27 research outputs found

    Decoupling the Effects of the Amyloid Precursor Protein From Amyloid-β Plaques on Axonal Transport Dynamics in the Living Brain

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    Amyloid precursor protein (APP) is the precursor to Aβ plaques. The cytoplasmic domain of APP mediates attachment of vesicles to molecular motors for axonal transport. In APP-KO mice, transport of Mn²⁺ is decreased. In old transgenic mice expressing mutated human (APP^(SwInd)) linked to Familial Alzheimer’s Disease, with both expression of APP^(SwInd) and plaques, the rate and destination of Mn²⁺ axonal transport is altered, as detected by time-lapse manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI) of the brain in living mice. To determine the relative contribution of expression of APP^(SwInd) versus plaque on transport dynamics, we developed a Tet-off system to decouple expression of APP^(SwInd) from plaque, and then studied hippocampal to forebrain transport by MEMRI. Three groups of mice were compared to wild-type (WT): Mice with plaque and APP^(SwInd) expression; mice with plaque but suppression of APP^(SwInd) expression; and mice with APP^(SwInd) suppressed from mating until 2 weeks before imaging with no plaque. MR images were captured before at successive time points after stereotactic injection of Mn²⁺ (3–5 nL) into CA3 of the hippocampus. Mice were returned to their home cage between imaging sessions so that transport would occur in the awake freely moving animal. Images of multiple mice from the three groups (suppressed or expressed) together with C57/B6J WT were aligned and processed with our automated computational pipeline, and voxel-wise statistical parametric mapping (SPM) performed. At the conclusion of MR imaging, brains were harvested for biochemistry or histopathology. Paired T-tests within-group between time points (p = 0.01 FDR corrected) support the impression that both plaque alone and APP^(SwInd) expression alone alter transport rates and destination of Mn²⁺ accumulation. Expression of APP^(SwInd) in the absence of plaque or detectable Aβ also resulted in transport defects as well as pathology of hippocampus and medial septum, suggesting two sources of pathology occur in familial Alzheimer’s disease, from toxic mutant protein as well as plaque. Alternatively mice with plaque without APP^(SwInd) expression resemble the human condition of sporadic Alzheimer’s, and had better transport. Thus, these mice with APP^(SwInd) expression suppressed after plaque formation will be most useful in preclinical trials

    Manganese Enhanced MRI for Use in Studying Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    MRI has been extensively used in neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), frontal-temporal dementia (FTD), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Parkinson’s disease (PD), Huntington’s disease (HD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). MRI is important for monitoring the neurodegenerative components in other diseases such as epilepsy, stroke and multiple sclerosis (MS). Manganese enhanced MRI (MEMRI) has been used in many preclinical studies to image anatomy and cytoarchitecture, to obtain functional information in areas of the brain and to study neuronal connections. This is due to Mn2+ ability to enter excitable cells through voltage gated calcium channels and be actively transported in an anterograde manner along axons and across synapses. The broad range of information obtained from MEMRI has led to the use of Mn2+ in many animal models of neurodegeneration which has supplied important insight into brain degeneration in preclinical studies. Here we provide a brief review of MEMRI use in neurodegenerative diseases and in diseases with neurodegenerative components in animal studies and discuss the potential translation of MEMRI to clinical use in the future

    Manganese-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Overview and Central Nervous System Applications With a Focus on Neurodegeneration

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    Manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI) rose to prominence in the 1990s as a sensitive approach to high contrast imaging. Following the discovery of manganese conductance through calcium-permeable channels, MEMRI applications expanded to include functional imaging in the central nervous system (CNS) and other body systems. MEMRI has since been employed in the investigation of physiology in many animal models and in humans. Here, we review historical perspectives that follow the evolution of applied MRI research into MEMRI with particular focus on its potential toxicity. Furthermore, we discuss the more current in vivo investigative uses of MEMRI in CNS investigations and the brief but decorated clinical usage of chelated manganese compound mangafodipir in humans

    Manganese-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Overview and Central Nervous System Applications With a Focus on Neurodegeneration

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    Manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI) rose to prominence in the 1990s as a sensitive approach to high contrast imaging. Following the discovery of manganese conductance through calcium-permeable channels, MEMRI applications expanded to include functional imaging in the central nervous system (CNS) and other body systems. MEMRI has since been employed in the investigation of physiology in many animal models and in humans. Here, we review historical perspectives that follow the evolution of applied MRI research into MEMRI with particular focus on its potential toxicity. Furthermore, we discuss the more current in vivo investigative uses of MEMRI in CNS investigations and the brief but decorated clinical usage of chelated manganese compound mangafodipir in humans

    Decoupling the Effects of the Amyloid Precursor Protein From Amyloid-β Plaques on Axonal Transport Dynamics in the Living Brain

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    Amyloid precursor protein (APP) is the precursor to Aβ plaques. The cytoplasmic domain of APP mediates attachment of vesicles to molecular motors for axonal transport. In APP-KO mice, transport of Mn²⁺ is decreased. In old transgenic mice expressing mutated human (APP^(SwInd)) linked to Familial Alzheimer’s Disease, with both expression of APP^(SwInd) and plaques, the rate and destination of Mn²⁺ axonal transport is altered, as detected by time-lapse manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI) of the brain in living mice. To determine the relative contribution of expression of APP^(SwInd) versus plaque on transport dynamics, we developed a Tet-off system to decouple expression of APP^(SwInd) from plaque, and then studied hippocampal to forebrain transport by MEMRI. Three groups of mice were compared to wild-type (WT): Mice with plaque and APP^(SwInd) expression; mice with plaque but suppression of APP^(SwInd) expression; and mice with APP^(SwInd) suppressed from mating until 2 weeks before imaging with no plaque. MR images were captured before at successive time points after stereotactic injection of Mn²⁺ (3–5 nL) into CA3 of the hippocampus. Mice were returned to their home cage between imaging sessions so that transport would occur in the awake freely moving animal. Images of multiple mice from the three groups (suppressed or expressed) together with C57/B6J WT were aligned and processed with our automated computational pipeline, and voxel-wise statistical parametric mapping (SPM) performed. At the conclusion of MR imaging, brains were harvested for biochemistry or histopathology. Paired T-tests within-group between time points (p = 0.01 FDR corrected) support the impression that both plaque alone and APP^(SwInd) expression alone alter transport rates and destination of Mn²⁺ accumulation. Expression of APP^(SwInd) in the absence of plaque or detectable Aβ also resulted in transport defects as well as pathology of hippocampus and medial septum, suggesting two sources of pathology occur in familial Alzheimer’s disease, from toxic mutant protein as well as plaque. Alternatively mice with plaque without APP^(SwInd) expression resemble the human condition of sporadic Alzheimer’s, and had better transport. Thus, these mice with APP^(SwInd) expression suppressed after plaque formation will be most useful in preclinical trials

    In vivo tracing of the ascending vagal projections to the brain with manganese enhanced magnetic resonance imaging

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    IntroductionThe vagus nerve, the primary neural pathway mediating brain-body interactions, plays an essential role in transmitting bodily signals to the brain. Despite its significance, our understanding of the detailed organization and functionality of vagal afferent projections remains incomplete.MethodsIn this study, we utilized manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI) as a non-invasive and in vivo method for tracing vagal nerve projections to the brainstem and assessing their functional dependence on cervical vagus nerve stimulation (VNS). Manganese chloride solution was injected into the nodose ganglion of rats, and T1-weighted MRI scans were performed at both 12 and 24 h after the injection.ResultsOur findings reveal that vagal afferent neurons can uptake and transport manganese ions, serving as a surrogate for calcium ions, to the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) in the brainstem. In the absence of VNS, we observed significant contrast enhancements of around 19–24% in the NTS ipsilateral to the injection side. Application of VNS for 4 h further promoted nerve activity, leading to greater contrast enhancements of 40–43% in the NTS.DiscussionThese results demonstrate the potential of MEMRI for high-resolution, activity-dependent tracing of vagal afferents, providing a valuable tool for the structural and functional assessment of the vagus nerve and its influence on brain activity

    Manganese-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Overview and Central Nervous System Applications With a Focus on Neurodegeneration

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    Manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI) rose to prominence in the 1990s as a sensitive approach to high contrast imaging. Following the discovery of manganese conductance through calcium-permeable channels, MEMRI applications expanded to include functional imaging in the central nervous system (CNS) and other body systems. MEMRI has since been employed in the investigation of physiology in many animal models and in humans. Here, we review historical perspectives that follow the evolution of applied MRI research into MEMRI with particular focus on its potential toxicity. Furthermore, we discuss the more current in vivo investigative uses of MEMRI in CNS investigations and the brief but decorated clinical usage of chelated manganese compound mangafodipir in humans

    Automated Computational Processing of 3-D MR Images of Mouse Brain for Phenotyping of Living Animals

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    Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging provides a method to obtain anatomical information from the brain in vivo that is not typically available by optical imaging because of this organ's opacity. MR is nondestructive and obtains deep tissue contrast with 100-µm^3 voxel resolution or better. Manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) may be used to observe axonal transport and localized neural activity in the living rodent and avian brain. Such enhancement enables researchers to investigate differences in functional circuitry or neuronal activity in images of brains of different animals. Moreover, once MR images of a number of animals are aligned into a single matrix, statistical analysis can be done comparing MR intensities between different multi-animal cohorts comprising individuals from different mouse strains or different transgenic animals, or at different time points after an experimental manipulation. Although preprocessing steps for such comparisons (including skull stripping and alignment) are automated for human imaging, no such automated processing has previously been readily available for mouse or other widely used experimental animals, and most investigators use in-house custom processing. This protocol describes a stepwise method to perform such preprocessing for mouse

    The evolution of the axonal transport toolkit

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    Neurons are highly polarized cells that critically depend on long‐range, bidirectional transport between the cell body and synapse for their function. This continual and highly coordinated trafficking process, which takes place via the axon, has fascinated researchers since the early 20th century. Ramon y Cajal first proposed the existence of axonal trafficking of biological material after observing that dissociation of the axon from the cell body led to neuronal degeneration. Since these first indirect observations, the field has come a long way in its understanding of this fundamental process. However, these advances in our knowledge have been aided by breakthroughs in other scientific disciplines, as well as the parallel development of novel tools, techniques and model systems. In this review, we summarize the evolution of tools used to study axonal transport and discuss how their deployment has refined our understanding of this process. We also highlight innovative tools currently being developed and how their addition to the available axonal transport toolkit might help to address key outstanding questions