5 research outputs found

    Packet Travel Times in Wireless Relay Chains under Spatially and Temporally Dependent Interference

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    We investigate the statistics of the number of time slots TT that it takes a packet to travel through a chain of wireless relays. Derivations are performed assuming an interference model for which interference possesses spatiotemporal dependency properties. When using this model, results are harder to arrive at analytically, but they are more realistic than the ones obtained in many related works that are based on independent interference models. First, we present a method for calculating the distribution of TT. As the required computations are extensive, we also obtain simple expressions for the expected value E[T]\mathrm{E} [T] and variance var[T]\mathrm{var} [T]. Finally, we calculate the asymptotic limit of the average speed of the packet. Our numerical results show that spatiotemporal dependence has a significant impact on the statistics of the travel time TT. In particular, we show that, with respect to the independent interference case, E[T]\mathrm{E} [T] and var[T]\mathrm{var} [T] increase, whereas the packet speed decreases

    Stable Throughput and Delay Analysis of a Random Access Network With Queue-Aware Transmission

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    In this work we consider a two-user and a three-user slotted ALOHA network with multi-packet reception (MPR) capabilities. The nodes can adapt their transmission probabilities and their transmission parameters based on the status of the other nodes. Each user has external bursty arrivals that are stored in their infinite capacity queues. For the two- and the three-user cases we obtain the stability region of the system. For the two-user case we provide the conditions where the stability region is a convex set. We perform a detailed mathematical analysis in order to study the queueing delay by formulating two boundary value problems (a Dirichlet and a Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problem), the solution of which provides the generating function of the joint stationary probability distribution of the queue size at user nodes. Furthermore, for the two-user symmetric case with MPR we obtain a lower and an upper bound for the average delay without explicitly computing the generating function for the stationary joint queue length distribution. The bounds as it is seen in the numerical results appear to be tight. Explicit expressions for the average delay are obtained for the symmetrical model with capture effect which is a subclass of MPR models. We also provide the optimal transmission probability in closed form expression that minimizes the average delay in the symmetric capture case. Finally, we evaluate numerically the presented theoretical results.Comment: Submitted for journal publicatio

    Secure Transmission in Linear Multihop Relaying Networks

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    This paper studies the design and secrecy performance of linear multihop networks, in the presence of randomly distributed eavesdroppers in a large-scale two-dimensional space. Depending on whether there is feedback from the receiver to the transmitter, we study two transmission schemes: on-off transmission (OFT) and non-on-off transmission (NOFT). In the OFT scheme, transmission is suspended if the instantaneous received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) falls below a given threshold, whereas there is no suspension of transmission in the NOFT scheme. We investigate the optimal design of the linear multiple network in terms of the optimal rate parameters of the wiretap code as well as the optimal number of hops. These design parameters are highly interrelated since more hops reduces the distance of per-hop communication which completely changes the optimal design of the wiretap coding rates. Despite the analytical difficulty, we are able to characterize the optimal designs and the resulting secure transmission throughput in mathematically tractable forms in the high SNR regime. Our numerical results demonstrate that our analytical results obtained in the high SNR regime are accurate at practical SNR values. Hence, these results provide useful guidelines for designing linear multihop networks with targeted physical layer security performance.This work was supported in part by the Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61401159 and Grant 61771203, in part by the Pearl River Science and Technology Nova Program of Guangzhou under Grant 201710010111, and in part by the Guangdong Science and Technology Plan under Grant 2016A010101009. The work of X. Zhou was supported by the Australian Research Council Discovery Projects under Grant DP150103905ARC Discovery Projects Grant DP150103905

    System Performance Analysis of Cooperative Communication in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    Wireless ad hoc networks have been attracting more and more attentions in recent years from both academia and industry, because of their low deployment costs and broad applications. Due to the scarcity of the radio spectrum, supporting concurrent transmissions by exploiting the spatial frequency reuse gain is necessary to enhance spectrum utilization. On the other hand, cooperative communication is a practical technique for realizing the spatial diversity gain to mitigate the detrimental effect of wireless channel and enhance the transmission reliability. Enabling concurrent cooperative transmissions across a network can achieve both types of gains. Due to the broadcast nature of wireless communications, the concurrent cooperative transmissions using the same radio channel generate interference to each other, which is the main performance-limiting factor. Accurate characterization of interference is a fundamental step towards evaluating the performance of cooperative communication in a wireless ad hoc network. However, the distributed network operation, random node locations, interference redistribution due to relay transmissions, and dynamic traffic arrival pose significant challenges in interference characterization. Under the protocol interference model, this thesis evaluates the effectiveness of cooperative communication in a wireless ad hoc network from a perspective of overall network performance through investigating the network throughput, which captures the tradeoff between single-link cooperation gain and network-wide reduced spatial frequency reuse due to relay transmissions. In particular, based on stochastic geometry, the outage probabilities of direct and cooperative transmissions are derived to characterize single-link cooperation gain. On the other hand, according to a randomized scheduling scheme, the expected numbers of concurrent direct and cooperative transmissions that can be accommodated within the network coverage area are calculated to characterize network-wide reduced spatial frequency reuse. The analytical results show that a locally beneficial cooperation decision is not guaranteed to be network-wide beneficial. The number of potential relays determines the achievable performance of a cooperative link, and varies for different source-destination pairs due to random relay locations. This thesis proposes an opportunistic cooperation strategy based on the number of potential relays available for each source-destination pair. Under the physical interference model, the correlation of node locations induces the correlation of interference power. Via modeling node locations as a Poisson point process (PPP) and based on the Campbell's theorem, the temporal correlation coefficient of interference power at a destination node is analyzed. In addition, we derive the outage probability of opportunistic cooperation while taking into account the spatial and temporal interference correlation. The overall network performance can be enhanced by adjusting the proportion of concurrent cooperative transmissions. In addition to random node locations and interference redistribution, dynamic traffic arrival further complicates the interference characterization. This thesis investigates the performance of cooperative communication in a wireless ad hoc network with unsaturated traffic, which introduces a correlation between the interferer density and packet retransmission probability. Based on queueing theory and stochastic geometry, the interference power is characterized from two aspects, namely stationary interferer density and interference correlation in two consecutive time-slots, to evaluate the network performance. The analytical results show that the performance analysis under the assumption of independent interference power overestimates the network performance. The proposed theoretical performance analysis framework provides a step towards better understanding of the benefits and limitations of cooperative communication in wireless ad hoc networks with spatially random nodes, and in turn provides useful insights on protocol design and parameter setting for large-scale networks.4 month