818 research outputs found

    Delay-independent decentralised output feedback control for large-scale systems with nonlinear interconnections

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    In this paper, a stabilisation problem for a class of large-scale systems with nonlinear interconnections is considered. All the uncertainties are nonlinear and are subject to the effects of time delay. A decentralised static output feedback variable structure control is synthesised and the stability of the corresponding closed-loop system is analysed based on the Lyapunov Razumikhin approach. A set of conditions is developed to guarantee that the large-scale interconnected system is stabilised uniformly asymptotically. Further study shows that the conservatism can be reduced by employing additive controllers if the known interconnections are separated into matched and mismatched parts. It is not required that the subsystems are square. The designed controller is independent of time delay and thus it does not require memory. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Decentralised control for complex systems - An invited survey

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    © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. With the advancement of science and technology, practical systems are becoming more complex. Decentralised control has been recognised as a practical, feasible and powerful tool for application to large scale interconnected systems. In this paper, past and recent results relating to decentralised control of complex large scale interconnected systems are reviewed. Decentralised control based on modern control approaches such as variable structure techniques, adaptive control and backstepping approaches are discussed. It is well known that system structure can be employed to reduce conservatism in the control design and decentralised control for interconnected systems with similar and symmetric structure is explored. Decentralised control of singular large scale systems is also reviewed in this paper

    Robust decentralised load frequency control for interconnected time delay power systems using sliding mode techniques

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    Based on a sliding mode control, a multi-area decentralised load frequency control power system with time-varying delays and non-linear perturbations is designed in this study. Due to the destabilising effect of delay on the global system, it is necessary to design a control system to accommodate vast time delays so as to manage the deviation in frequency and interchange power. By taking advantage of the system structure and disturbance bounds, robustness is improved. A sliding surface is designed, and the stability of the corresponding sliding motion is analysed based on Lyapunov–Razumikhin function. A delay dependent decentralised sliding mode control is synthesised to drive the system to the sliding surface and maintain a sliding motion afterwards. The obtained results are applied to a two-area interconnected power system to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Decentralised reliable guaranteed cost control of uncertain systems: an LMI design

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    © 2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The problem of designing a decentralised control scheme for a class of linear large scale interconnected systems with norm-bounded time-varying parameter uncertainties under a class of control failures is addressed. These failures are described by a model that considers possible outages or partial failures in every single actuator of each decentralised controller. The control design is performed through two steps. First, a decentralised reliable guaranteed cost control set is derived and, second, a feasible linear matrix inequalities procedure is presented for the effective construction of the control set. A numerical example illustrates the efficiency of the proposed control schemePeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Decentralized fault-tolerant control of inland navigation networks: a challenge

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    Inland waterways are large-scale networks used principally for navigation. Even if the transport planning is an important issue, the water resource management is a crucial point. Indeed, navigation is not possible when there is too little or too much water inside the waterways. Hence, the water resource management of waterways has to be particularly efficient in a context of climate change and increase of water demand. This management has to be done by considering different time and space scales and still requires the development of new methodologies and tools in the topics of the Control and Informatics communities. This work addresses the problem of waterways management in terms of modeling, control, diagnosis and fault-tolerant control by focusing in the inland waterways of the north of France. A review of proposed tools and the ongoing research topics are provided in this paper.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Survey of Decentralized Adaptive Control

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    Decentralized sliding mode control for a class of nonlinear interconnected systems by static state feedback

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    In this paper, a class of interconnected systems is considered, where the nominal isolated systems are fully nonlinear. A robust decentralized sliding mode control based on static state feedback is developed. By local coordinate transformation and feedback linearization, the interconnected system is transformed to a new regular form. A composite sliding surface which is a function of the system state variables is proposed and the stability of the corresponding sliding mode dynamics is analyzed. A new reachability condition is proposed and a robust decentralized sliding mode control is then designed to drive the system states to the sliding surface in finite time and maintain a sliding motion thereafter. Both uncertainties and interconnections are allowed to be unmatched and are assumed to be bounded by nonlinear functions. The bounds on the uncertainties and interconnections have more general forms when compared with existing work. A MATLAB simulation example is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Decentralised Stabilisation of Nonlinear Time Delay Interconnected Systems

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    A decentralised state feedback control scheme is proposed to stabilise a class of nonlinear interconnected systems asymptotically based on the characteristics of the system structure. Under the condition that all the nominal isolated subsystems have uniform relative degree, the considered class of interconnected systems is transferred to a new interconnected system formed of single input systems, which facilitates the decentralised control design. A new term, weak mismatched uncertainty, is introduced for the first time to recognise a class of mismatched uncertainties in the isolated subsystems. The study shows that the effects of both matched and weak mismatched uncertainties in the isolated subsystems can be rejected completely by appropriate choice of control, and the effects of matched interconnections can be largely reduced if the control gain is sufficiently high

    Decentralised sliding mode control for nonlinear interconnected systems with uncertainties

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    With the advances in science and technology, nonlinear large-scale interconnected systems have widely appeared in the real life. Traditional centralised control methods have inevitable disadvantages when they are used to deal with complex nonlinear interconnected systems with uncertainties. In connection with this, people desire to develop the novel control strategy which can be applied to complex interconnected systems. Therefore, decentralised sliding mode control (SMC) for interconnected systems has attracted great attention in related fields due to its advantages, for instance, simple structure, low cost of calculation, fast response, reduced-order sliding mode dynamics and insensitivity to matched variation of parameters and disturbances in systems. This thesis focuses on the development of decentralised SMC for nonlinear interconnected systems with uncertainties under certain assumptions. Several methods and different techniques have been considered in design of the controller to improve the robustness. The main contributions of this thesis include: • The state feedback decentralised SMC is developed for nonlinear interconnected systems with matched uncertainty and mismatched unknown interconnections. A state feedback decentralised SMC strategy, under the assumption that all system states are accessible, is proposed to attenuate the impact of the uncertainties by using bounds on uncertainties and interconnections. The bounds used in the design are fully nonlinear which provide higher applicability for different complex interconnected systems. Especially, for this fully nonlinear system, the proposed method does not need to use the technique of linearisation, which is widely used in existing work to deal with nonlinear interconnected systems with uncertainties. • The dynamic observer is applied to complex nonlinear interconnected systems with matched and mismatched uncertainties. This dynamic observer can estimate the system states which can not be achieved during the controller design. The proposed method has great identification ability with small estimated errors for the states of nonlinear interconnected systems with matched and mismatched uncertainties. It should be pointed out that the considered uncertainties of nonlinear interconnected systems have general forms, which means that the proposed method can be effectively used in more generalised nonlinear interconnected systems. • A variable structure observer-based decentralised SMC is proposed to control a class of nonlinear interconnected systems with matched and mismatched uncertainties. Based on the designed dynamic observer, a dynamic decentralised output feedback SMC using outputs and estimated states is presented to control the interconnected systems with matched and mismatched uncertainties. The nonlinear interconnections are employed in the control design to reduce the conservatism of the developed results. The bounds of the uncertainties are relaxed which are nonlinear and take more general forms. Moreover, the limitation for the interconnected system is reduced when compared with the existing results in which the proposed strategies adopt the full-order observer. Besides that, the presented method improves the robustness of nonlinear interconnected systems to be against the effects of uncertainties. This thesis also provides several numerical and practical simulations to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed decentralised SMC for nonlinear interconnected systems with matched uncertainty, mismatched uncertainty and nonlinear interconnections