer simulation, OptisystemTrademark and MatlabTrademark, where relevant significant parts are verified through theoretical analysis. The simulation results demonstrate a sufficient dispersion compensation with a record of 56.6 dB power bughet for DML-based TWDM-PON transmission system. While results are not absolute due to variations that can occur in practical implementation, analysis demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed methods