46 research outputs found

    Delineation of Tree Crowns and Tree Species Classification From Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning Data Using 3-D Ellipsoidal Clustering

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    Individual tree properties from ALS data as input to habitat analysis in boreal forest

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    This study shows examples of detailed analysis of forest canopy from ALS data with potential use as input to habitat analysis in forests. This includes delineation of individual tree crowns and analysis of the distribution of tree heights and the tree species composition

    Towards low vegetation identification: A new method for tree crown segmentation from LiDAR data based on a symmetrical structure detection algorithm (SSD)

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    Obtaining low vegetation data is important in order to quantify the structural characteristics of a forest. Dense three-dimensional (3D) laser scanning data can provide information on the vertical profile of a forest. However, most studies have focused on the dominant and subdominant layers of the forest, while few studies have tried to delineate the low vegetation. To address this issue, we propose a framework for individual tree crown (ITC) segmentation from laser data that focuses on both overstory and understory trees. The framework includes 1) a new algorithm (SSD) for 3D ITC segmentation of dominant trees, by detecting the symmetrical structure of the trees, and 2) removing points of dominant trees and mean shift clustering of the low vegetation. The framework was tested on a boreal forest in Sweden and the performance was compared 1) between plots with different stem density levels, vertical complexities, and tree species composition, and 2) using airborne laser scanning (ALS) data, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data, and merged ALS and TLS data (ALS + TLS data). The proposed framework achieved detection rates of 0.87 (ALS + TLS), 0.86 (TLS), and 0.76 (ALS) when validated with field inventory data (of trees with a diameter at breast height >= 4 cm). When validating the estimated number of understory trees by visual interpretation, the framework achieved 19%, 21%, and 39% root-mean-square error values with ALS + TLS, TLS, and ALS data, respectively. These results show that the SSD algorithm can successfully separate laser points of overstory and understory trees, ensuring the detection and segmentation of low vegetation in forest. The proposed framework can be used with both ALS and TLS data, and achieve ITC segmentation for forests with various structural attributes. The results also illustrate the potential of using ALS data to delineate low vegetation

    Single-tree detection in high-density LiDAR data from UAV-based survey

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    UAV-based LiDAR survey provides very-high-density point clouds, which involve very rich information about forest detailed structure, allowing for detection of individual trees, as well as demanding high computational load. Single-tree detection is of great interest for forest management and ecology purposes, and the task is relatively well solved for forests made of single or largely dominant species, and trees having a very evident pointed shape in the upper part of the canopy (in particular conifers). Most authors proposed methods based totally or partially on search of local maxima in the canopy, which has poor performance for species that have flat or irregular upper canopy, and for mixed forests, especially where taller trees hide smaller ones. Such considerations apply in particular to Mediterranean hardwood forests. In such context, it is imperative to use the whole volume of the point cloud, however keeping computational load tractable. The authors propose the use of a methodology based on modelling the 3D-shape of the tree, which improves performance w.r.t to maxima-based models. A case study, performed on a hazel grove, is provided to document performance improvement on a relatively simple, but significant, case

    Tree crown segmentation based on a tree crown density model derived from Airborne Laser Scanning

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    This letter describes a new algorithm for automatic tree crown delineation based on a model of tree crown density, and its validation. The tree crown density model was first used to create a correlation surface, which was then input to a standard watershed segmentation algorithm for delineation of tree crowns. The use of a model in an early step of the algorithm neatly solves the problem of scale selection. In earlier studies, correlation surfaces have been used for tree crown segmentation, involving modelling tree crowns as solid geometric shapes. The new algorithm applies a density model of tree crowns, which improves the model's suitability for segmentation of Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data because laser returns are located inside tree crowns. The algorithm was validated using data acquired for 36 circular (40 m radius) field plots in southern Sweden. The algorithm detected high proportions of field-measured trees (40-97% of live trees in the 36 field plots: 85% on average). The average proportion of detected basal area (cross-sectional area of tree stems, 1.3 m above ground) was 93% (range: 84-99%). The algorithm was used with discrete return ALS point data, but the computation principle also allows delineation of tree crowns in ALS waveform data

    International Benchmarking of the Individual Tree Detection Methods for Modeling 3-D Canopy Structure for Silviculture and Forest Ecology Using Airborne Laser Scanning

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    Canopy structure plays an essential role in biophysical activities in forest environments. However, quantitative descriptions of a 3-D canopy structure are extremely difficult because of the complexity and heterogeneity of forest systems. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) provides an opportunity to automatically measure a 3-D canopy structure in large areas. Compared with other point cloud technologies such as the image-based Structure from Motion, the power of ALS lies in its ability to penetrate canopies and depict subordinate trees. However, such capabilities have been poorly explored so far. In this paper, the potential of ALS-based approaches in depicting a 3-D canopy structure is explored in detail through an international benchmarking of five recently developed ALS-based individual tree detection (ITD) methods. For the first time, the results of the ITD methods are evaluated for each of four crown classes, i.e., dominant, codominant, intermediate, and suppressed trees, which provides insight toward understanding the current status of depicting a 3-D canopy structure using ITD methods, particularly with respect to their performances, potential, and challenges. This benchmarking study revealed that the canopy structure plays a considerable role in the detection accuracy of ITD methods, and its influence is even greater than that of the tree species as well as the species composition in a stand. The study also reveals the importance of utilizing the point cloud data for the detection of intermediate and suppressed trees. Different from what has been reported in previous studies, point density was found to be a highly influential factor in the performance of the methods that use point cloud data. Greater efforts should be invested in the point-based or hybrid ITD approaches to model the 3-D canopy structure and to further explore the potential of high-density and multiwavelengths ALS data

    Tree crown segmentation in three dimensions using density models derived from airborne laser scanning

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    This article describes algorithms to extract tree crowns using two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) segmentation. As a first step, a 2D-search detected the tallest trees but was unable to detect trees located below other trees. However, a 3D-search for local maxima of model fits could be used in a second step to detect trees also in lower canopy layers. We compared tree detection results from ALS carried out at 1450 m above ground level (high altitude) and tree detection results from ALS carried out at 150 m above ground level (low altitude). For validation, we used manual measurements of trees in ten large field plots, each with an 80 m diameter, in a hemiboreal forest in Sweden (lat. 58 degrees 28' N, long. 13 degrees 38' E). In order to measure the effect of using algorithms with different computational costs, we validated the tree detection from the 2D segmentation step and compared the results with the 2D segmentation followed by 3D segmentation of the ALS point cloud. When applying 2D segmentation only, the algorithm detected 87% of the trees measured in the field using high-altitude ALS data; the detection rate increased to 91% using low-altitude ALS data. However, when applying 3D segmentation as well, the algorithm detected 92% of the trees measured in the field using high-altitude ALS data; the detection rate increased to 99% using low-altitude ALS data. For all combinations of algorithms and data resolutions, undetected trees accounted for, on average, 0-5% of the total stem volume in the field plots. The 3D tree crown segmentation, which was using crown density models, made it possible to detect a large percentage of trees in multi-layered forests, compared with using only a 2D segmentation method

    Tree Species Classification : Analyzing Multitemporal Satellite Imagery and Multispectral Airborne Laser Scanning Data

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    Tree species composition of forests affects the whole ecosystem and is part of the information needed for an efficient planning of forest management. This thesis explores how recent developments in remote sensing can provide more accurate tree species mapping. I try to answer the question of how the properties of these data can be used to derive more information on tree species. Out of the four papers in this thesis, two papers examine how multitemporal satellite imagery from the Sentinel-2 mission can be of use, and the other two papers investigate what properties of multispectral airborne laser scanning (MSALS) data that contain the most information on tree species. We applied a Bayesian method to multitemporal satellite imagery for tree species classification of pixels in the hemiboreal forest of Remningstorp in southwestern Sweden. The Bayesian method was applied to 142 Sentinel-2 images, and to a subset of images ranked and selected by the separability of tree species classes. The method was also compared to a Random Forest classifier for 45 Sentinel-2 images of boreal forest in mid-Sweden. The Bayesian method performed better for homogeneous tree species classes, while Random Forest performed better for heterogeneous classes. Data from two MSALS systems were used for classifying the tree species of individual trees. Optech Titan-X data were used to classify free-standing trees of nine species in Remningstorp. By using Riegl VQ-1560i-DW data, we performed a tree species classification in a more operational setting for three tree species in closed-canopy hemiboreal forest in Asa in southern Sweden. Multispectral intensity features provided a great improvement in classification accuracy in both cases, compared to using only structural features or combining them with monospectral intensity features. For Optech Titan-X, the green wavelength performed poorly, but for Riegl VQ-1560i-DW, the green wavelength provided the most information for separability, especially for birch (Betula spp.). There are two main conclusions in this thesis. The first is that Bayesian methods that updates probabilities as new observations are made provides an opportunity to automate the addition of satellite images for an updated classification. The second is that MSALS data provides more information on tree species than monospectral data and tree crown structure do, with the most information coming from the upper parts of the canopy. Nonetheless, what wavelengths of light that contribute most to tree species classification accuracy is highly dependent on what MSALS system that is used