26 research outputs found

    Pricing Dengan Mempertimbangkan Risiko Online Channel Dalam Dual Channel-Supply Chain

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    Era globalisasi mendorong berkembangnya sistem dual-channel supplychain (DCSC). Sistem ini memungkinkan manufaktur untuk mendistribusikan produk melalui retailer maupun fasilitas online secara simultan. Sistem DCSC memberikan manfaat peningkatan volume penjualan dan market reach secara bersamaan kepada entitas bisnis yang menerapkannya. Namun, disamping manfaat, DCSC juga memiliki konsekuensi operasional berupa risiko, terutama risiko yang timbul dari online channel. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengefektifkan DCSC adalah dengan penerapan pricing yang komprehensif. Pricing digunakan untuk menentukan harga jual optimal untuk tiap entitas/channel dan memaksimalkan keuntungan dari sudut pandang channel secara individu maupun dari sudut pandang DCSC sebagai suatu sistem. Keputusan pricing merupakan keputusan yang melibatkan banyak pertimbangan. Ada beberapa penelitian yang mencoba mengakomodasi beberapa hal penting dalam model yang diusulkan. Namun, hanya sedikit penelitian yang menaruh perhatian pada masalah risiko. Adanya keterlibatkan beragam risiko dan konsekuensi yang cukup kompleks, khususnya pada online channel, membuat permasalahan risiko ini menarik untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini memodelkan kebijakan pricing yang mempertimbangkan risiko. Risiko-risiko seperti sales return, perpindahan demand akibat lead time pada online sales, penerapan cash on delivery (COD) dan customer acceptance kepada channel online adalah problem yang menarik untuk diamati lebih mendalam. Hasil percobaan numerik dari model yang dikembangkan menunjukkan bahwa harga jual produk pada online channel menjadi lebih tinggi pada model yang mempertimbangkan risiko. Namun demikian, harga jual online channel yang lebih tinggi ini akan lebih menguntungkan pada konkondisi dimana tingkat penerimaan konsumen pada online channel sangat rendah. ========== The globalization era encourages the adoption of dual-channel supplychain (DCSC). This system enables manufacturing for distributing products through retailers and facilities online simultaneously. DCSC system offers benefits in term of increasing both sales volume and market reach to business entities. However, DCSC also brings a number challenges such as operational risk, especially in online channel. One way that can be done to make DCSC effective is the implementation of comprehensive pricing. Pricing is used to determine the optimum selling price for each entity/channels and to maximize profits from the channel perspective as an individual and from the DCSC point of view as a system. Pricing decision is a step that involves many considerations. There are some researches which tryied to accommodate some important issues by proposing related models. However, only few of them drew attention to the risk. The various risks and consequences that quite complex, especially in online channel. Risk problems in DCSC are very interesting to be observed. The risks such as sales return, lead time in online sales, application of cash on delivery (COD) and customer acceptance to channel online are problems which are interesting to observe deeply. Thus, in this research proposes a model accommodating the calculation of risk in online channel to determine a more comprehensive selling prices in DCSC system. The results showed, the model with considering the risks of online channel makes the selling price of the product on the online channel above the price of the online channel on the model without considering the risks. In addition, it is known that the model with the risks consideration more favorable if the level of consumer acceptance to online channel is very low

    Dual-Channel Supply Chain Network Equilibrium Model with Consumer-Driven

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    In this paper, we study designing and managing effective dual-channel supply chain network equilibrium model to optimize the profit of each node in dual-channel supply chain network and satisfy seamlessly customer demand. The customer demand in each channel is driven by the heterogeneous consumer characteristic attributes. In our proposed model, Multinomial Logit (MNL) function is used to make a purchase decision for customers considering selling price, operation time and retail services. Furthermore, the Variational Inequality is used to express the equilibrium solution in dual-channel supply chain network. A numerical example in dual-channel supply chain network is presented to show the MNL function can be a good replacement for the demand function when customers are heterogeneous and the proposed model can be helpful to avoid time trap

    Service selection strategic analysis for selfoperated e-commerce platforms under settlement

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    In order to study whether e-commerce platforms carry out service cooperation after settlement in-depth, this paper focuses on service selection strategic analysis for agent channels on some self-operated e-commerce platforms settled in hybrid e-commerce platforms. We present multi-leader-follower models in two different scenarios with the platforms as leaders and the manufacturers as followers and give some numerical experiments to analyze the impacts of service selection strategies for self-operated platforms on all supply chain members. Our finding shows that if the service cost efficiency is moderate or low, the self-operated platform prefers to provide its service for the agent; otherwise, its selection mainly depends on the unit product service fee. In addition, fierce service competition and high unit service fee are unfavorable to all members, while high service cost efficiency may hurt both the platform and the manufacturer

    Análisis de los Procesos Colaborativos en Redes de Empresas No-Jerárquicas

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    [ESP] En el actual mercado global, la competitividad y el crecimiento de la industria depende en gran medida del movimiento hacia sistemas industriales altamente innovadores y redes de empresas ágiles a través de la creación y consolidación de Redes de Fabricación No Jerárquicas de PYMEs (NHN, Non-Hierarchical Networks) multinacionales frente a las redes basadas en grandes empresas. Las tradicionales Redes de Fabricación Jerárquicas (HN, Hierarchical Networks) se basan en modelos centralizados, donde la mayoría de las empresas involucradas deben adaptarse a las restricciones definidas por una minoría de empresas dominantes. En los actuales mercados altamente dinámicos, el modelo de HN genera ineficiencias importantes en el funcionamiento de la red de suministro (RdS). Con el fin de hacer frente a las soluciones globales que demandan los clientes, de una manera eficiente, la colaboración entre las empresas de una red es un mecanismo de vital importancia. Las redes de empresas colaborativas requieren un intenso intercambio de información un fuerte apoyo de tecnologías de la información (TI) y una gran motivación del personal directivo con el fin de lograr soluciones de integración que proporcionan la visibilidad y el intercambio de transacciones necesarias para hacer ágil la red de las empresas. El rendimiento de las HN puede ser mejorado significativamente a través de un modelo de toma de decisiones descentralizado basado en la colaboración

    Online channel operation mode: game theoretical analysis from the supply chain power structures

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    Purpose: Dual-channels have been widely used in practice, and the pricing decisions and the online channel operation mode choice have been the core problems in dual-channel supply chain management. This paper focuses on the online channel operation mode choice from the supply chain power structures based on game theoretical analysis. Design/methodology/approach: This paper utilizes three kinds of game theoretical models to analyze the impact of supply chain power structures on the optimal pricing and online channel operation mode choice. Findings: Results derived in this paper indicate that when the self-price elasticity is large, the power structures have no direct impact on the decisions. However, when the self-price elasticity is small and customers’ preference for the online channel is low, then in the MS market, it is better for the retailer to operate the online channel, while in the RS market or in the VN market, it is better for the manufacturer to operate the online channel. Research limitations/implications: In this paper, we do not consider stochastic demand and asymmetric information, which may not well suit the reality. Originality/value: This paper provides a different perspective to analyze the impact of supply chain power structures on the pricing decisions and online channel operation mode choice. The comparison of these two online channel operation modes in this paper is also a unique point.Peer Reviewe

    Pricing Decision under Dual-Channel Structure considering Fairness and Free-Riding Behavior

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    Under dual-channel structure, the free-riding behavior based on different service levels between online channel and offline channel cannot be avoided, which would lead to channel unfairness. This study implies that the dual-channel supply chain is built up by online channel controlled by manufacturer and traditional channel controlled by retailer, respectively. Under this channel structure, we rebuild the linear demand function considering free-riding behavior and modify the pricing model based on channel fairness. Then the influences of fair factor and free-riding behavior on manufacturer and retailer pricing and performance are discussed. Finally, we propose some numerical analysis to provide some valuable recommendations for manufacturer and retailer improving channel management performance

    Joint Pricing and Purchasing Decisions for the Dual-Channel Newsvendor Model with Partial Information

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    We investigate a joint pricing and purchasing problem for the dual-channel newsvendor model with the assumption that only the mean and variance of the demand are known. The newsvendor in our model simultaneously distributes a single product through traditional retail and Internet. A robust optimization approach that maximizes the worst-case profit is adapted under the aforementioned conditions to model demand uncertainty and linear clearing functions that characterize the relationship between demand and prices. We obtain a close-form expression for the robust optimal policy. Illustrative simulations and numerical experiments show the effects of several parameters on the optimal policy and on newsvendor performance. Finally, we determine that the gap between newsvendor performance under demand certainty and uncertainty is minimal, which shows that the robust approach can significantly improve performance

    Information Sharing in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain with Asymmetric Demand Forecasts

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    This paper studies the problem of sharing demand forecast information in a closed-loop supply chain with the manufacturer collecting and remanufacturing. We investigate two scenarios: the “make-to-order” scenario, in which the manufacturer schedules production based on the realized demand, and the “make-to-stock” scenario, in which the manufacturer schedules production before the demand is known. For each scenario, we find that it is possible for the retailer to share his forecast without incentives when the collection efficiency of the manufacturer is high. When the efficiency is moderate, information sharing can be realized by a bargaining mechanism, and when the efficiency is low, non-information sharing is a unique equilibrium. Moreover, the possibility of information sharing in the make-to-stock scenario is higher than that in the make-to-order scenario. In addition, we analyze the impact of demand forecasts’ characteristics on the value of information sharing in both scenarios