12,222 research outputs found

    Distance Based Topological Indices of Double graphs and Strong Double graphs

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    Topological index is a numerical representation of structure of graph. They are mainly classified as Distance and Degree based topological indices. In this article Distance based topological indices of Double graphs and Strong Double graphs are calculated. Let GG be a graph of order nn with the vertex set V(G) V(G) containing vertices v1,v2,....,vnv_1,v_2,....,v_n. Double graph of graph GG is constructed by taking two copies of G in which a vertex viv_i in one copy is adjacent to a vertex vjv_j in the another copy if vi v_i and vjv_j are adjacent in G. Strong Double graph is a double graph in which a vertex viv_i in one copy is adjacent to a vertex vjv_j in the another copy if i=ji=j.

    Distance Based Topological Indices of Double graphs and Strong Double graphs

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    Topological index is a numerical representation of structure of graph. They are mainly classified as Distance and Degree based topological indices. In this article Distance based topological indices of Double graphs and Strong Double graphs are calculated. Let GG be a graph of order nn with the vertex set V(G) V(G) containing vertices v1,v2,....,vnv_1,v_2,....,v_n. Double graph of graph GG is constructed by taking two copies of G in which a vertex viv_i in one copy is adjacent to a vertex vjv_j in the another copy if vi v_i and vjv_j are adjacent in G. Strong Double graph is a double graph in which a vertex viv_i in one copy is adjacent to a vertex vjv_j in the another copy if i=ji=j

    Accounting for the Role of Long Walks on Networks via a New Matrix Function

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    We introduce a new matrix function for studying graphs and real-world networks based on a double-factorial penalization of walks between nodes in a graph. This new matrix function is based on the matrix error function. We find a very good approximation of this function using a matrix hyperbolic tangent function. We derive a communicability function, a subgraph centrality and a double-factorial Estrada index based on this new matrix function. We obtain upper and lower bounds for the double-factorial Estrada index of graphs, showing that they are similar to those of the single-factorial Estrada index. We then compare these indices with the single-factorial one for simple graphs and real-world networks. We conclude that for networks containing chordless cycles---holes---the two penalization schemes produce significantly different results. In particular, we study two series of real-world networks representing urban street networks, and protein residue networks. We observe that the subgraph centrality based on both indices produce significantly different ranking of the nodes. The use of the double factorial penalization of walks opens new possibilities for studying important structural properties of real-world networks where long-walks play a fundamental role, such as the cases of networks containing chordless cycles

    Band Connectivity for Topological Quantum Chemistry: Band Structures As A Graph Theory Problem

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    The conventional theory of solids is well suited to describing band structures locally near isolated points in momentum space, but struggles to capture the full, global picture necessary for understanding topological phenomena. In part of a recent paper [B. Bradlyn et al., Nature 547, 298 (2017)], we have introduced the way to overcome this difficulty by formulating the problem of sewing together many disconnected local "k-dot-p" band structures across the Brillouin zone in terms of graph theory. In the current manuscript we give the details of our full theoretical construction. We show that crystal symmetries strongly constrain the allowed connectivities of energy bands, and we employ graph-theoretic techniques such as graph connectivity to enumerate all the solutions to these constraints. The tools of graph theory allow us to identify disconnected groups of bands in these solutions, and so identify topologically distinct insulating phases.Comment: 19 pages. Companion paper to arXiv:1703.02050 and arXiv:1706.08529 v2: Accepted version, minor typos corrected and references added. Now 19+epsilon page

    Fermionic Matrix Models

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    We review a class of matrix models whose degrees of freedom are matrices with anticommuting elements. We discuss the properties of the adjoint fermion one-, two- and gauge invariant D-dimensional matrix models at large-N and compare them with their bosonic counterparts which are the more familiar Hermitian matrix models. We derive and solve the complete sets of loop equations for the correlators of these models and use these equations to examine critical behaviour. The topological large-N expansions are also constructed and their relation to other aspects of modern string theory such as integrable hierarchies is discussed. We use these connections to discuss the applications of these matrix models to string theory and induced gauge theories. We argue that as such the fermionic matrix models may provide a novel generalization of the discretized random surface representation of quantum gravity in which the genus sum alternates and the sums over genera for correlators have better convergence properties than their Hermitian counterparts. We discuss the use of adjoint fermions instead of adjoint scalars to study induced gauge theories. We also discuss two classes of dimensionally reduced models, a fermionic vector model and a supersymmetric matrix model, and discuss their applications to the branched polymer phase of string theories in target space dimensions D>1 and also to the meander problem.Comment: 139 pages Latex (99 pages in landscape, two-column option); Section on Supersymmetric Matrix Models expanded, additional references include

    The Tensor Track, III

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    We provide an informal up-to-date review of the tensor track approach to quantum gravity. In a long introduction we describe in simple terms the motivations for this approach. Then the many recent advances are summarized, with emphasis on some points (Gromov-Hausdorff limit, Loop vertex expansion, Osterwalder-Schrader positivity...) which, while important for the tensor track program, are not detailed in the usual quantum gravity literature. We list open questions in the conclusion and provide a rather extended bibliography.Comment: 53 pages, 6 figure

    A Givental-like Formula and Bilinear Identities for Tensor Models

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    In this paper we express some simple random tensor models in a Givental-like fashion i.e. as differential operators acting on a product of generic 1-Hermitian matrix models. Finally we derive Hirota's equations for these tensor models. Our decomposition is a first step towards integrability of such models.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Random tensor models in the large N limit: Uncoloring the colored tensor models

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    Tensor models generalize random matrix models in yielding a theory of dynamical triangulations in arbitrary dimensions. Colored tensor models have been shown to admit a 1/N expansion and a continuum limit accessible analytically. In this paper we prove that these results extend to the most general tensor model for a single generic, i.e. non-symmetric, complex tensor. Colors appear in this setting as a canonical book-keeping device and not as a fundamental feature. In the large N limit, we exhibit a set of Virasoro constraints satisfied by the free energy and an infinite family of multicritical behaviors with entropy exponents \gamma_m=1-1/m.Comment: 15 page