660 research outputs found

    Stabbing line segments with disks: complexity and approximation algorithms

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    Computational complexity and approximation algorithms are reported for a problem of stabbing a set of straight line segments with the least cardinality set of disks of fixed radii r>0r>0 where the set of segments forms a straight line drawing G=(V,E)G=(V,E) of a planar graph without edge crossings. Close geometric problems arise in network security applications. We give strong NP-hardness of the problem for edge sets of Delaunay triangulations, Gabriel graphs and other subgraphs (which are often used in network design) for r[dmin,ηdmax]r\in [d_{\min},\eta d_{\max}] and some constant η\eta where dmaxd_{\max} and dmind_{\min} are Euclidean lengths of the longest and shortest graph edges respectively. Fast O(ElogE)O(|E|\log|E|)-time O(1)O(1)-approximation algorithm is proposed within the class of straight line drawings of planar graphs for which the inequality rηdmaxr\geq \eta d_{\max} holds uniformly for some constant η>0,\eta>0, i.e. when lengths of edges of GG are uniformly bounded from above by some linear function of r.r.Comment: 12 pages, 1 appendix, 15 bibliography items, 6th International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts (AIST-2017

    Conflict-Free Coloring Made Stronger

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    In FOCS 2002, Even et al. showed that any set of nn discs in the plane can be Conflict-Free colored with a total of at most O(logn)O(\log n) colors. That is, it can be colored with O(logn)O(\log n) colors such that for any (covered) point pp there is some disc whose color is distinct from all other colors of discs containing pp. They also showed that this bound is asymptotically tight. In this paper we prove the following stronger results: \begin{enumerate} \item [(i)] Any set of nn discs in the plane can be colored with a total of at most O(klogn)O(k \log n) colors such that (a) for any point pp that is covered by at least kk discs, there are at least kk distinct discs each of which is colored by a color distinct from all other discs containing pp and (b) for any point pp covered by at most kk discs, all discs covering pp are colored distinctively. We call such a coloring a {\em kk-Strong Conflict-Free} coloring. We extend this result to pseudo-discs and arbitrary regions with linear union-complexity. \item [(ii)] More generally, for families of nn simple closed Jordan regions with union-complexity bounded by O(n1+α)O(n^{1+\alpha}), we prove that there exists a kk-Strong Conflict-Free coloring with at most O(knα)O(k n^\alpha) colors. \item [(iii)] We prove that any set of nn axis-parallel rectangles can be kk-Strong Conflict-Free colored with at most O(klog2n)O(k \log^2 n) colors. \item [(iv)] We provide a general framework for kk-Strong Conflict-Free coloring arbitrary hypergraphs. This framework relates the notion of kk-Strong Conflict-Free coloring and the recently studied notion of kk-colorful coloring. \end{enumerate} All of our proofs are constructive. That is, there exist polynomial time algorithms for computing such colorings

    Double Bubbles Minimize

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    The classical isoperimetric inequality in R^3 states that the surface of smallest area enclosing a given volume is a sphere. We show that the least area surface enclosing two equal volumes is a double bubble, a surface made of two pieces of round spheres separated by a flat disk, meeting along a single circle at an angle of 120 degrees.Comment: 57 pages, 32 figures. Includes the complete code for a C++ program as described in the article. You can obtain this code by viewing the source of this articl