46 research outputs found

    Performance improvement of adaptive filters for echo cancellation applications

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    This work focuses on performance improvement of adaptive algorithms for both line and acoustic echo cancellation applications. Echo in telephone networks, Line Echo, is observed naturally due to impedance mismatches at the long-distance/local-loop interface. Acoustic echo is due to the acoustic coupling between the microphone and the speaker of a speakerphone. The Affine Projection (APA) and the Fast Affine Projection (FAP) algorithms are two examples of reliable and efficient adaptive filters used for echo cancellation...This thesis presents, Variable Regularized Fast Affine Projections (VR-FAP) algorithm, with a varying, optimal regularization value which provides the desirable property of both fast and low misadjustment of the filter --Abstract, page iii

    Author's reply to "comments on 'variable explicit regularization in affine projection algorithm: Robustness issues and optimal choice'"

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    Muralidhar et al. point out that when the VR-APA is applied in echo cancellation it will diverge during the presence of a near-end signal or a silence period. We provide an explanation for the behavior of the algorithm and show that a double-talk detector makes the VR-APA suitable for this application.Fil: Rey, Hernan Gonzalo. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rey Vega, Leonardo Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Simulación Computacional para Aplicaciones Tecnológicas; ArgentinaFil: Benesty, Jacob. Centre Armand-frappier Santé Biotechnologie ; Institut National de Recherche Scientifique; . Université du Quàbec; CanadáFil: Tressens, Sara. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    An investigation of the utility of monaural sound source separation via nonnegative matrix factorization applied to acoustic echo and reverberation mitigation for hands-free telephony

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    In this thesis we investigate the applicability and utility of Monaural Sound Source Separation (MSSS) via Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) for various problems related to audio for hands-free telephony. We first investigate MSSS via NMF as an alternative acoustic echo reduction approach to existing approaches such as Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC). To this end, we present the single-channel acoustic echo problem as an MSSS problem, in which the objective is to extract the users signal from a mixture also containing acoustic echo and noise. To perform separation, NMF is used to decompose the near-end microphone signal onto the union of two nonnegative bases in the magnitude Short Time Fourier Transform domain. One of these bases is for the spectral energy of the acoustic echo signal, and is formed from the in- coming far-end user’s speech, while the other basis is for the spectral energy of the near-end speaker, and is trained with speech data a priori. In comparison to AEC, the speaker extraction approach obviates Double-Talk Detection (DTD), and is demonstrated to attain its maximal echo mitigation performance immediately upon initiation and to maintain that performance during and after room changes for similar computational requirements. Speaker extraction is also shown to introduce distortion of the near-end speech signal during double-talk, which is quantified by means of a speech distortion measure and compared to that of AEC. Subsequently, we address Double-Talk Detection (DTD) for block-based AEC algorithms. We propose a novel block-based DTD algorithm that uses the available signals and the estimate of the echo signal that is produced by NMF-based speaker extraction to compute a suitably normalized correlation-based decision variable, which is compared to a fixed threshold to decide on doubletalk. Using a standard evaluation technique, the proposed algorithm is shown to have comparable detection performance to an existing conventional block-based DTD algorithm. It is also demonstrated to inherit the room change insensitivity of speaker extraction, with the proposed DTD algorithm generating minimal false doubletalk indications upon initiation and in response to room changes in comparison to the existing conventional DTD. We also show that this property allows its paired AEC to converge at a rate close to the optimum. Another focus of this thesis is the problem of inverting a single measurement of a non- minimum phase Room Impulse Response (RIR). We describe the process by which percep- tually detrimental all-pass phase distortion arises in reverberant speech filtered by the inverse of the minimum phase component of the RIR; in short, such distortion arises from inverting the magnitude response of the high-Q maximum phase zeros of the RIR. We then propose two novel partial inversion schemes that precisely mitigate this distortion. One of these schemes employs NMF-based MSSS to separate the all-pass phase distortion from the target speech in the magnitude STFT domain, while the other approach modifies the inverse minimum phase filter such that the magnitude response of the maximum phase zeros of the RIR is not fully compensated. Subjective listening tests reveal that the proposed schemes generally produce better quality output speech than a comparable inversion technique

    An investigation of the utility of monaural sound source separation via nonnegative matrix factorization applied to acoustic echo and reverberation mitigation for hands-free telephony

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    In this thesis we investigate the applicability and utility of Monaural Sound Source Separation (MSSS) via Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) for various problems related to audio for hands-free telephony. We first investigate MSSS via NMF as an alternative acoustic echo reduction approach to existing approaches such as Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC). To this end, we present the single-channel acoustic echo problem as an MSSS problem, in which the objective is to extract the users signal from a mixture also containing acoustic echo and noise. To perform separation, NMF is used to decompose the near-end microphone signal onto the union of two nonnegative bases in the magnitude Short Time Fourier Transform domain. One of these bases is for the spectral energy of the acoustic echo signal, and is formed from the in- coming far-end user’s speech, while the other basis is for the spectral energy of the near-end speaker, and is trained with speech data a priori. In comparison to AEC, the speaker extraction approach obviates Double-Talk Detection (DTD), and is demonstrated to attain its maximal echo mitigation performance immediately upon initiation and to maintain that performance during and after room changes for similar computational requirements. Speaker extraction is also shown to introduce distortion of the near-end speech signal during double-talk, which is quantified by means of a speech distortion measure and compared to that of AEC. Subsequently, we address Double-Talk Detection (DTD) for block-based AEC algorithms. We propose a novel block-based DTD algorithm that uses the available signals and the estimate of the echo signal that is produced by NMF-based speaker extraction to compute a suitably normalized correlation-based decision variable, which is compared to a fixed threshold to decide on doubletalk. Using a standard evaluation technique, the proposed algorithm is shown to have comparable detection performance to an existing conventional block-based DTD algorithm. It is also demonstrated to inherit the room change insensitivity of speaker extraction, with the proposed DTD algorithm generating minimal false doubletalk indications upon initiation and in response to room changes in comparison to the existing conventional DTD. We also show that this property allows its paired AEC to converge at a rate close to the optimum. Another focus of this thesis is the problem of inverting a single measurement of a non- minimum phase Room Impulse Response (RIR). We describe the process by which percep- tually detrimental all-pass phase distortion arises in reverberant speech filtered by the inverse of the minimum phase component of the RIR; in short, such distortion arises from inverting the magnitude response of the high-Q maximum phase zeros of the RIR. We then propose two novel partial inversion schemes that precisely mitigate this distortion. One of these schemes employs NMF-based MSSS to separate the all-pass phase distortion from the target speech in the magnitude STFT domain, while the other approach modifies the inverse minimum phase filter such that the magnitude response of the maximum phase zeros of the RIR is not fully compensated. Subjective listening tests reveal that the proposed schemes generally produce better quality output speech than a comparable inversion technique

    System Identification with Applications in Speech Enhancement

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    As the increasing popularity of integrating hands-free telephony on mobile portable devices and the rapid development of voice over internet protocol, identification of acoustic systems has become desirable for compensating distortions introduced to speech signals during transmission, and hence enhancing the speech quality. The objective of this research is to develop system identification algorithms for speech enhancement applications including network echo cancellation and speech dereverberation. A supervised adaptive algorithm for sparse system identification is developed for network echo cancellation. Based on the framework of selective-tap updating scheme on the normalized least mean squares algorithm, the MMax and sparse partial update tap-selection strategies are exploited in the frequency domain to achieve fast convergence performance with low computational complexity. Through demonstrating how the sparseness of the network impulse response varies in the transformed domain, the multidelay filtering structure is incorporated to reduce the algorithmic delay. Blind identification of SIMO acoustic systems for speech dereverberation in the presence of common zeros is then investigated. First, the problem of common zeros is defined and extended to include the presence of near-common zeros. Two clustering algorithms are developed to quantify the number of these zeros so as to facilitate the study of their effect on blind system identification and speech dereverberation. To mitigate such effect, two algorithms are developed where the two-stage algorithm based on channel decomposition identifies common and non-common zeros sequentially; and the forced spectral diversity approach combines spectral shaping filters and channel undermodelling for deriving a modified system that leads to an improved dereverberation performance. Additionally, a solution to the scale factor ambiguity problem in subband-based blind system identification is developed, which motivates further research on subbandbased dereverberation techniques. Comprehensive simulations and discussions demonstrate the effectiveness of the aforementioned algorithms. A discussion on possible directions of prospective research on system identification techniques concludes this thesis


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    Echo cancellation is the most essential and indispensable component of telephone networks. The impulse responses of most of the networks are sparse in nature; that is, the impulse response has a small percentage of its components with a significant magnitude (large energy), while the rest are zero or small. In these sparse environments, conventional adaptive algorithms like least mean square (LMS) and normalized LMS (NLMS) show substandard and inferior performances. In this paper, the performances of the normalized least mean square (NLMS) algorithm, the normalized least mean fourth (NLMF) and the proportionate normalized least mean fourth (PNLMF) are compared for sparse echo cancellation. The sparseness of both the echo response and the input signal is exploited in this algorithm to achieve improved results at a low computational cost. The PNLMF algorithm showed better results and faster convergence in sparse and non sparse systems, but its results in sparse environments are more impressive. The NLMF algorithm shows good results in sparse environments but not in non-sparse environments. The PNLMS algorithm can be considered superior to the NLMF and NLMS algorithms with respect to the error profile. A modified algorithm, the sparse controlled modified proportionate normalized LMF (SCMPNLMF) algorithm, is proposed, and its performances are compared with the other algorithms

    Acoustic Echo Cancellation and their Application in ADF

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    In this paper, we present an overview of the principal, structure and the application of the echo cancellation and kind of application to improve the performance of the systems. Echo is a process in which a delayed and distorted version o the original sound or voice signal is reflected back to the source. For the acoustic echo canceller much and more study are required to make the good tracking speed fast and reduce the computational complexity. Due to the increasing the processing requirement, widespread implementation had to wait for advances in LSI, VLSI echo canceller appeared. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150513