6 research outputs found

    Interactive Tracking of Soft Tissues in 2D Ultrasound Images

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    SURGETICA 2014, Chambery, FranceIn several medical applications such as liver or kidney biopsies, an anatomical region needs to be continuously tracked during the intervention. When using ultrasound (US) image modality, tracking soft tissues remains challenging due to the deformations caused by physiological motions or medical instruments, combined with the generally weak quality of the images. In order to overcome the previous limitation, different techniques based on physical model have been proposed in the literature. [SMSM06] proposed a registration method based on the mass-spring system in order to constrain the deformation, and Zhang et al [ZW13] introduced an other registration technique based on finite element model where the extraction of the scale invariant features is needed. However, their model are built from features which are difficult to extract in US images due to the speckle noise. Finally, Marami et al [MSFC14] presented very recently an elastic registration method applicable to multi-modality image registration where the deformation is computed from modality independent neighborhood descriptor. In this paper, we propose an approach for tracking deformable target within 2D US images based on a physical model driven by smooth displacement field obtained from dense information. This allows to take into account highly localized deformation in the US images. Section 2 presents our method based on a combination of an intensity-based approach and a physically-based model. Section 3 describes the performances of our approach and comparisons on real data. Section 4 concludes the paper

    Applications of a Biomechanical Patient Model for Adaptive Radiation Therapy

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    Biomechanical patient modeling incorporates physical knowledge of the human anatomy into the image processing that is required for tracking anatomical deformations during adaptive radiation therapy, especially particle therapy. In contrast to standard image registration, this enforces bio-fidelic image transformation. In this thesis, the potential of a kinematic skeleton model and soft tissue motion propagation are investigated for crucial image analysis steps in adaptive radiation therapy. The first application is the integration of the kinematic model in a deformable image registration process (KinematicDIR). For monomodal CT scan pairs, the median target registration error based on skeleton landmarks, is smaller than (1.6 ± 0.2) mm. In addition, the successful transferability of this concept to otherwise challenging multimodal registration between CT and CBCT as well as CT and MRI scan pairs is shown to result in median target registration error in the order of 2 mm. This meets the accuracy requirement for adaptive radiation therapy and is especially interesting for MR-guided approaches. Another aspect, emerging in radiotherapy, is the utilization of deep-learning-based organ segmentation. As radiotherapy-specific labeled data is scarce, the training of such methods relies heavily on augmentation techniques. In this work, the generation of synthetically but realistically deformed scans used as Bionic Augmentation in the training phase improved the predicted segmentations by up to 15% in the Dice similarity coefficient, depending on the training strategy. Finally, it is shown that the biomechanical model can be built-up from automatic segmentations without deterioration of the KinematicDIR application. This is essential for use in a clinical workflow

    Development of a statistical shape and appearance model of the skull from a South African population

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    Statistical shape models (SSMs) and statistical appearance models (SAMs) have been applied in medical analysis such as in surgical planning, finite element analysis, model-based segmentation, and in the fields of anthropometry and forensics. Similar applications can make use of SSMs and SAMs of the skull. A combination of the SSM and SAM of the skull can also be used in model-based segmentation. This document presents the development of a SSM and a SAM of the human skull from a South African population, using the Scalismo software package. The SSM development pipeline was composed of three steps: 1) Image data segmentation and processing; 2) Development of a free-form deformation (FFD) model for establishing correspondence across the training dataset; and 3) Development and validation of a SSM from the corresponding dataset. The SSM was validated using the leave one-out cross-validation method. The first eight principal components of the SSM represented 92.13% of the variation in the model. The generality of the model in terms of the Hausdorff distance between a new shape generated by the SSM and instances of the SSM had a steady state value of 1.48mm. The specificity of the model (in terms of Hausdorff distance) had a steady state value of 2.04mm. The SAM development pipeline involved four steps: 1) Volumetric mesh generation of the reference mesh to be used in establishing volumetric correspondence; 2) Sampling of intensity values from original computed tomography (CT) images using the in-correspondence volumetric meshes; and 3) Development of a SAM from the in-correspondence intensity values. A complete validation of the SAM was not possible due to limitations of the Scalismo software. As a result, only the shapes of the incomplete skulls were reconstructed and thereby validated. The amount of missing detail, as represented by absent landmarks, affected the registration results. Complete validation of the SAM is recommended as future work, via the use of a combined shape and intensity model (SSIM)

    Diffeomorphic image registration with applications to deformation modelling between multiple data sets

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    Over last years, the diffeomorphic image registration algorithms have been successfully introduced into the field of the medical image analysis. At the same time, the particular usability of these techniques, in majority derived from the solid mathematical background, has been only quantitatively explored for the limited applications such as longitudinal studies on treatment quality, or diseases progression. The thesis considers the deformable image registration algorithms, seeking out those that maintain the medical correctness of the estimated dense deformation fields in terms of the preservation of the object and its neighbourhood topology, offer the reasonable computational complexity to satisfy time restrictions coming from the potential applications, and are able to cope with low quality data typically encountered in Adaptive Radiotherapy (ART). The research has led to the main emphasis being laid on the diffeomorphic image registration to achieve one-to-one mapping between images. This involves introduction of the log-domain parameterisation of the deformation field by its approximation via a stationary velocity field. A quantitative and qualitative examination of existing and newly proposed algorithms for pairwise deformable image registration presented in this thesis, shows that the log-Euclidean parameterisation can be successfully utilised in the biomedical applications. Although algorithms utilising the log-domain parameterisation have theoretical justification for maintaining diffeomorphism, in general, the deformation fields produced by them have similar properties as these estimated by classical methods. Having this in mind, the best compromise in terms of the quality of the deformation fields has been found for the consistent image registration framework. The experimental results suggest also that the image registration with the symmetrical warping of the input images outperforms the classical approaches, and simultaneously can be easily introduced to most known algorithms. Furthermore, the log-domain implicit group-wise image registration is proposed. By linking the various sets of images related to the different subjects, the proposed image registration approach establishes a common subject space and between-subject correspondences therein. Although the correspondences between groups of images can be found by performing the classic image registration, the reference image selection (not required in the proposed implementation), may lead to a biased mean image being estimated and the corresponding common subject space not adequate to represent the general properties of the data sets. The approaches to diffeomorphic image registration have been also utilised as the principal elements for estimating the movements of the organs in the pelvic area based on the dense deformation field prediction system driven by the partial information coming from the specific type of the measurements parameterised using the implicit surface representation, and recognising facial expressions where the stationary velocity fields are used as the facial expression descriptors. Both applications have been extensively evaluated based on the real representative data sets of three-dimensional volumes and two-dimensional images, and the obtained results indicate the practical usability of the proposed techniques

    Deformable Image Registration using Spring Mass System

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