1,029 research outputs found

    Weakly-Supervised Temporal Localization via Occurrence Count Learning

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    We propose a novel model for temporal detection and localization which allows the training of deep neural networks using only counts of event occurrences as training labels. This powerful weakly-supervised framework alleviates the burden of the imprecise and time-consuming process of annotating event locations in temporal data. Unlike existing methods, in which localization is explicitly achieved by design, our model learns localization implicitly as a byproduct of learning to count instances. This unique feature is a direct consequence of the model's theoretical properties. We validate the effectiveness of our approach in a number of experiments (drum hit and piano onset detection in audio, digit detection in images) and demonstrate performance comparable to that of fully-supervised state-of-the-art methods, despite much weaker training requirements.Comment: Accepted at ICML 201

    MuseGAN: Multi-track Sequential Generative Adversarial Networks for Symbolic Music Generation and Accompaniment

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    Generating music has a few notable differences from generating images and videos. First, music is an art of time, necessitating a temporal model. Second, music is usually composed of multiple instruments/tracks with their own temporal dynamics, but collectively they unfold over time interdependently. Lastly, musical notes are often grouped into chords, arpeggios or melodies in polyphonic music, and thereby introducing a chronological ordering of notes is not naturally suitable. In this paper, we propose three models for symbolic multi-track music generation under the framework of generative adversarial networks (GANs). The three models, which differ in the underlying assumptions and accordingly the network architectures, are referred to as the jamming model, the composer model and the hybrid model. We trained the proposed models on a dataset of over one hundred thousand bars of rock music and applied them to generate piano-rolls of five tracks: bass, drums, guitar, piano and strings. A few intra-track and inter-track objective metrics are also proposed to evaluate the generative results, in addition to a subjective user study. We show that our models can generate coherent music of four bars right from scratch (i.e. without human inputs). We also extend our models to human-AI cooperative music generation: given a specific track composed by human, we can generate four additional tracks to accompany it. All code, the dataset and the rendered audio samples are available at https://salu133445.github.io/musegan/ .Comment: to appear at AAAI 201

    Sigmoidal NMFD : convolutional NMF with saturating activations for drum mixture decomposition

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    In many types of music, percussion plays an essential role to establish the rhythm and the groove of the music. Algorithms that can decompose the percussive signal into its constituent components would therefore be very useful, as they would enable many analytical and creative applications. This paper describes a method for the unsupervised decomposition of percussive recordings, building on the non-negative matrix factor deconvolution (NMFD) algorithm. Given a percussive music recording, NMFD discovers a dictionary of time-varying spectral templates and corresponding activation functions, representing its constituent sounds and their positions in the mix. We observe, however, that the activation functions discovered using NMFD do not show the expected impulse-like behavior for percussive instruments. We therefore enforce this behavior by specifying that the activations should take on binary values: either an instrument is hit, or it is not. To this end, we rewrite the activations as the output of a sigmoidal function, multiplied with a per-component amplitude factor. We furthermore define a regularization term that biases the decomposition to solutions with saturated activations, leading to the desired binary behavior. We evaluate several optimization strategies and techniques that are designed to avoid poor local minima. We show that incentivizing the activations to be binary indeed leads to the desired impulse-like behavior, and that the resulting components are better separated, leading to more interpretable decompositions

    The effect of spectrogram reconstructions on automatic music transcription: an alternative approach to improve transcription accuracy

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    Most of the state-of-the-art automatic music transcription (AMT) models break down the main transcription task into sub-tasks such as onset prediction and offset prediction and train them with onset and offset labels. These predictions are then concatenated together and used as the input to train another model with the pitch labels to obtain the final transcription. We attempt to use only the pitch labels (together with spectrogram reconstruction loss) and explore how far this model can go without introducing supervised sub-tasks. In this paper, we do not aim at achieving state-of-the-art transcription accuracy, instead, we explore the effect that spectrogram reconstruction has on our AMT model. Our proposed model consists of two U-nets: the first U-net transcribes the spectrogram into a posteriorgram, and a second U-net transforms the posteriorgram back into a spectrogram. A reconstruction loss is applied between the original spectrogram and the reconstructed spectrogram to constrain the second U-net to focus only on reconstruction. We train our model on three different datasets: MAPS, MAESTRO, and MusicNet. Our experiments show that adding the reconstruction loss can generally improve the note-level transcription accuracy when compared to the same model without the reconstruction part. Moreover, it can also boost the frame-level precision to be higher than the state-of-the-art models. The feature maps learned by our U-net contain gridlike structures (not present in the baseline model) which implies that with the presence of the reconstruction loss, the model is probably trying to count along both the time and frequency axis, resulting in a higher note-level transcription accuracy
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