41 research outputs found

    Covering rough sets based on neighborhoods: An approach without using neighborhoods

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    Rough set theory, a mathematical tool to deal with inexact or uncertain knowledge in information systems, has originally described the indiscernibility of elements by equivalence relations. Covering rough sets are a natural extension of classical rough sets by relaxing the partitions arising from equivalence relations to coverings. Recently, some topological concepts such as neighborhood have been applied to covering rough sets. In this paper, we further investigate the covering rough sets based on neighborhoods by approximation operations. We show that the upper approximation based on neighborhoods can be defined equivalently without using neighborhoods. To analyze the coverings themselves, we introduce unary and composition operations on coverings. A notion of homomorphismis provided to relate two covering approximation spaces. We also examine the properties of approximations preserved by the operations and homomorphisms, respectively.Comment: 13 pages; to appear in International Journal of Approximate Reasonin

    A Logic Approach to Granular computing

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    This article was originally published by the International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural IntelligenceGranular computing is an emerging field of study that attempts to formalize and explore methods and heuristics of human problem solving with multiple levels of granularity and abstraction. A fundamental issue of granular computing is the representation and utilization of granular structures. The main objective of this article is to examine a logic approach to address this issue. Following the classical interpretation of a concept as a pair of intension and extension, we interpret a granule as a pair of a set of objects and a logic formula describing the granule. The building blocks of granular structures are basic granules representing an elementary concept or a piece of knowledge. They are treated as atomic formulas of a logic language. Different types of granular structures can be constructed by using logic connectives. Within this logic framework, we show that rough set analysis (RSA) and formal concept analysis (FCA) can be interpreted uniformly. The two theories use multilevel granular structures but differ in their choices of definable granules and granular structures.NSERC Canada Discovery gran

    Extended Tolerance Relation to Define a New Rough Set Model in Incomplete Information Systems

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    This paper discusses and proposes a rough set model for an incomplete information system, which defines an extended tolerance relation using frequency of attribute values in such a system. It first discusses some rough set extensions in incomplete information systems. Next, “probability of matching” is defined from data in information systems and then measures the degree of tolerance. Consequently, a rough set model is developed using a tolerance relation defined with a threshold. The paper discusses the mathematical properties of the newly developed rough set model and also introduces a method to derive reducts and the core

    A semantical and computational approach to covering-based rough sets

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    An Overview of Rough Set Semantics for Modal and Quantifier Logics

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    Formal reasoning with rough sets in multiple-source approximation systems

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    AbstractWe focus on families of Pawlak approximation spaces, called multiple-source approximation systems (MSASs). These reflect the situation where information arrives from multiple sources. The behaviour of rough sets in MSASs is investigated – different notions of lower and upper approximations, and definability of a set in a MSAS are introduced. In this context, a generalized version of an information system, viz. multiple-source knowledge representation (KR)-system, is discussed. Apart from the indiscernibility relation which can be defined on a multiple-source KR-system, two other relations, viz. similarity and inclusion are considered. To facilitate formal reasoning with rough sets in MSASs, a quantified propositional modal logic LMSAS is proposed. Interpretations for sets of well-formed formulae (wffs) of LMSAS are defined on MSASs, and the various properties of rough sets in MSASs translate into logically valid wffs of the system. LMSAS is shown to be sound and complete with respect to this semantics. Some decidable problems are addressed. In particular, it is shown that for any LMSAS-wff α, it is possible to check whether α is satisfiable in a certain class of interpretations with MSASs of a given finite cardinality. Moreover, it is also decidable whether any wff α is satisfiable in the class of all interpretations with MSASs having domain of a given finite cardinality

    Three-valued logics, uncertainty management and rough sets

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    This paper is a survey of the connections between three-valued logics and rough sets from the point of view of incomplete information management. Based on the fact that many three-valued logics can be put under a unique algebraic umbrella, we show how to translate three-valued conjunctions and implications into operations on ill-known sets such as rough sets. We then show that while such translations may provide mathematically elegant algebraic settings for rough sets, the interpretability of these connectives in terms of an original set approximated via an equivalence relation is very limited, thus casting doubts on the practical relevance of truth-functional logical renderings of rough sets