17 research outputs found

    Deep convolutional neural networks for mobile capture device-based crop disease classification in the wild

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    Fungal infection represents up to 50% of yield losses, making it necessary to apply effective and cost efficient fungicide treatments, whose efficacy depends on infestation type, situation and time. In these cases, a correct and early identification of the specific infection is mandatory to minimize yield losses and increase the efficacy and efficiency of the treatments. Over the last years, a number of image analysis-based methodologies have been proposed for automatic image disease identification. Among these methods, the use of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) has proven tremendously successful for different visual classification tasks. In this work we extend previous work by Johannes et al. (2017) with an adapted Deep Residual Neural Network-based algorithm to deal with the detection of multiple plant diseases in real acquisition conditions where different adaptions for early disease detection have been proposed. This work analyses the performance of early identification of three relevant European endemic wheat diseases: Septoria (Septoria triciti), Tan Spot (Drechslera triciti-repentis) and Rust (Puccinia striiformis & Puccinia recondita)

    Image based Chili Crop Disease Prediction Using Deep Transfer Learning

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    Crop diseases have a terrible impact on food protection and can result in considerable reductions in both the supply and quality of agricultural products. Human professional have traditionally been relying on to diagnose crop diseases caused by insects, pests, virus, bacteria, fungal, inadequate nutrition, or adverse environmental conditions. This, however, is costly, time demanding, and in some situations unworkable. Thus, in the area of agricultural information, the automatic identification of crop diseases is significantly required. Many strategies have been presented to solve this challenge, with deep learning becoming as the preferred approach due to its outstanding performance.This research describes a method for detecting chili leaf diseases using a deep convolutional neural network. We compared performances of four architectures: MobileNet, Inception-ResnetV2, EfficientNetB0, and DenseNet. The proposed approach evaluated the findings using measures such as accuracy, loss and time. Our model compares favorably to EfficientNetB0 with an accuracy of 0.995, a loss of 0.023, and time is 5 minutes 45 seconds. EfficientNetB0, a compact deep learning architecture has fine tuned to classify two forms of chili leaf diseases. The method was tested on 2475 photos from the Plant Village dataset

    Design and Implementation of Deep Learning Method for Disease Identification in Plant Leaf

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    In the whole agriculture plays a very important in country’s economic condition specially in Indian agriculture has a crucial role for raising the Indian economic structure and its level. India’s frequent changing climatic situation, various bacterial disease is much normal that drastically decreases the productivity of crop productivity. Most of the researcher is moving towards into this topic to find the early detection technique to identify the disease in small green leaves plants. A single, micro bacterial infectious disease can destroy all the agricultural small green leaves plants get damaged overnight and hence must be prevented and cured as earliest as possible so that agriculture production. In this research work, we had tried to developed a green small green leaves plants bacterial disease early detection system based on the deep learning network system which will detect the disease at very earlier state of symptoms observed. Deep learning technique is has various algorithms to detect the earliest stage of any of the procedural processing of any bacterial infections or disease. This paper consists of investigations and analysis of latest deep learning techniques. Initially we will explore the deep learning architecture, its various source of data and different types of image processing method that can be used for processing the images captured of leaf for data processing. Different DL architectures with various data visualization’s tools has recently developed to determine symptoms and classifications of different type of plant-based disease. We had observed some issue that was un identified in previous research work during our literature survey and their technique to resolve that issue in order to handle the functional auto-detection system for identifying the certain plant disease in the field where massive growth of green small green leaves plants production is mostly done. Recently various enhancement has been done in techniques in CNN (convolution neural network) that generates much accurate images classification of any object. Our research work is based on deep learning network that will observe and identifies the symptoms generated in leaflet of plant and identifies the type of bacterial infection in progress in that with the help of plant classification stated in the plant dataset. Our research work represents the implementation DCGAN and Hybrid Net Model using Deep learning algorithm for early-stage identification of green plant leaves disease in various environmental condition. Our result obtained shows that it has DCGAN accuracy 96.90% when compared withHybrid Net model disease detection methodologies

    Apple scab detection using CNN and Transfer Learning

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    Received: January 11th, 2021 ; Accepted: April 10th, 2021 ; Published: April 22nd, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] goal of smart and precise horticulture is to increase yield and product quality by simultaneous reduction of pesticide application, thereby promoting the improvement of food security. The scope of this research is apple scab detection in the early stage of development using mobile phones and artificial intelligence based on convolutional neural network (CNN) applications. The research considers data acquisition and CNN training. Two datasets were collected - with images of scab infected fruits and leaves of an apple tree. However, data acquisition is a time-consuming process and scab appearance has a probability factor. Therefore, transfer learning is an appropriate training methodology. The goal of this research was to select the most suitable dataset for transfer learning for the apple scab detection domain and to evaluate the transfer learning impact comparing it with learning from scratch. The statistical analysis confirmed the positive effect of transfer learning on CNN performance with significance level 0.05

    Crop leaf disease detection and classification using machine learning and deep learning algorithms by visual symptoms: a review

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    A Quick and precise crop leaf disease detection is important to increasing agricultural yield in a sustainable manner. We present a comprehensive overview of recent research in the field of crop leaf disease prediction using image processing (IP), machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques in this paper. Using these techniques, crop leaf disease prediction made it possible to get notable accuracies. This article presents a survey of research papers that presented the various methodologies, analyzes them in terms of the dataset, number of images, number of classes, algorithms used, convolutional neural networks (CNN) models employed, and overall performance achieved. Then, suggestions are prepared on the most appropriate algorithms to deploy in standard, mobile/embedded systems, Drones, Robots and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). We discussed the performance measures used and listed some of the limitations and future works that requires to be focus on, to extend real time automated crop leaf disease detection system

    Potato Leaves Blight Disease Recognition and Categorization Using Deep Learning

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    Potato cultivation is vital in numerous countries, contributing to food security and economic value. However, crop diseases, particularly early and late blight, pose significant challenges to potato production. The accurate diagnosis of these diseases remains unclear to many individuals. This study leverages the increasing penetration of smartphones and recent advancements in deep learning to develop a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model for real-time detection of early and late blight in potatoes. The dataset was pre-processed by normalizing, dividing, and extracting images using the Python data processing library. The approach incorporates slight variations in the network layers to optimize the model's performance. The method was evaluated using classification optimizers, metrics, and loss functions and further refined using layer-by-layer TensorBoard analysis. Hyperparameters such as features, labels, validation split, batch size, and training epochs were carefully selected. The final model demonstrated promising results, achieving an accuracy of 96.09% on the survey dataset. Experimental findings highlight the approach's potential for automatically detecting both early, late blight and healthy, thereby significantly improving the accuracy of disease diagnosis

    Technologies, methods, and approaches on detection system of plant pests and diseases

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    This research aims to identify the technology, methods, approaches applied in developing plant pest and disease detection systems. For this purpose, it mainly reviews systematically related research on identification, monitoring, detection, and control techniques of plant pests and diseases using a computer or mobile technology. Evidence from the literature shows previous both academia and practitioners have used various technologies, methods and approaches for developing detection system of plant pests and diseases. Some technologies have been applied for the detection system, such as web-based, mobile-based, and internet of things (IoT). Furthermore, the dominant approaches are expert system and deep learning. While backward chaining, forward chaining, fuzzy model, genetic algorithm (GA), K-means clustering, Bayesian networks and incremental learning, Naïve Bayes and Certainty Factors, Convolutional Neural Network, and Decision Tree are the most frequently methods applied in the previous researches. The review also indicated that no single technology or technique is best for developing accurate pest/disease detection system. Instead, the combination of technologies, methods, and approaches resulted in different performance and accuracies. A possible explanation for this is because the systems are used for detecting, controlling and monitoring various plants, such as corn, onion, wheat, rice, mango, flower, and others that are different. This research contributes by providing a reference for technologies, methods, and approaches to the detection system for plant pests and diseases. Also, it adds a way of literature review. This research has implications for researchers as a reference for researching in the computer system, especially for the detection of plant pest and disease research. Hence, this research also extends the body of knowledge of the intelligence system, deep learning, and computer science. For practice, the method references can be used for developing technology for detecting plant pest and disease

    Семантическая сегментация ржавчин и пятнистостей пшеницы

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    В статье исследуется возможность семантической сегментации классификации желтой ржавчины и пятнистости пшеницы с помощью сверточной нейросетевой архитектуры U-Net. На основе собственного набора данных, включающего 268 изображений, собранной в естественных условиях и условиях инфекционных питомников ФНЦ БЗР, показано, что архитектура U-Net c декодерами ResNet способна качественно обнаруживать, классифицировать и локализовывать ржавчины и пятнистости даже в тех случаях, когда болезни присутствуют на растении одновременно. Для отдельных классов болезней основные метрики (accuracy, micro-/macro precision, recall и F1) колеблются в пределах от 0,92 до 0,96. Это указывает на возможность распознавания даже нескольких болезней на листе с точностью, не уступающей эксперту-фитопатологу. Метрики сегментации IoU и Dice составили соответственно 0,71 и 0,88, что говорит о достаточно высоком качестве попиксельной сегментации и подтверждается при визуальном анализе. Использованная при этом архитектура нейронной сети достаточно легковесна, что делает возможным ее использование на мобильных устройствах без подключения к сети

    mPD-APP: a mobile-enabled plant diseases diagnosis application using convolutional neural network toward the attainment of a food secure world

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    The devastating effect of plant disease infestation on crop production poses a significant threat to the attainment of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG2) of food security, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. This has been further exacerbated by the lack of effective and accessible plant disease detection technologies. Farmers' inability to quickly and accurately diagnose plant diseases leads to crop destruction and reduced productivity. The diverse range of existing plant diseases further complicates detection for farmers without the right technologies, hindering efforts to combat food insecurity in the region. This study presents a web-based plant diagnosis application, referred to as mobile-enabled Plant Diagnosis-Application (mPD-App). First, a publicly available image dataset, containing a diverse range of plant diseases, was acquired from Kaggle for the purpose of training the detection system. The image dataset was, then, made to undergo the preprocessing stage which included processes such as image-to-array conversion, image reshaping, and data augmentation. The training phase leverages the vast computational ability of the convolutional neural network (CNN) to effectively classify image datasets. The CNN model architecture featured six convolutional layers (including the fully connected layer) with phases, such as normalization layer, rectified linear unit (RELU), max pooling layer, and dropout layer. The training process was carefully managed to prevent underfitting and overfitting of the model, ensuring accurate predictions. The mPD-App demonstrated excellent performance in diagnosing plant diseases, achieving an overall accuracy of 93.91%. The model was able to classify 14 different types of plant diseases with high precision and recall values. The ROC curve showed a promising area under the curve (AUC) value of 0.946, indicating the model's reliability in detecting diseases. The web-based mPD-App offers a valuable tool for farmers and agricultural stakeholders in Sub-Saharan Africa, to detect and diagnose plant diseases effectively and efficiently. To further improve the application's performance, ongoing efforts should focus on expanding the dataset and refining the model's architecture. Agricultural authorities and policymakers should consider promoting and integrating such technologies into existing agricultural extension services to maximize their impact and benefit the farming community

    Deep learning-based segmentation of multiple species of weeds and corn crop using synthetic and real image datasets

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    Weeds compete with productive crops for soil, nutrients and sunlight and are therefore a major contributor to crop yield loss, which is why safer and more effective herbicide products are continually being developed. Digital evaluation tools to automate and homogenize field measurements are of vital importance to accelerate their development. However, the development of these tools requires the generation of semantic segmentation datasets, which is a complex, time-consuming and not easily affordable task. In this paper, we present a deep learning segmentation model that is able to distinguish between different plant species at the pixel level. First, we have generated three extensive datasets targeting one crop species (Zea mays), three grass species (Setaria verticillata, Digitaria sanguinalis, Echinochloa crus-galli) and three broadleaf species (Abutilon theophrasti, Chenopodium albums, Amaranthus retroflexus). The first dataset consists of real field images that were manually annotated. The second dataset is composed of images of plots where only one species is present at a time and the third type of dataset was synthetically generated from images of individual plants mimicking the distribution of real field images. Second, we have proposed a semantic segmentation architecture by extending a PSPNet architecture with an auxiliary classification loss to aid model convergence. Our results show that the network performance increases when supplementing the real field image dataset with the other types of datasets without increasing the manual annotation effort. More specifically, the use of the real field dataset obtains a Dice-Søensen Coefficient (DSC) score of 25.32. This performance increases when this dataset is combined with the single-species class dataset (DSC=47.97) or the synthetic dataset (DSC=45.20). As for the proposed model, the ablation method shows that by removing the proposed auxiliary classification loss, the segmentation performance decreases (DSC=45.96) compared to the proposed architecture method (DSC=47.97). The proposed method shows better performance than the current state of the art. In addition, the use of proposed single-species or synthetic datasets can double the performance of the algorithm than when using real datasets without additional manual annotation effort.We would like to thank BASF technicians Rainer Oberst, Gerd Kraemer, Hikal Gad, Javier Romero and Juan Manuel Contreras, as well as Amaia Ortiz-Barredo from Neiker for their support in the design of the experiments and the generation of the data sets used in this work. This was partially supported by the Basque Government through ELKARTEK project BASQNET(ref K-2021/00014)