890 research outputs found

    Nanoscale effects on the thermal and mechanical properties of AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well laser diodes: influence on the catastrophic optical damage

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    Producción CientíficaIn this work we study the catastrophic optical damage (COD) of graded-index separate confinement heterostructure quantum well (QW) laser diodes based on AlGaAs/GaAs. The emphasis is placed on the impact that the nanoscale physical properties have on the operation and degradation of the active layers of these devices. When these laser diodes run in continuous-wave mode with high internal optical power densities, the QW and guide layers can experiment very intense local heating phenomena that lead to device failure. A thermomechanical model has been set up to study the mechanism of degradation. This model has been solved by applying finite element methods. A variety of physical factors related to the materials properties, which play a paramount role in the laser degradation process, have been considered. Among these, the reduced thicknesses of the QW and the guides lead to thermal conductivities smaller than the bulk figures, which are further reduced as extended defects develop in these layers. This results in a progressively deteriorating thermal management in the device. To the best of our knowledge, this model for laser diodes is the first one to have taken into account low scale mechanical effects that result in enhanced strengths in the structural layers. Moreover, the consequences of these conflicting size-dependent properties on the thermo-mechanical behaviour on the route to COD are examined. Subsequently, this approach opens the possibility of taking advantage of these properties in order to design robust diode lasers (or other types of power devices) in a controlled manner.Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. Project VA293U13 and VA081U16 (003)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Proyect ENE2014-56069-C4-4-R

    About the impact of the materials properties in the catastrophic degradation of high power GaAs based laser

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    Producción CientíficaThe catastrophic degradation of high power lasers depends on both external factors, associated with the technological processes followed to fabricate the laser, and also on intrinsic aspects related to the materials forming the laser structure, more specifically the active zone composed by the QW, guide layers and claddings. The materials properties: optical, thermal and mechanical, play a paramount role in the degradation of the laser. We analyse here how these properties have an impact on the mechanisms responsible for the catastrophic degradation.Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. Project VA293U13 and VA081U16 (003))Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Proyect ENE2014-56069-C4-4-R

    Mechanisms driving the catastrophic optical damage in high power laser diodes

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    Producción CientíficaThe catastrophic optical damage (COD) of laser diodes consists of the sudden drop off of the optical power. COD is generally associated with a thermal runaway mechanism in which the active zone of the laser is molten in a positive feedback process. The full sequence of the degradation follows different phases: in the first phase, a weak zone of the laser is incubated and the temperature is locally increased there; when a critical temperature is reached the thermal runaway process takes place. Usually, the positive feedback leading to COD is circumscribed to the sequential enhancement of the optical absorption in a process driven by the increase of the temperature. However, the meaning of the critical temperature has not been unambiguously established. Herein, we will discuss about the critical temperature, and the physical mechanisms involved in this process. The influence of the progressive deterioration of the thermal conductivity of the laser structure as a result of the degradation during the laser operation will be addressed.Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA302U13

    Catastrophic optical damage of high power InGaAs/AlGaAs laser diodes

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    Producción CientíficaThe defects generated by the catastrophic optical degradation (COD) of high power laser diodes have been examined using cathodoluminescence (CL). Discontinuous dark lines that correspond to different levels of damage have been observed along the ridge. Finite element methods have been applied to solve a physical model for the degradation of the diodes that explicitly considers the thermal and mechanical properties of the laser structure. According to this model, the COD is triggered by a local temperature enhancement that gives rise to thermal stresses leading to the generation of dislocations. Damage is initially localized in the QW, and when it propagates to the waveguide layers the laser ends its life.Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA302U13

    Thermomechanical degradation of single and multiple quantum well AlGaAs/GaAs laser diodes

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    The catastrophic degradation of laser diodeswith active zones comprising either single (SQW) or multiple quantum wells (MQW) has been analysed via finite elementmethods. This analysis is based on a physical model that explicitly considers the thermal and mechanical properties of the diode laser structure and the relevant size effects associated with the small thickness of the active layers of the device. The reduced thermal conductivities and the thermal barriers at the interfaces result in a significant local heating process which is accentuated as more quantum wells form the active part of the device. Therefore, in the design of high power devices, the SQW configuration would be more appropriate than the MQW alternative.Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref VA293U13 and VA081U16 (003)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (ENE2014-56069-C4-4-R

    Thermomechanical issues of high power laser diode catastrophic optical damage

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    Catastrophic optical damage (COD) of high power laser diodes is a crucial factor limiting ultra high power lasers. The understanding of the COD process is essential to improve the endurance of the high power laser diodes. COD is observed as a process in which the active part of the laser diode is destroyed, forming characteristic defects, the so called dark line defects (DLDs). The DLDs are formed by arrays of dislocations generated during the laser operation. Local heating associated with non-radiative recombination is assumed to be at the origin of the COD process. A summary of the methods used to assess the COD, both in real time and post-mortem is presented. The main approaches developed in recent years to model the heat transport in the laser structures under non homogeneous temperature distribution are overviewed. Special emphasis is paid to the impact of the low dimensionality of QWs in two physical properties playing a major role in the COD process, namely, thermal conductivity and mechanical strength. A discussion about the impact of the nanoscale in both physical properties is presented. Finally, we summarize the main issues of the thermomechanical modelling of COD. Within this model the COD is launched when the local thermal stresses generated around the heat source overcome the yield stress of the active zone of the laser. The thermal runaway is related to the sharp decrease of the thermal conductivity once the onset of plasticity has been reached in the active zone of the laser.Junta de Castilla y León (Projects VA081U16 and VA283P18)Spanish Government (ENE 2014-56069-C4-4-R, ENE 2017-89561-C4-3-R, FPU programme 14/00916)

    Influence of reactive ion etching on the minority carrier lifetime in P-type Si

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    Quasi-steady-state photoconductance (QSSPC) and deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) were used to characterize the recombination properties of reactive ion etched p-type Si. The effective lifetime of the plasma-processed samples degraded after etching, with the densities of recombination centers increasing linearly with etch time, before reaching a plateau. Evidence is provided for the long-range (> 2 µm) migration of defects in the samples plasma-etched at room temperature. The relationship between rf power and lifetime degradation is also discussed. A defect with energy position at (0.31 ± 0.02) eV was detected by DLTS in RIE p-Si, whereas no defect level was measured in n-type Si. We demonstrate that this energy level could be used to adequately model the injection-dependence of the measured carrier lifetimes using the Shockley-Read-Hall model

    Thermography of semiconductor lasers

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    Halbleiterlaser stellen mit über 70% Wirkungsgrad einzigartig effiziente Lichtquellen dar. Dennoch ist ihre zuverlässige Nutzung, insbesondere im Bereich hoher Leistungsdichten, von thermischen Limitierungen geprägt. Einen grundlegenden Beitrag zu deren physikalischen Verständnis leistet die Analyse der thermischen Eigenschaften und Degradationsprozesse solcher Bauelemente. In dieser Arbeit wird hierzu die Thermographie als innovative Analysemethode untersucht. Das Plancksche Strahlungsgesetz erlaubt die radiometrische Ermittlung der Temperatur. Die wichtige physikalische Kenngröße Emissivität wird in dieser Arbeit für Halbleiter und Halbleiterlaserstrukturen spektral gemessen und auf fundamentale physikalische Eigenschaften zurückgeführt. Auf dieser Grundlage werden methodische Aspekte der Thermographie diskutiert, welche durch den thermischen Hintergrund und die teilweise Transparenz der Halbleitermaterialien geprägt sind. Die daraus folgenden analytischen Fähigkeiten erlauben unter anderem die orts- und zeitaufgelöste Bestimmung der thermischen Eigenschaften von komplexen Hochleistungslasern unterschiedlichster Bauart. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die Kenntnis der beteiligten thermischen Zeitkonstanten die Extraktion von lokalen Überhöhungen in der Infrarotemission, deren Zusammenhang zur Degradation der Bauelemente untersucht wird. Eine grundsätzliche Begrenzung der Ausgangsleistung ist durch einen abrupten Degradationsprozess gegeben, welcher maßgeblich durch eine Reabsorption der Laserstrahlung an der Frontfacette verursacht wird. Mithilfe einer kombinierten Thermographie-Nahfeld-Messung wird dieser Prozess orts- und zeitaufgelöst analysiert. Die Erweiterung des Messfensters zu kürzeren Wellenlängen hin erlaubt die Detektion strahlender Übergänge unter Einbeziehung von Defektzentren welche als strahlende Signaturen von graduellen Degradationsprozessen aufzufassen sind.Semiconductor lasers are unequaled efficient light sources, reaching efficiencies of more than 70%. Nevertheless, thermal limits govern their reliable application, in particular in the field of high power densities. The analysis of thermal properties and degradation processes in such devices contributes essentially to the understanding of these limits. This work exploits thermography as an innovative analytical technique for such purpose. Planck''s law allows for a radiometric detection of temperatures. In this work, the important physical parameter emissivity is measured spectrally resolved for both semiconductors and semiconductor laser structures and is related to fundamental physical properties. Based on that, methodological aspects are discussed, which are affected on the one hand by the omnipresent thermal radiation and on the other hand by the partial transparency of the semiconductor materials. The resulting analytical capacities allow, for instance, for the determination of the thermal properties of complex high-power lasers of a wide range of different designs in a spatio-temporally resolved fashion. Furthermore, does the knowledge of the involved thermal time constants allow for an extraction of localized peaks of the infrared emission that is analyzed for its relationship with device degradation. The output power of high-power devices is fundamentally limited by the catastrophic optical damage, an abrupt degradation process that is induced significantly by reabsorption of laser radiation at the front facet. This process is analyzed spatio-temporally resolved with help of a combined thermography and optical near-field technique. Extending the detection range down to shorter wavelengths allows for imaging of radiative transitions that are related to defect centers, which are interpreted as radiative signatures of gradual device degradation processes

    Final LDRD report : development of advanced UV light emitters and biological agent detection strategies.

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