21,982 research outputs found

    Distributed control of reactive power flow in a radial distribution circuit with high photovoltaic penetration

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    We show how distributed control of reactive power can serve to regulate voltage and minimize resistive losses in a distribution circuit that includes a significant level of photovoltaic (PV) generation. To demonstrate the technique, we consider a radial distribution circuit with a single branch consisting of sequentially-arranged residential-scale loads that consume both real and reactive power. In parallel, some loads also have PV generation capability. We postulate that the inverters associated with each PV system are also capable of limited reactive power generation or consumption, and we seek to find the optimal dispatch of each inverter's reactive power to both maintain the voltage within an acceptable range and minimize the resistive losses over the entire circuit. We assume the complex impedance of the distribution circuit links and the instantaneous load and PV generation at each load are known. We compare the results of the optimal dispatch with a suboptimal local scheme that does not require any communication. On our model distribution circuit, we illustrate the feasibility of high levels of PV penetration and a significant (20% or higher) reduction in losses.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures

    Anticipating and Coordinating Voltage Control for Interconnected Power Systems

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    This paper deals with the application of an anticipating and coordinating feedback control scheme in order to mitigate the long-term voltage instability of multi-area power systems. Each local area is uniquely controlled by a control agent (CA) selecting control values based on model predictive control (MPC) and is possibly operated by an independent transmission system operator (TSO). Each MPC-based CA only knows a detailed local hybrid system model of its own area, employing reduced-order quasi steady-state (QSS) hybrid models of its neighboring areas and even simpler PV models for remote areas, to anticipate (and then optimize) the future behavior of its own area. Moreover, the neighboring CAs agree on communicating their planned future control input sequence in order to coordinate their own control actions. The feasibility of the proposed method for real-time applications is explained, and some practical implementation issues are also discussed. The performance of the method, using time-domain simulation of the Nordic32 test system, is compared with the uncoordinated decentralized MPC (no information exchange among CAs), demonstrating the improved behavior achieved by combining anticipation and coordination. The robustness of the control scheme against modeling uncertainties is also illustrated

    The role of intelligent systems in delivering the smart grid

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    The development of "smart" or "intelligent" energy networks has been proposed by both EPRI's IntelliGrid initiative and the European SmartGrids Technology Platform as a key step in meeting our future energy needs. A central challenge in delivering the energy networks of the future is the judicious selection and development of an appropriate set of technologies and techniques which will form "a toolbox of proven technical solutions". This paper considers functionality required to deliver key parts of the Smart Grid vision of future energy networks. The role of intelligent systems in providing these networks with the requisite decision-making functionality is discussed. In addition to that functionality, the paper considers the role of intelligent systems, in particular multi-agent systems, in providing flexible and extensible architectures for deploying intelligence within the Smart Grid. Beyond exploiting intelligent systems as architectural elements of the Smart Grid, with the purpose of meeting a set of engineering requirements, the role of intelligent systems as a tool for understanding what those requirements are in the first instance, is also briefly discussed

    Optimizing the roles of unit and non-unit protection methods within DC microgrids

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    The characteristic behavior of physically compact, multiterminal dc networks under electrical fault conditions can produce demanding protection requirements. This represents a significant barrier to more widespread adoption of dc power distribution for microgrid applications. Protection schemes have been proposed within literature for such networks based around the use of non-unit protection methods. This paper shows however that there are severe limitations to the effectiveness of such schemes when employed for more complex microgrid network architectures. Even current differential schemes, which offer a more effective, though costly, protection solution, must be carefully designed to meet the design requirements resulting from the unique fault characteristics of dc microgrids. This paper presents a detailed analysis of dc microgrid behavior under fault conditions, illustrating the challenging protection requirements and demonstrating the shortcomings of non-unit approaches for these applications. Whilst the performance requirements for the effective operation of differential schemes in dc microgrids are shown to be stringent, the authors show how these may be met using COTS technologies. The culmination of this work is the proposal of a flexible protection scheme design framework for dc microgrid applications which enables the required levels of fault discrimination to be achieved whilst minimizing the associated installation costs

    A Review and Synthesis of the Outcomes from Low Carbon Networks Fund Projects

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    The Low Carbon Networks Fund (LCNF) was established by Ofgem in 2009 with an objective to “help Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) understand how they provide security of supply at value for money and facilitate transition to the low carbon economy”. The £500m fund operated in a tiered format, funding small scale projects as Tier 1 and running a Tier 2 annual competitive process to fund a smaller number of large projects. By 31st March 2015, forty Tier 1 projects and twenty-three Tier 2 projects had been approved with project budgets totalling £29.5m and £220.3m respectively. The LCNF governance arrangements state that projects should focus on the trialling of: new equipment (more specifically, that unproven in GB), novel arrangements or applications of existing equipment, novel operational practices, or novel commercial arrangements. The requirement that learning gained from projects could be disseminated was a key feature of the LCNF. The motivation for the review reported here was a recognition that significant learning and data had been generated from a large volume of project activity but, with so many individual reports published, that it was difficult for outside observers to identify clear messages with respect to the innovations investigated under the programme. This review is therefore intended to identify, categorise and synthesise the learning outcomes published by LCNF projects up to December 2015

    A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Voltage Regulation Using Coordinated PV Inverters

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    Options for Control of Reactive Power by Distributed Photovoltaic Generators

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    High penetration levels of distributed photovoltaic(PV) generation on an electrical distribution circuit present several challenges and opportunities for distribution utilities. Rapidly varying irradiance conditions may cause voltage sags and swells that cannot be compensated by slowly responding utility equipment resulting in a degradation of power quality. Although not permitted under current standards for interconnection of distributed generation, fast-reacting, VAR-capable PV inverters may provide the necessary reactive power injection or consumption to maintain voltage regulation under difficult transient conditions. As side benefit, the control of reactive power injection at each PV inverter provides an opportunity and a new tool for distribution utilities to optimize the performance of distribution circuits, e.g. by minimizing thermal losses. We discuss and compare via simulation various design options for control systems to manage the reactive power generated by these inverters. An important design decision that weighs on the speed and quality of communication required is whether the control should be centralized or distributed (i.e. local). In general, we find that local control schemes are capable for maintaining voltage within acceptable bounds. We consider the benefits of choosing different local variables on which to control and how the control system can be continuously tuned between robust voltage control, suitable for daytime operation when circuit conditions can change rapidly, and loss minimization better suited for nighttime operation.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure