29,405 research outputs found

    Edge-decompositions of graphs with high minimum degree

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    A fundamental theorem of Wilson states that, for every graph FF, every sufficiently large FF-divisible clique has an FF-decomposition. Here a graph GG is FF-divisible if e(F)e(F) divides e(G)e(G) and the greatest common divisor of the degrees of FF divides the greatest common divisor of the degrees of GG, and GG has an FF-decomposition if the edges of GG can be covered by edge-disjoint copies of FF. We extend this result to graphs GG which are allowed to be far from complete. In particular, together with a result of Dross, our results imply that every sufficiently large K3K_3-divisible graph of minimum degree at least 9n/10+o(n)9n/10+o(n) has a K3K_3-decomposition. This significantly improves previous results towards the long-standing conjecture of Nash-Williams that every sufficiently large K3K_3-divisible graph with minimum degree at least 3n/43n/4 has a K3K_3-decomposition. We also obtain the asymptotically correct minimum degree thresholds of 2n/3+o(n)2n/3 +o(n) for the existence of a C4C_4-decomposition, and of n/2+o(n)n/2+o(n) for the existence of a C2ℓC_{2\ell}-decomposition, where ℓ≥3\ell\ge 3. Our main contribution is a general `iterative absorption' method which turns an approximate or fractional decomposition into an exact one. In particular, our results imply that in order to prove an asymptotic version of Nash-Williams' conjecture, it suffices to show that every K3K_3-divisible graph with minimum degree at least 3n/4+o(n)3n/4+o(n) has an approximate K3K_3-decomposition,Comment: 41 pages. This version includes some minor corrections, updates and improvement

    Fractional total colourings of graphs of high girth

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    Reed conjectured that for every epsilon>0 and Delta there exists g such that the fractional total chromatic number of a graph with maximum degree Delta and girth at least g is at most Delta+1+epsilon. We prove the conjecture for Delta=3 and for even Delta>=4 in the following stronger form: For each of these values of Delta, there exists g such that the fractional total chromatic number of any graph with maximum degree Delta and girth at least g is equal to Delta+1

    When the Cut Condition is Enough: A Complete Characterization for Multiflow Problems in Series-Parallel Networks

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    Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a supply graph and H=(V,F)H=(V,F) a demand graph defined on the same set of vertices. An assignment of capacities to the edges of GG and demands to the edges of HH is said to satisfy the \emph{cut condition} if for any cut in the graph, the total demand crossing the cut is no more than the total capacity crossing it. The pair (G,H)(G,H) is called \emph{cut-sufficient} if for any assignment of capacities and demands that satisfy the cut condition, there is a multiflow routing the demands defined on HH within the network with capacities defined on GG. We prove a previous conjecture, which states that when the supply graph GG is series-parallel, the pair (G,H)(G,H) is cut-sufficient if and only if (G,H)(G,H) does not contain an \emph{odd spindle} as a minor; that is, if it is impossible to contract edges of GG and delete edges of GG and HH so that GG becomes the complete bipartite graph K2,pK_{2,p}, with p≥3p\geq 3 odd, and HH is composed of a cycle connecting the pp vertices of degree 2, and an edge connecting the two vertices of degree pp. We further prove that if the instance is \emph{Eulerian} --- that is, the demands and capacities are integers and the total of demands and capacities incident to each vertex is even --- then the multiflow problem has an integral solution. We provide a polynomial-time algorithm to find an integral solution in this case. In order to prove these results, we formulate properties of tight cuts (cuts for which the cut condition inequality is tight) in cut-sufficient pairs. We believe these properties might be useful in extending our results to planar graphs.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper will be published at the 44th Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2012

    Fractional clique decompositions of dense graphs

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    For each r≥4r\ge 4, we show that any graph GG with minimum degree at least (1−1/100r)∣G∣(1-1/100r)|G| has a fractional KrK_r-decomposition. This improves the best previous bounds on the minimum degree required to guarantee a fractional KrK_r-decomposition given by Dukes (for small rr) and Barber, K\"uhn, Lo, Montgomery and Osthus (for large rr), giving the first bound that is tight up to the constant multiple of rr (seen, for example, by considering Tur\'an graphs). In combination with work by Glock, K\"uhn, Lo, Montgomery and Osthus, this shows that, for any graph FF with chromatic number χ(F)≥4\chi(F)\ge 4, and any ε>0\varepsilon>0, any sufficiently large graph GG with minimum degree at least (1−1/100χ(F)+ε)∣G∣(1-1/100\chi(F)+\varepsilon)|G| has, subject to some further simple necessary divisibility conditions, an (exact) FF-decomposition.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, submitte

    A Geometric Theory for Hypergraph Matching

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    We develop a theory for the existence of perfect matchings in hypergraphs under quite general conditions. Informally speaking, the obstructions to perfect matchings are geometric, and are of two distinct types: 'space barriers' from convex geometry, and 'divisibility barriers' from arithmetic lattice-based constructions. To formulate precise results, we introduce the setting of simplicial complexes with minimum degree sequences, which is a generalisation of the usual minimum degree condition. We determine the essentially best possible minimum degree sequence for finding an almost perfect matching. Furthermore, our main result establishes the stability property: under the same degree assumption, if there is no perfect matching then there must be a space or divisibility barrier. This allows the use of the stability method in proving exact results. Besides recovering previous results, we apply our theory to the solution of two open problems on hypergraph packings: the minimum degree threshold for packing tetrahedra in 3-graphs, and Fischer's conjecture on a multipartite form of the Hajnal-Szemer\'edi Theorem. Here we prove the exact result for tetrahedra and the asymptotic result for Fischer's conjecture; since the exact result for the latter is technical we defer it to a subsequent paper.Comment: Accepted for publication in Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. 101 pages. v2: minor changes including some additional diagrams and passages of expository tex
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