1,172 research outputs found

    Automatic assessment of spoken language proficiency of non-native children

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    This paper describes technology developed to automatically grade Italian students (ages 9-16) on their English and German spoken language proficiency. The students' spoken answers are first transcribed by an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system and then scored using a feedforward neural network (NN) that processes features extracted from the automatic transcriptions. In-domain acoustic models, employing deep neural networks (DNNs), are derived by adapting the parameters of an original out of domain DNN

    Computer analysis of children's non-native English speech for language learning and assessment

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    Children's ASR appears to be more challenging than adults' and it's even more difficult when it comes to non-native children's speech. This research investigates different techniques to compensate for the effects of non-native and children on the performance of ASR systems. The study mainly utilises hybrid DNN-HMM systems with conventional DNNs, LSTMs and more advanced TDNN models. This work uses the CALL-ST corpus and TLT-school corpus to study children's non-native English speech. Initially, data augmentation was explored on the CALL-ST corpus to address the lack of data problem using the AMI corpus and PF-STAR German corpus. Feature selection, acoustic model adaptation and selection were also investigated on CALL-ST. More aspects of the ASR system, including pronunciation modelling, acoustic modelling, language modelling and system fusion, were explored on the TLT-school corpus as this corpus has a bigger amount of data. Then, the relationships between the CALL-ST and TLT-school corpora were studied and utilised to improve ASR performance. The other part of the present work is text processing for non-native children's English speech. We focused on providing accept/reject feedback to learners based on the text generated by the ASR system from learners' spoken responses. A rule-based and a machine learning-based system were proposed for making the judgement, several aspects of the systems were evaluated. The influence of the ASR system on the text processing system was explored

    Automatic assessment of motivational interview with diabetes patients

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    Diabetes cost the UK NHS £10 billion each year, and the cost pressure is projected to get worse. Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a goal-driven clinical conversation that seeks to reduce this cost by encouraging patients to take ownership of day-to-day monitoring and medication, whose effectiveness is commonly evaluated against the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI) manual. Unfortunately, measuring clinicians’ MI performance is costly, requiring expert human instructors to ensure the adherence of MITI. Although it is desirable to assess MI in an automated fashion, many challenges still remain due to its complexity. In this thesis, an automatic system to assess clinicians adherence to the MITI criteria using different spoken language techniques was developed. The system tackled the chal- lenges using automatic speech recognition (ASR), speaker diarisation, topic modelling and clinicians’ behaviour code identification. For ASR, only 8 hours of in-domain MI data are available for training. The experiments with different open-source datasets, for example, WSJCAM0 and AMI, are presented. I have explored adaptative training of the ASR system and also the best training criterion and neural network structure. Over 45 minutes of MI testing data, the best ASR system achieves 43.59% word error rate. The i-vector based diarisation system achieves an F-measure of 0.822. The MITI behaviour code classification system with manual transcriptions achieves an accuracy of 78% for Non Question/Question classification, an accuracy of 80% for Open Question/Closed Question classification and an accuracy of 78% for MI Adherence and MI Non-Adherence classification. Topic modelling was applied to track whether the conversation segments were related to ‘diabetes’ or not on manual transcriptions as well as ASR outputs. The full automatic assessment system achieve an Assessment Error Rate of 22.54%. This is the first system that targets the full automation of MI assessment with reasonable performance. In addition, the error analysis from each step is able to guide future research in this area for further improvement and optimisation

    Design and evaluation of mobile computer-assisted pronunciation training tools for second language learning

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    The quality of speech technology (automatic speech recognition, ASR, and textto- speech, TTS) has considerably improved and, consequently, an increasing number of computer-assisted pronunciation (CAPT) tools has included it. However, pronunciation is one area of teaching that has not been developed enough since there is scarce empirical evidence assessing the effectiveness of tools and games that include speech technology in the field of pronunciation training and teaching. This PhD thesis addresses the design and validation of an innovative CAPT system for smart devices for training second language (L2) pronunciation. Particularly, it aims to improve learner’s L2 pronunciation at the segmental level with a specific set of methodological choices, such as learner’s first and second language connection (L1– L2), minimal pairs, a training cycle of exposure–perception–production, individualistic and social approaches, and the inclusion of ASR and TTS technology. The experimental research conducted applying these methodological choices with real users validates the efficiency of the CAPT prototypes developed for the four main experiments of this dissertation. Data is automatically gathered by the CAPT systems to give an immediate specific feedback to users and to analyze all results. The protocols, metrics, algorithms, and methods necessary to statistically analyze and discuss the results are also detailed. The two main L2 tested during the experimental procedure are American English and Spanish. The different CAPT prototypes designed and validated in this thesis, and the methodological choices that they implement, allow to accurately measuring the relative pronunciation improvement of the individuals who trained with them. Both rater’s subjective scores and CAPT’s objective scores show a strong correlation, being useful in the future to be able to assess a large amount of data and reducing human costs. Results also show an intensive practice supported by a significant number of activities carried out. In the case of the controlled experiments, students who worked with the CAPT tool achieved better pronunciation improvement values than their peers in the traditional in-classroom instruction group. In the case of the challenge-based CAPT learning game proposed, the most active players in the competition kept on playing until the end and achieved significant pronunciation improvement results.Departamento de Informática (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos)Doctorado en Informátic

    Incremental Disfluency Detection for Spoken Learner English

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    Dialogue-based computer-assisted language learning (CALL) concerns the application and analysis of automated systems that engage with a language learner through dialogue. Routed in an interactionist perspective of second language acquisition, dialogue-based CALL systems assume the role of a speaking partner, providing learners the opportunity for spontaneous production of their second language. One area of interest for such systems is the implementation of corrective feedback. However, the feedback strategies employed by such systems remain fairly limited. In particular, there are currently no provisions for learners to initiate the correction of their own errors, despite this being the most frequently occurring and most preferred type of error correction in learner speech. To address this gap, this thesis proposes a framework for implementing such functionality, identifying incremental self-initiated self-repair (i.e. disfluency) detection as a key area for research. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to the exploration of this topic, this thesis outlines the steps taken to optimise an incremental disfluency detection model for use with spoken learner English. To begin, a linguistic comparative analysis of native and learner disfluency corpora explored the differences between the disfluency behaviour of native and learner speech, highlighting key features of learner speech not previously explored in disfluency detection model analysis. Following this, in order to identify a suitable baseline model for further experimentation, two state-of-the-art incremental self-repair detection models were trained and tested with a learner speech corpus. An error analysis of the models' outputs found an LSTM model using word embeddings and part-of-speech tags to be the most suitable for learner speech, thanks to its lower number of false positives triggered by learner errors in the corpus. Following this, several adaptations to the model were tested to improve performance. Namely, the inclusion of character embeddings, silence and laughter features, separating edit term detection from disfluency detection, lemmatization and the inclusion of learners' prior proficiency scores led to over an eight percent model improvement over the baseline. Findings from this thesis illustrate how the analysis of language characteristics specific to learner speech can positively inform model adaptation and provide a starting point for further investigation into the implementation of effective corrective feedback strategies in dialogue-based CALL systems

    Automatic Screening of Childhood Speech Sound Disorders and Detection of Associated Pronunciation Errors

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    Speech disorders in children can affect their fluency and intelligibility. Delay in their diagnosis and treatment increases the risk of social impairment and learning disabilities. With the significant shortage of Speech and Language Pathologists (SLPs), there is an increasing interest in Computer-Aided Speech Therapy tools with automatic detection and diagnosis capability. However, the scarcity and unreliable annotation of disordered child speech corpora along with the high acoustic variations in the child speech data has impeded the development of reliable automatic detection and diagnosis of childhood speech sound disorders. Therefore, this thesis investigates two types of detection systems that can be achieved with minimum dependency on annotated mispronounced speech data. First, a novel approach that adopts paralinguistic features which represent the prosodic, spectral, and voice quality characteristics of the speech was proposed to perform segment- and subject-level classification of Typically Developing (TD) and Speech Sound Disordered (SSD) child speech using a binary Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. As paralinguistic features are both language- and content-independent, they can be extracted from an unannotated speech signal. Second, a novel Mispronunciation Detection and Diagnosis (MDD) approach was introduced to detect the pronunciation errors made due to SSDs and provide low-level diagnostic information that can be used in constructing formative feedback and a detailed diagnostic report. Unlike existing MDD methods where detection and diagnosis are performed at the phoneme level, the proposed method achieved MDD at the speech attribute level, namely the manners and places of articulations. The speech attribute features describe the involved articulators and their interactions when making a speech sound allowing a low-level description of the pronunciation error to be provided. Two novel methods to model speech attributes are further proposed in this thesis, a frame-based (phoneme-alignment) method leveraging the Multi-Task Learning (MTL) criterion and training a separate model for each attribute, and an alignment-free jointly-learnt method based on the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) sequence to sequence criterion. The proposed techniques have been evaluated using standard and publicly accessible adult and child speech corpora, while the MDD method has been validated using L2 speech corpora

    A computational model for studying L1’s effect on L2 speech learning

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    abstract: Much evidence has shown that first language (L1) plays an important role in the formation of L2 phonological system during second language (L2) learning process. This combines with the fact that different L1s have distinct phonological patterns to indicate the diverse L2 speech learning outcomes for speakers from different L1 backgrounds. This dissertation hypothesizes that phonological distances between accented speech and speakers' L1 speech are also correlated with perceived accentedness, and the correlations are negative for some phonological properties. Moreover, contrastive phonological distinctions between L1s and L2 will manifest themselves in the accented speech produced by speaker from these L1s. To test the hypotheses, this study comes up with a computational model to analyze the accented speech properties in both segmental (short-term speech measurements on short-segment or phoneme level) and suprasegmental (long-term speech measurements on word, long-segment, or sentence level) feature space. The benefit of using a computational model is that it enables quantitative analysis of L1's effect on accent in terms of different phonological properties. The core parts of this computational model are feature extraction schemes to extract pronunciation and prosody representation of accented speech based on existing techniques in speech processing field. Correlation analysis on both segmental and suprasegmental feature space is conducted to look into the relationship between acoustic measurements related to L1s and perceived accentedness across several L1s. Multiple regression analysis is employed to investigate how the L1's effect impacts the perception of foreign accent, and how accented speech produced by speakers from different L1s behaves distinctly on segmental and suprasegmental feature spaces. Results unveil the potential application of the methodology in this study to provide quantitative analysis of accented speech, and extend current studies in L2 speech learning theory to large scale. Practically, this study further shows that the computational model proposed in this study can benefit automatic accentedness evaluation system by adding features related to speakers' L1s.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Speech and Hearing Science 201

    Alzheimer’s Dementia Recognition Through Spontaneous Speech

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