11 research outputs found

    JetMax: Scalable Max-Min Congestion Control for High-Speed Heterogeneous Networks

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    TCP performance enhancement in wireless networks via adaptive congestion control and active queue management

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    The transmission control protocol (TCP) exhibits poor performance when used in error-prone wireless networks. Remedy to this problem has been an active research area. However, a widely accepted and adopted solution is yet to emerge. Difficulties of an acceptable solution lie in the areas of compatibility, scalability, computational complexity and the involvement of intermediate routers and switches. This dissertation rexriews the current start-of-the-art solutions to TCP performance enhancement, and pursues an end-to-end solution framework to the problem. The most noticeable cause of the performance degradation of TCP in wireless networks is the higher packet loss rate as compared to that in traditional wired networks. Packet loss type differentiation has been the focus of many proposed TCP performance enhancement schemes. Studies conduced by this dissertation research suggest that besides the standard TCP\u27s inability of discriminating congestion packet losses from losses related to wireless link errors, the standard TCP\u27s additive increase and multiplicative decrease (AIMD) congestion control algorithm itself needs to be redesigned to achieve better performance in wireless, and particularly, high-speed wireless networks. This dissertation proposes a simple, efficient, and effective end-to-end solution framework that enhances TCP\u27s performance through techniques of adaptive congestion control and active queue management. By end-to-end, it means a solution with no requirement of routers being wireless-aware or wireless-specific . TCP-Jersey has been introduced as an implementation of the proposed solution framework, and its performance metrics have been evaluated through extensive simulations. TCP-Jersey consists of an adaptive congestion control algorithm at the source by means of the source\u27s achievable rate estimation (ARE) —an adaptive filter of packet inter-arrival times, a congestion indication algorithm at the links (i.e., AQM) by means of packet marking, and a effective loss differentiation algorithm at the source by careful examination of the congestion marks carried by the duplicate acknowledgment packets (DUPACK). Several improvements to the proposed TCP-Jersey have been investigated, including a more robust ARE algorithm, a less computationally intensive threshold marking algorithm as the AQM link algorithm, a more stable congestion indication function based on virtual capacity at the link, and performance results have been presented and analyzed via extensive simulations of various network configurations. Stability analysis of the proposed ARE-based additive increase and adaptive decrease (AJAD) congestion control algorithm has been conducted and the analytical results have been verified by simulations. Performance of TCP-Jersey has been compared to that of a perfect , but not practical, TCP scheme, and encouraging results have been observed. Finally the framework of the TCP-Jersey\u27s source algorithm has been extended and generalized for rate-based congestion control, as opposed to TCP\u27s window-based congestion control, to provide a design platform for applications, such as real-time multimedia, that do not use TCP as transport protocol yet do need to control network congestion as well as combat packet losses in wireless networks. In conclusion, the framework architecture presented in this dissertation that combines the adaptive congestion control and active queue management in solving the TCP performance degradation problem in wireless networks has been shown as a promising answer to the problem due to its simplistic design philosophy complete compatibility with the current TCP/IP and AQM practice, end-to-end architecture for scalability, and the high effectiveness and low computational overhead. The proposed implementation of the solution framework, namely TCP-Jersey is a modification of the standard TCP protocol rather than a completely new design of the transport protocol. It is an end-to-end approach to address the performance degradation problem since it does not require split mode connection establishment and maintenance using special wireless-aware software agents at the routers. The proposed solution also differs from other solutions that rely on the link layer error notifications for packet loss differentiation. The proposed solution is also unique among other proposed end-to-end solutions in that it differentiates packet losses attributed to wireless link errors from congestion induced packet losses directly from the explicit congestion indication marks in the DUPACK packets, rather than inferring the loss type based on packet delay or delay jitter as in many other proposed solutions; nor by undergoing a computationally expensive off-line training of a classification model (e.g., HMM), or a Bayesian estimation/detection process that requires estimations of a priori loss probability distributions of different loss types. The proposed solution is also scalable and fully compatible to the current practice in Internet congestion control and queue management, but with an additional function of loss type differentiation that effectively enhances TCP\u27s performance over error-prone wireless networks. Limitations of the proposed solution architecture and areas for future researches are also addressed

    Evaluation of explicit congestion control for high-speed networks

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    Recently, there has been a significant surge of interest towards the design and development of a new global-scale communication network that can overcome the limitations of the current Internet. Among the numerous directions of improvement in networking technology, recent pursuit to do better flow control of network traffic has led to the emergence of several explicit-feedback congestion control methods. As a first step towards understanding these methods, we analyze the stability and transient performance of Rate Control Protocol (RCP).We find that RCP can become unstable in certain topologies and may exhibit very high buffering requirements at routers. To address these limitations, we propose a new controller called Proportional Integral Queue Independent RCP (PIQI-RCP), prove its stability under heterogeneous delay, and use simulations to show that the new method has significantly lower transient queue lengths, better transient dynamics, and tractable stability properties. As a second step in understanding explicit congestion control, we experimentally evaluate proposed methods such as XCP, JetMax, RCP, and PIQI-RCP using their Linux implementation developed by us. Our experiments show that these protocols are scalable with the increase in link capacity and round-trip propagation delay. In steady-state, they have low queuing delay and almost zero packet-loss rate. We confirm that XCP cannot achieve max-min fairness in certain topologies. We find that JetMax significantly drops link utilization in the presence of short flows with long flow and RCP requires large buffer size at bottleneck routers to prevent transient packet losses and is slower in convergence to steady-state as compared to other methods. We observe that PIQI-RCP performs better than RCP in most of the experiments

    Rule-based expert server system design for multimedia streaming transmission

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    Rate-distortion analysis and traffic modeling of scalable video coders

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    In this work, we focus on two important goals of the transmission of scalable video over the Internet. The first goal is to provide high quality video to end users and the second one is to properly design networks and predict network performance for video transmission based on the characteristics of existing video traffic. Rate-distortion (R-D) based schemes are often applied to improve and stabilize video quality; however, the lack of R-D modeling of scalable coders limits their applications in scalable streaming. Thus, in the first part of this work, we analyze R-D curves of scalable video coders and propose a novel operational R-D model. We evaluate and demonstrate the accuracy of our R-D function in various scalable coders, such as Fine Granular Scalable (FGS) and Progressive FGS coders. Furthermore, due to the time-constraint nature of Internet streaming, we propose another operational R-D model, which is accurate yet with low computational cost, and apply it to streaming applications for quality control purposes. The Internet is a changing environment; however, most quality control approaches only consider constant bit rate (CBR) channels and no specific studies have been conducted for quality control in variable bit rate (VBR) channels. To fill this void, we examine an asymptotically stable congestion control mechanism and combine it with our R-D model to present smooth visual quality to end users under various network conditions. Our second focus in this work concerns the modeling and analysis of video traffic, which is crucial to protocol design and efficient network utilization for video transmission. Although scalable video traffic is expected to be an important source for the Internet, we find that little work has been done on analyzing or modeling it. In this regard, we develop a frame-level hybrid framework for modeling multi-layer VBR video traffic. In the proposed framework, the base layer is modeled using a combination of wavelet and time-domain methods and the enhancement layer is linearly predicted from the base layer using the cross-layer correlation

    Stable and scalable congestion control for high-speed heterogeneous networks

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    For any congestion control mechanisms, the most fundamental design objectives are stability and scalability. However, achieving both properties are very challenging in such a heterogeneous environment as the Internet. From the end-users' perspective, heterogeneity is due to the fact that different flows have different routing paths and therefore different communication delays, which can significantly affect stability of the entire system. In this work, we successfully address this problem by first proving a sufficient and necessary condition for a system to be stable under arbitrary delay. Utilizing this result, we design a series of practical congestion control protocols (MKC and JetMax) that achieve stability regardless of delay as well as many additional appealing properties. From the routers' perspective, the system is heterogeneous because the incoming traffic is a mixture of short- and long-lived, TCP and non-TCP flows. This imposes a severe challenge on traditional buffer sizing mechanisms, which are derived using the simplistic model of a single or multiple synchronized long-lived TCP flows. To overcome this problem, we take a control-theoretic approach and design a new intelligent buffer sizing scheme called Adaptive Buffer Sizing (ABS), which based on the current incoming traffic, dynamically sets the optimal buffer size under the target performance constraints. Our extensive simulation results demonstrate that ABS exhibits quick responses to changes of traffic load, scalability to a large number of incoming flows, and robustness to generic Internet traffic

    Performance analysis and network path characterization for scalable internet streaming

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    Delivering high-quality of video to end users over the best-effort Internet is a challenging task since quality of streaming video is highly subject to network conditions. A fundamental issue in this area is how real-time applications cope with network dynamics and adapt their operational behavior to offer a favorable streaming environment to end users. As an effort towards providing such streaming environment, the first half of this work focuses on analyzing the performance of video streaming in best-effort networks and developing a new streaming framework that effectively utilizes unequal importance of video packets in rate control and achieves a near-optimal performance for a given network packet loss rate. In addition, we study error concealment methods such as FEC (Forward-Error Correction) that is often used to protect multimedia data over lossy network channels. We investigate the impact of FEC on the quality of video and develop models that can provide insights into understanding how inclusion of FEC affects streaming performance and its optimality and resilience characteristics under dynamically changing network conditions. In the second part of this thesis, we focus on measuring bandwidth of network paths, which plays an important role in characterizing Internet paths and can benefit many applications including multimedia streaming. We conduct a stochastic analysis of an end-to-end path and develop novel bandwidth sampling techniques that can produce asymptotically accurate capacity and available bandwidth of the path under non-trivial cross-traffic conditions. In addition, we conduct comparative performance study of existing bandwidth estimation tools in non-simulated networks where various timing irregularities affect delay measurements. We find that when high-precision packet timing is not available due to hardware interrupt moderation, the majority of existing algorithms are not robust to measure end-to-end paths with high accuracy. We overcome this problem by using signal de-noising techniques in bandwidth measurement. We also develop a new measurement tool called PRC-MT based on theoretical models that simultaneously measures the capacity and available bandwidth of the tight link with asymptotic accuracy