15 research outputs found

    Defining Relative Likelihood in Partially-Ordered Preferential Structures

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    Starting with a likelihood or preference order on worlds, we extend it to a likelihood ordering on sets of worlds in a natural way, and examine the resulting logic. Lewis earlier considered such a notion of relative likelihood in the context of studying counterfactuals, but he assumed a total preference order on worlds. Complications arise when examining partial orders that are not present for total orders. There are subtleties involving the exact approach to lifting the order on worlds to an order on sets of worlds. In addition, the axiomatization of the logic of relative likelihood in the case of partial orders gives insight into the connection between relative likelihood and default reasoning.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    Symbolic Possibilistic Logic: Completeness and Inference Methods

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    International audienceThis paper studies the extension of possibilistic logic to the case when weights attached to formulas are symbolic and stand for variables that lie in a totally ordered scale, and only partial knowledge is available on the relative strength of these weights. A proof of the soundness and the completeness of this logic according to the relative certainty semantics in the sense of necessity measures is provided. Based on this result, two syntactic inference methods are presented. The first one calculates the necessity degree of a possibilistic formula using the notion of minimal inconsistent sub-base. A second method is proposed that takes inspiration from the concept of ATMS. Notions introduced in that area, such as nogoods and labels, are used to calculate the necessity degree of a possibilistic formula. A comparison of the two methods is provided, as well as a comparison with the original version of symbolic possibilistic logic

    Set-Theoretic Completeness for Epistemic and Conditional Logic

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    The standard approach to logic in the literature in philosophy and mathematics, which has also been adopted in computer science, is to define a language (the syntax), an appropriate class of models together with an interpretation of formulas in the language (the semantics), a collection of axioms and rules of inference characterizing reasoning (the proof theory), and then relate the proof theory to the semantics via soundness and completeness results. Here we consider an approach that is more common in the economics literature, which works purely at the semantic, set-theoretic level. We provide set-theoretic completeness results for a number of epistemic and conditional logics, and contrast the expressive power of the syntactic and set-theoretic approachesComment: This is an expanded version of a paper that appeared in AI and Mathematics, 199

    On the Semantics of Partially Ordered Bases

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    International audienceThis paper presents first results toward the extension of possibilistic logic when the total order on formulas is replaced by a partial preorder. Few works have dealt with this matter in the past but they include some by Halpern, and Benferhat et al. Here we focus on semantic aspects, namely the construction of a partial order on interpretations from a partial order on formulas and conversely. It requires the capability of inducing a partial order on subsets of a set from a partial order on its elements. The difficult point lies in the fact that equivalent definitions in the totally ordered case are no longer equivalent in the partially ordered one. We give arguments for selecting one approach extending comparative possibility and its preadditive refinement, pursuing some previous works by Halpern. It comes close to non-monotonic inference relations in the style of Kraus Lehmann and Magidor. We define an intuitively appealing notion of closure of a partially ordered belief base from a semantic standpoint, and show its limitations in terms of expressiveness, due to the fact that a partial ordering on subsets of a set cannot be expressed by means of a single partial order on the sets of elements. We also discuss several existing languages and syntactic inference techniques devised for reasoning from partially ordered belief bases in the light of this difficulty. The long term purpose is to find a proof method adapted to partially ordered formulas, liable of capturing a suitable notion of semantic closure

    A simple logic for reasoning about incomplete knowledge

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    International audienceThe semantics of modal logics for reasoning about belief or knowledge is often described in terms of accessibility relations, which is too expressive to account for mere epistemic states of an agent. This paper proposes a simple logic whose atoms express epistemic attitudes about formulae expressed in another basic propositional language, and that allows for conjunctions, disjunctions and negations of belief or knowledge statements. It allows an agent to reason about what is known about the beliefs held by another agent. This simple epistemic logic borrows its syntax and axioms from the modal logic KD. It uses only a fragment of the S5 language, which makes it a two-tiered propositional logic rather than as an extension thereof. Its semantics is given in terms of epistemic states understood as subsets of mutually exclusive propositional interpretations. Our approach offers a logical grounding to uncertainty theories like possibility theory and belief functions. In fact, we define the most basic logic for possibility theory as shown by a completeness proof that does not rely on accessibility relations

    Possibilistic reasoning with partially ordered beliefs

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    International audienceThis paper presents the extension of results on reasoning with totally ordered belief bases to the partially ordered case. The idea is to reason from logical bases equipped with a partial order expressing relative certainty and to construct a partially ordered deductive closure. The difficult point lies in the fact that equivalent definitions in the totally ordered case are no longer equivalent in the partially ordered one. At the syntactic level we can either use a language expressing pairs of related formulas and axioms describing the properties of the ordering, or use formulas with partially ordered symbolic weights attached to them in the spirit of possibilistic logic. A possible semantics consists in assuming the partial order on formulas stems from a partial order on interpretations. It requires the capability of inducing a partial order on subsets of a set from a partial order on its elements so as to extend possibility theory functions. Among different possible definitions of induced partial order relations, we select the one generalizing necessity orderings (closely related to epistemic entrenchments). We study such a semantic approach inspired from possibilistic logic, and show its limitations when relying on a unique partial order on interpretations. We propose a more general sound and complete approach to relative certainty, inspired by conditional modal logics, in order to get a partial order on the whole propositional language. Some links between several inference systems, namely conditional logic, modal epistemic logic and non-monotonic preferential inference are established. Possibilistic logic with partially ordered symbolic weights is also revisited and a comparison with the relative certainty approach is made via mutual translations

    Modelling Value-Oriented Legal Reasoning in LogiKEy

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    The logico-pluralist LogiKEy knowledge engineering methodology and framework is applied to the modelling of a theory of legal balancing, in which legal knowledge (cases and laws) is encoded by utilising context-dependent value preferences. The theory obtained is then used to formalise, automatically evaluate, and reconstruct illustrative property law cases (involving the appropriation of wild animals) within the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant system, illustrating how LogiKEy can harness interactive and automated theorem-proving technology to provide a testbed for the development and formal verification of legal domain-specific languages and theories. Modelling value-oriented legal reasoning in that framework, we establish novel bridges between the latest research in knowledge representation and reasoning in non-classical logics, automated theorem proving, and applications in legal reasoning