835 research outputs found

    Digital Image Users and Reuse: Enhancing practitioner discoverability of digital library reuse based on user file naming behavior

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    Diese Dissertation untersucht GerĂ€te, die Praktiker verwenden, um die Wiederverwendung von digitalen Bibliotheksmaterialien zu entdecken. Der Autor fĂŒhrt zwei Verifikationsstudien durch, in denen zwei zuvor angewandte Strategien untersucht werden, die Praktiker verwenden, um die Wiederverwendung digitaler Objekte zu identifizieren, insbesondere Google Images Reverse Image Lookup (RIL) und eingebettete Metadaten. Es beschreibt diese StrategiebeschrĂ€nkungen und bietet einen neuen, einzigartigen Ansatz zur Verfolgung der Wiederverwendung, indem der Suchansatz des Autors basierend auf dem Benennungsverhalten von Benutzerdateien verwendet wird. Bei der Untersuchung des Nutzens und der EinschrĂ€nkungen von Google Images und eingebetteten Metadaten beobachtet und dokumentiert der Autor ein Muster des Benennungsverhaltens von Benutzerdateien, das vielversprechend ist, die Wiederverwendung durch den Praktiker zu verbessern. Der Autor fĂŒhrt eine Untersuchung zur Bewertung der Dateibenennung durch, um dieses Muster des Verhaltens der Benutzerdateibenennung und die Auswirkungen der Dateibenennung auf die Suchmaschinenoptimierung zu untersuchen. Der Autor leitet mehrere signifikante Ergebnisse ab, wĂ€hrend er diese Studie fertigstellt. Der Autor stellt fest, dass Google Bilder aufgrund der Änderung des Algorithmus kein brauchbares Werkzeug mehr ist, um die Wiederverwendung durch die breite Öffentlichkeit oder andere Benutzer zu entdecken, mit Ausnahme von Benutzern aus der Industrie. Eingebettete Metadaten sind aufgrund der nicht persistenten Natur eingebetteter Metadaten kein zuverlĂ€ssiges Bewertungsinstrument. Der Autor stellt fest, dass viele Benutzer ihre eigenen Dateinamen generieren, die beim Speichern und Teilen von digitalen Bildern fast ausschließlich fĂŒr Menschen lesbar sind. Der Autor argumentiert, dass, wenn Praktiker Suchbegriffe nach den "aggregierten Dateinamen" modellieren, sie ihre Entdeckung wiederverwendeter digitaler Objekte erhöhen.This dissertation explores devices practitioners utilize to discover the reuse of digital library materials. The author performs two verification studies investigating two previously employed strategies that practitioners use to identify digital object reuse, specifically Google Images reverse image lookup (RIL) and embedded metadata. It describes these strategy limitations and offers a new, unique approach for tracking reuse by employing the author's search approach based on user file naming behavior. While exploring the utility and limitations of Google Images and embedded metadata, the author observes and documents a pattern of user file naming behavior that exhibits promise for improving practitioner's discoverability of reuse. The author conducts a file naming assessment investigation to examine this pattern of user file naming behavior and the impact of file naming on search engine optimization. The author derives several significant findings while completing this study. The author establishes that Google Images is no longer a viable tool to discover reuse by the general public or other users except for industry users because of its algorithm change. Embedded metadata is not a reliable assessment tool because of the non-persistent nature of embedded metadata. The author finds that many users generate their own file names, almost exclusively human-readable when saving and sharing digital images. The author argues that when practitioners model search terms after the "aggregated file names" they increase their discovery of reused digital objects

    Internet of things

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    Manual of Digital Earth / Editors: Huadong Guo, Michael F. Goodchild, Alessandro Annoni .- Springer, 2020 .- ISBN: 978-981-32-9915-3Digital Earth was born with the aim of replicating the real world within the digital world. Many efforts have been made to observe and sense the Earth, both from space (remote sensing) and by using in situ sensors. Focusing on the latter, advances in Digital Earth have established vital bridges to exploit these sensors and their networks by taking location as a key element. The current era of connectivity envisions that everything is connected to everything. The concept of the Internet of Things(IoT)emergedasaholisticproposaltoenableanecosystemofvaried,heterogeneous networked objects and devices to speak to and interact with each other. To make the IoT ecosystem a reality, it is necessary to understand the electronic components, communication protocols, real-time analysis techniques, and the location of the objects and devices. The IoT ecosystem and the Digital Earth (DE) jointly form interrelated infrastructures for addressing today’s pressing issues and complex challenges. In this chapter, we explore the synergies and frictions in establishing an efïŹcient and permanent collaboration between the two infrastructures, in order to adequately address multidisciplinary and increasingly complex real-world problems. Although there are still some pending issues, the identiïŹed synergies generate optimism for a true collaboration between the Internet of Things and the Digital Earth

    2013 Conference Reports

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    The Trouble With Big Data

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    This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. It is funded by Trinity College Dublin, DARIAH-EU and the European Commission. This book explores the challenges society faces with big data, through the lens of culture rather than social, political or economic trends, as demonstrated in the words we use, the values that underpin our interactions, and the biases and assumptions that drive us. Focusing on areas such as data and language, data and sensemaking, data and power, data and invisibility, and big data aggregation, it demonstrates that humanities research, focussing on cultural rather than social, political or economic frames of reference for viewing technology, resists mass datafication for a reason, and that those very reasons can be instructive for the critical observation of big data research and innovation

    Resource discovery in heterogeneous digital content environments

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    The concept of 'resource discovery' is central to our understanding of how users explore, navigate, locate and retrieve information resources. This submission for a PhD by Published Works examines a series of 11 related works which explore topics pertaining to resource discovery, each demonstrating heterogeneity in their digital discovery context. The assembled works are prefaced by nine chapters which seek to review and critically analyse the contribution of each work, as well as provide contextualization within the wider body of research literature. A series of conceptual sub-themes is used to organize and structure the works and the accompanying critical commentary. The thesis first begins by examining issues in distributed discovery contexts by studying collection level metadata (CLM), its application in 'information landscaping' techniques, and its relationship to the efficacy of federated item-level search tools. This research narrative continues but expands in the later works and commentary to consider the application of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), particularly within Semantic Web and machine interface contexts, with investigations of semantically aware terminology services in distributed discovery. The necessary modelling of data structures to support resource discovery - and its associated functionalities within digital libraries and repositories - is then considered within the novel context of technology-supported curriculum design repositories, where questions of human-computer interaction (HCI) are also examined. The final works studied as part of the thesis are those which investigate and evaluate the efficacy of open repositories in exposing knowledge commons to resource discovery via web search agents. Through the analysis of the collected works it is possible to identify a unifying theory of resource discovery, with the proposed concept of (meta)data alignment described and presented with a visual model. This analysis assists in the identification of a number of research topics worthy of further research; but it also highlights an incremental transition by the present author, from using research to inform the development of technologies designed to support or facilitate resource discovery, particularly at a 'meta' level, to the application of specific technologies to address resource discovery issues in a local context. Despite this variation the research narrative has remained focussed on topics surrounding resource discovery in heterogeneous digital content environments and is noted as having generated a coherent body of work. Separate chapters are used to consider the methodological approaches adopted in each work and the contribution made to research knowledge and professional practice.The concept of 'resource discovery' is central to our understanding of how users explore, navigate, locate and retrieve information resources. This submission for a PhD by Published Works examines a series of 11 related works which explore topics pertaining to resource discovery, each demonstrating heterogeneity in their digital discovery context. The assembled works are prefaced by nine chapters which seek to review and critically analyse the contribution of each work, as well as provide contextualization within the wider body of research literature. A series of conceptual sub-themes is used to organize and structure the works and the accompanying critical commentary. The thesis first begins by examining issues in distributed discovery contexts by studying collection level metadata (CLM), its application in 'information landscaping' techniques, and its relationship to the efficacy of federated item-level search tools. This research narrative continues but expands in the later works and commentary to consider the application of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), particularly within Semantic Web and machine interface contexts, with investigations of semantically aware terminology services in distributed discovery. The necessary modelling of data structures to support resource discovery - and its associated functionalities within digital libraries and repositories - is then considered within the novel context of technology-supported curriculum design repositories, where questions of human-computer interaction (HCI) are also examined. The final works studied as part of the thesis are those which investigate and evaluate the efficacy of open repositories in exposing knowledge commons to resource discovery via web search agents. Through the analysis of the collected works it is possible to identify a unifying theory of resource discovery, with the proposed concept of (meta)data alignment described and presented with a visual model. This analysis assists in the identification of a number of research topics worthy of further research; but it also highlights an incremental transition by the present author, from using research to inform the development of technologies designed to support or facilitate resource discovery, particularly at a 'meta' level, to the application of specific technologies to address resource discovery issues in a local context. Despite this variation the research narrative has remained focussed on topics surrounding resource discovery in heterogeneous digital content environments and is noted as having generated a coherent body of work. Separate chapters are used to consider the methodological approaches adopted in each work and the contribution made to research knowledge and professional practice

    Development of an e-portfolio social network using emerging web technologies

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Informatics EngineeringDigital portfolios (also known as e-Portfolios) can be described as digital collections of artifacts, being both a product (a digital collection of artifacts) and a process (reflecting on those artifacts and what they represent). It is an extension of the traditional Curriculum Vitae, which tells the educational and professional milestones of someone, while the portfolio proves and qualifies them (e.g.: annually thousands of students finish a Master degree on Informatics, but only one has built Vue, Twitter or Facebook – the Portfolio goes beyond the CV milestones by specifying the person’s output throughout life and distinguishing them). e-Portfolios augment this by introducing new digital representations and workflows, exposed to a community, being both a product and a process. This approach can be useful for individual self-reflection, education or even job markets, where companies seek talented individuals, because it expands the traditional CV concept and empowers individual merit. There have been many studies, theories, and methodologies related with e-Portfolios, but transpositions to web applications have been unsuccessful, untuitive and too complex (in opposition to the CV format, which had success in various applications, for example LinkedIn). This project aims to study new approaches and develop an exploratory web/mobile application of this method ology, by exploring the potential of social networks to promote them, augmented by emergent web technologies. Its main output is the prototype of a new product (a social network of e-Portfolio) and its design decisions, with new theoretical approaches applied to web development. By the end of this project, we will have idealized a web infrastructure for interacting with networks of users, their skills, and communities seeking them. The approach to the development of this platform will be to integrate emerging technologies like WebAssembly and Rust in its development cycle and document our findings. At the end of this project, in addition to the prototype of a new product, we hope to have contributed to the State of the Art of Web Engineering and to be able to answer questions regarding new emerging web development ecosystems.Os portfĂłlios digitais (tambĂ©m conhecidos como e-Portfolios) podem ser descritos como coleçÔes digitais de artefatos, sendo tanto um produto (uma coleção digital de artefatos) quanto um processo (refletindo sobre esses artefatos e o que eles representam). É uma extensĂŁo do tradicional Curriculum Vitae, onde o primeiro conta os marcos educacionais e profissionais de alguĂ©m, enquanto que o segundo, o PortfĂłlio, comprova-os e qualifica-os (e.g.: anualmente milhares de alunos concluem graduaçÔes em InformĂĄtica, no entanto apenas um consebeu o Vue, o Twitter ou o Facebook - o PortfĂłlio vai alĂ©m dos indicadores quantitativos do CV, especificando e qualificando a produção da pessoa ao longo da vida e distinguindo-a). Os e-Portfolios expandem este conceito com a introdução de novas representaçÔes digitais e fluxos de trabalho, expostos a uma comunidade, sendo tanto um produto como um processo. Esta abordagem pode ser Ăștil para a autorreflexĂŁo individual, educação ou mesmo mercados de trabalho, onde as empresas procuram indivĂ­duos talentosos, porque expande o conceito tradicional de CV e potencializa o mĂ©rito individual. Existem muitos estudos, teorias e metodologias relacionadas com os e-Portfolios, mas as transposiçÔes para aplicaçÔes web tĂȘm sido mal sucedidas, pouco intuitivas e muito complexas (em oposição ao formato CV, que tem tido sucesso em vĂĄrias aplicaçÔes, por exemplo no LinkedIn). Este projeto visa estudar novas abordagens neste domĂ­nio e desenvolver uma aplicação exploratĂłria web/mobile que melhor exprima os e-Portfolios, explorando o potencial das redes sociais para os promover em conjunto com tecnologias web emergentes. As principais produçÔes esperadadas deste trabalho sĂŁo um protĂłtipo de um novo produto (uma rede social de e-Portfolio) e documentar novas abordagens teĂłricas aplicadas ao desenvolvimento web. No final deste projeto, teremos idealizado uma infraestrutura web para interagir com redes de utilizadores, as suas competĂȘncias e comunidades que os procurem. A abordagem ao desenvolvimento desta plataforma serĂĄ integrar tecnologias emergentes como WebAssembly e Rust no seu ciclo de desenvolvimento e documentar as nossas descobertas e decisĂ”es. No final deste projeto, para alĂ©m do protĂłtipo de uma plataforma, esperamos ter contribuido para o Estado da Arte da Engenharia Web e responder a questĂ”es sobre novos ecossistemas emergentes de desenvolvimento web

    Diversity and Identity: Categories for OAI data-providers in the Open Language Archives Network

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    This work analyzes the network typology of data-providers who use the Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) to engage in ethnolinguistic information-resource stewardship. The Open Language Archive Community’s (OLAC) network is analyzed addressing: (1) the ontological nature of OAI data-providers, chiefly that not all data-providers are archives; (2) the classificatory nature of the data-providers in contrast to existing OLAC categories of personal and institutional; and (3) the impact of classification/description on the social-understanding about those providers. That is, discrete classificatory terminology does not exist within the target OLAC user community. A broader understanding of the classificatory distinctions among cultural heritage organizations would enable depositors to select the most appropriate institutions for cultural heritage preservation. Two classification taxonomies are presented for the data-providers. The taxonomy terms are applied to the members of the network: (1) as a lens by which one may understand metadata quality discrepancies across data-providers; (2) to identify strong and weak areas within the network; and (3) to identify network growth potential in contrast to the historically involved network participants. The developed taxonomies are applicable to cultural heritage networks outside of the set of OLAC data-providers and contribute to broader metadata quality discussions in the Library-Archive-Museum (LAM) community

    Internet of Things in Geospatial Analytics

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    Digital Earth was born with the aim of replicating the real world within the digital world. Many efforts have been made to observe and sense the Earth, both from space and by using in situ sensors. Focusing on the latter, advances in Digital Earth have established vital bridges to exploit these sensors and their networks by taking location as a key element. The current era of connectivity envisions that everything is connected to everything. The concept of the Internet of Things emerged as a holistic proposal to enable an ecosystem of varied, heterogeneous networked objects and devices to speak and interact with each other. To make the IoT ecosystem a reality, it is necessary to understand the electronic components, communication protocols, real-time analysis techniques, and the location of the objects and devices. The IoT ecosystem and the Digital Earth jointly form interrelated infrastructures for addressing modern pressing issues and complex challenges. In this chapter, we explore the synergies and frictions in establishing an efficient and permanent collaboration between the two infrastructures, in order to adequately address multidisciplinary and increasingly complex real-world problems. Although there are still some pending issues, the identified synergies generate optimism for a true collaboration between the Internet of Things and the Digital Earth.Comment: Book chapter at the Manual of Digital Earth Book, ISDE, September 2019, Editors: Huadong Guo, Michael F. Goodchild and Alessandro Annoni, (Publisher: Springer, Singapore
