4 research outputs found

    Contribution to the operation of smart rural distribution grid with energy resources for improvement of the quality of service

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    This Thesis aims for contributing in the deployment and operation of Smart Grid, in isolated rural areas. As it would be expected, technological developments and investments in the electrical field have mainly focused on urban and industrial areas where the energy demand is high, as well as, the possibility to recover easily the investment. Therefore, difficult accessing areas where population and electrical demand are low are less attractive to invest. For this reason, this Thesis, in parallel to the European project known as Smart Rural Grid, has focused on the rural grid development. In this sense, the Thesis contributes directly in the design, conception and justification of an innovate architecture for rural systems. The architecture has been deployed and tested at the end of a medium voltage line of Estabanell Energia in Vallfogona del Ripollès. In addition, the presented architecture is characterised to integrate power electronics with embedded battery systems, an innovative management system and a proper telecommunication network in order to gain robustness, flexibility and hosting capacity for distributed and renewable generation. To sum up, the Thesis has focused on the design and development of new operation modes, algorithms and equipment that allow to manage automatically and optimally the energy resources; like power electronics, energy storage systems, distributed and renewable generation, and controllable loads. These strategies are able to correct common issues in rural grids, such as voltage variations and electrical losses. In addition, they improve and ensure the power quality and supply continuity, contribute to reduce operational costs and infrastructure optimization and deferral.Aquesta tesi vol contribuir en el desplegament de les futures xarxes elèctriques intel.ligents, en entorns rurals que habitualment són oblidats. Cal mencionar que els principals avenços tecnològics i les inversions per part dels gestors de la xarxa s'han centrat en entorns urbans i industrials, ja que aquests solen demandar grans quantitats d'energia, fet que facilita la recuperació de la inversió. Per tant, en un entorn on la densitat de població i la demanda energètica és baixa i a més l'orografia és complexa resulta menys atractiu invertir-hi. Per aquest motiu, la tesi, en paral.lel al projecte Europeu Smart Rural Grid, s'ha centrat en el desenvolupament de les xarxes elèctriques en entorns rurals. El principal objectiu de la tesi i alhora del projecte Smart Rural Grid és desenvolupar tecnologies per concebre les futures xarxes en entorns rurals. Aquestes han de permetre incrementar la baixa eficiència, qualitat i resiliència de la xarxa. En aquest sentit, la tesi ha contribuït en la concepció, disseny i justificació d'una innovadora arquitectura. Aquesta arquitectura, s'ha dut a terme en el final d'una línia de mitja tensió d'Estabanell Energia a Vallfogona del Ripollès. A més, aquesta arquitectura es caracteritza per integrar electrònica de potència, sistemes elèctrics d'emmagatzemament, un innovador sistema de gestió i de telecomunicacions, poden proporcionar a la xarxa una major robustesa, flexibilitat i capacitat per integrar a la nova generació distribuïda i renovable. D'altre banda, la Tesi també s'ha centrat en la concepció i desenvolupament de nous modes d'operació, algoritmes i dispositius que permeten automatitzar i optimitzar la gestió dels recursos distribuïts; és a dir, la electrònica de potència, els sistemes d'emmagatzemament, la generació renovable i distribuïda i les càrregues controlables. Aquestes estratègies permeten solventar els problemes habituals en aquest tipus de xarxes, com per exemple les variacions de tensió i les pèrdues. A més, també milloren i asseguren la qualitat i continuïtat del subministrament, ajuden a reduir els costos d'operació i retrassar la inversió en nova infraestructur

    Smart grid architecture for rural distribution networks: application to a Spanish pilot network

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    This paper presents a novel architecture for rural distribution grids. This architecture is designed to modernize traditional rural networks into new Smart Grid ones. The architecture tackles innovation actions on both the power plane and the management plane of the system. In the power plane, the architecture focuses on exploiting the synergies between telecommunications and innovative technologies based on power electronics managing low scale electrical storage. In the management plane, a decentralized management system is proposed based on the addition of two new agents assisting the typical Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system of distribution system operators. Altogether, the proposed architecture enables operators to use more effectively—in an automated and decentralized way—weak rural distribution systems, increasing the capability to integrate new distributed energy resources. This architecture is being implemented in a real Pilot Network located in Spain, in the frame of the European Smart Rural Grid project. The paper also includes a study case showing one of the potentialities of one of the principal technologies developed in the project and underpinning the realization of the new architecture: the so-called Intelligent Distribution Power Router.Postprint (published version

    Fractional proportional-resonant current controllers for Voltage Source Converters

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    This paper proposes a novel fractional proportional-resonant controller, which applies fractional order calculus to the well-known proportional-resonant controllers. The focus of the study is the current control loop of voltage source converters. The main merit of the proposed fractional controller formulation lies into the use of fractional exponents in the integro-derivative parts obtaining a controller with an extra degree of freedom. This degree of freedom allows the phase delay to be improved for a wide frequency range in comparison with the conventional proportional-resonant controllers. Furthermore, the obtained controller results in a lower order transfer function that reduces the computational burden when multiple current frequencies have to be tracked. As fractional integro-derivative exponents are not directly implementable, five mathematical approaches are explored, selecting the Chareff’s approximation for the fractional controller operator’s implementation. A tuning procedure for such a controller is also addressed. The new controller formulation is validated in a 20 kVA laboratory set-up based on a silicon-carbide converter, and it is implemented in a DSP. Two AC output converter’s configurations are considered to demonstrate the controllers’ tracking capability; short-circuited (balanced fault) output, and grid-connected operation. This last case is evaluated operating as active filter and delivering fundamental component to a non-ideal grid.Postprint (author's final draft

    Contribution to the operation of smart rural distribution grid with energy resources for improvement of the quality of service

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    Tesi per compendi de publicacions, amb una secció retallada pels drets d'editorThis Thesis aims for contributing in the deployment and operation of Smart Grid, in isolated rural areas. As it would be expected, technological developments and investments in the electrical field have mainly focused on urban and industrial areas where the energy demand is high, as well as, the possibility to recover easily the investment. Therefore, difficult accessing areas where population and electrical demand are low are less attractive to invest. For this reason, this Thesis, in parallel to the European project known as Smart Rural Grid, has focused on the rural grid development. In this sense, the Thesis contributes directly in the design, conception and justification of an innovate architecture for rural systems. The architecture has been deployed and tested at the end of a medium voltage line of Estabanell Energia in Vallfogona del Ripollès. In addition, the presented architecture is characterised to integrate power electronics with embedded battery systems, an innovative management system and a proper telecommunication network in order to gain robustness, flexibility and hosting capacity for distributed and renewable generation. To sum up, the Thesis has focused on the design and development of new operation modes, algorithms and equipment that allow to manage automatically and optimally the energy resources; like power electronics, energy storage systems, distributed and renewable generation, and controllable loads. These strategies are able to correct common issues in rural grids, such as voltage variations and electrical losses. In addition, they improve and ensure the power quality and supply continuity, contribute to reduce operational costs and infrastructure optimization and deferral.Aquesta tesi vol contribuir en el desplegament de les futures xarxes elèctriques intel.ligents, en entorns rurals que habitualment són oblidats. Cal mencionar que els principals avenços tecnològics i les inversions per part dels gestors de la xarxa s'han centrat en entorns urbans i industrials, ja que aquests solen demandar grans quantitats d'energia, fet que facilita la recuperació de la inversió. Per tant, en un entorn on la densitat de població i la demanda energètica és baixa i a més l'orografia és complexa resulta menys atractiu invertir-hi. Per aquest motiu, la tesi, en paral.lel al projecte Europeu Smart Rural Grid, s'ha centrat en el desenvolupament de les xarxes elèctriques en entorns rurals. El principal objectiu de la tesi i alhora del projecte Smart Rural Grid és desenvolupar tecnologies per concebre les futures xarxes en entorns rurals. Aquestes han de permetre incrementar la baixa eficiència, qualitat i resiliència de la xarxa. En aquest sentit, la tesi ha contribuït en la concepció, disseny i justificació d'una innovadora arquitectura. Aquesta arquitectura, s'ha dut a terme en el final d'una línia de mitja tensió d'Estabanell Energia a Vallfogona del Ripollès. A més, aquesta arquitectura es caracteritza per integrar electrònica de potència, sistemes elèctrics d'emmagatzemament, un innovador sistema de gestió i de telecomunicacions, poden proporcionar a la xarxa una major robustesa, flexibilitat i capacitat per integrar a la nova generació distribuïda i renovable. D'altre banda, la Tesi també s'ha centrat en la concepció i desenvolupament de nous modes d'operació, algoritmes i dispositius que permeten automatitzar i optimitzar la gestió dels recursos distribuïts; és a dir, la electrònica de potència, els sistemes d'emmagatzemament, la generació renovable i distribuïda i les càrregues controlables. Aquestes estratègies permeten solventar els problemes habituals en aquest tipus de xarxes, com per exemple les variacions de tensió i les pèrdues. A més, també milloren i asseguren la qualitat i continuïtat del subministrament, ajuden a reduir els costos d'operació i retrassar la inversió en nova infraestructuraPostprint (published version