59 research outputs found

    Towards Robust Blind Face Restoration with Codebook Lookup Transformer

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    Blind face restoration is a highly ill-posed problem that often requires auxiliary guidance to 1) improve the mapping from degraded inputs to desired outputs, or 2) complement high-quality details lost in the inputs. In this paper, we demonstrate that a learned discrete codebook prior in a small proxy space largely reduces the uncertainty and ambiguity of restoration mapping by casting blind face restoration as a code prediction task, while providing rich visual atoms for generating high-quality faces. Under this paradigm, we propose a Transformer-based prediction network, named CodeFormer, to model the global composition and context of the low-quality faces for code prediction, enabling the discovery of natural faces that closely approximate the target faces even when the inputs are severely degraded. To enhance the adaptiveness for different degradation, we also propose a controllable feature transformation module that allows a flexible trade-off between fidelity and quality. Thanks to the expressive codebook prior and global modeling, CodeFormer outperforms the state of the arts in both quality and fidelity, showing superior robustness to degradation. Extensive experimental results on synthetic and real-world datasets verify the effectiveness of our method.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 2022. Code: https://github.com/sczhou/CodeForme

    Dual Associated Encoder for Face Restoration

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    Restoring facial details from low-quality (LQ) images has remained a challenging problem due to its ill-posedness induced by various degradations in the wild. The existing codebook prior mitigates the ill-posedness by leveraging an autoencoder and learned codebook of high-quality (HQ) features, achieving remarkable quality. However, existing approaches in this paradigm frequently depend on a single encoder pre-trained on HQ data for restoring HQ images, disregarding the domain gap between LQ and HQ images. As a result, the encoding of LQ inputs may be insufficient, resulting in suboptimal performance. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel dual-branch framework named DAEFR. Our method introduces an auxiliary LQ branch that extracts crucial information from the LQ inputs. Additionally, we incorporate association training to promote effective synergy between the two branches, enhancing code prediction and output quality. We evaluate the effectiveness of DAEFR on both synthetic and real-world datasets, demonstrating its superior performance in restoring facial details.Comment: Technical Repor

    TrustMark: Universal Watermarking for Arbitrary Resolution Images

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    Imperceptible digital watermarking is important in copyright protection, misinformation prevention, and responsible generative AI. We propose TrustMark - a GAN-based watermarking method with novel design in architecture and spatio-spectra losses to balance the trade-off between watermarked image quality with the watermark recovery accuracy. Our model is trained with robustness in mind, withstanding various in- and out-place perturbations on the encoded image. Additionally, we introduce TrustMark-RM - a watermark remover method useful for re-watermarking. Our methods achieve state-of-art performance on 3 benchmarks comprising arbitrary resolution images

    Unifying Image Processing as Visual Prompting Question Answering

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    Image processing is a fundamental task in computer vision, which aims at enhancing image quality and extracting essential features for subsequent vision applications. Traditionally, task-specific models are developed for individual tasks and designing such models requires distinct expertise. Building upon the success of large language models (LLMs) in natural language processing (NLP), there is a similar trend in computer vision, which focuses on developing large-scale models through pretraining and in-context learning. This paradigm shift reduces the reliance on task-specific models, yielding a powerful unified model to deal with various tasks. However, these advances have predominantly concentrated on high-level vision tasks, with less attention paid to low-level vision tasks. To address this issue, we propose a universal model for general image processing that covers image restoration, image enhancement, image feature extraction tasks, etc. Our proposed framework, named PromptGIP, unifies these diverse image processing tasks within a universal framework. Inspired by NLP question answering (QA) techniques, we employ a visual prompting question answering paradigm. Specifically, we treat the input-output image pair as a structured question-answer sentence, thereby reprogramming the image processing task as a prompting QA problem. PromptGIP can undertake diverse cross-domain tasks using provided visual prompts, eliminating the need for task-specific finetuning. Our methodology offers a universal and adaptive solution to general image processing. While PromptGIP has demonstrated a certain degree of out-of-domain task generalization capability, further research is expected to fully explore its more powerful emergent generalization.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Bayesian plug & play methods for inverse problems in imaging.

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    Thèse de Doctorat de Mathématiques Appliquées (Université de Paris)Tesis de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica (Universidad de la República)This thesis deals with Bayesian methods for solving ill-posed inverse problems in imaging with learnt image priors. The first part of this thesis (Chapter 3) concentrates on two particular problems, namely joint denoising and decompression and multi-image super-resolution. After an extensive study of the noise statistics for these problem in the transformed (wavelet or Fourier) domain, we derive two novel algorithms to solve this particular inverse problem. One of them is based on a multi-scale self-similarity prior and can be seen as a transform-domain generalization of the celebrated non-local bayes algorithm to the case of non-Gaussian noise. The second one uses a neural-network denoiser to implicitly encode the image prior, and a splitting scheme to incorporate this prior into an optimization algorithm to find a MAP-like estimator. The second part of this thesis concentrates on the Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) model and some of its variants that show its capabilities to explicitly capture the probability distribution of high-dimensional datasets such as images. Based on these VAE models, we propose two ways to incorporate them as priors for general inverse problems in imaging : • The first one (Chapter 4) computes a joint (space-latent) MAP estimator named Joint Posterior Maximization using an Autoencoding Prior (JPMAP). We show theoretical and experimental evidence that the proposed objective function satisfies a weak bi-convexity property which is sufficient to guarantee that our optimization scheme converges to a stationary point. Experimental results also show the higher quality of the solutions obtained by our JPMAP approach with respect to other non-convex MAP approaches which more often get stuck in spurious local optima. • The second one (Chapter 5) develops a Gibbs-like posterior sampling algorithm for the exploration of posterior distributions of inverse problems using multiple chains and a VAE as image prior. We showhowto use those samples to obtain MMSE estimates and their corresponding uncertainty.Cette thèse traite des méthodes bayésiennes pour résoudre des problèmes inverses mal posés en imagerie avec des distributions a priori d’images apprises. La première partie de cette thèse (Chapitre 3) se concentre sur deux problèmes partic-uliers, à savoir le débruitage et la décompression conjoints et la super-résolutionmulti-images. Après une étude approfondie des statistiques de bruit pour ces problèmes dans le domaine transformé (ondelettes ou Fourier), nous dérivons deuxnouveaux algorithmes pour résoudre ce problème inverse particulie. L’un d’euxest basé sur une distributions a priori d’auto-similarité multi-échelle et peut êtrevu comme une généralisation du célèbre algorithme de Non-Local Bayes au cas dubruit non gaussien. Le second utilise un débruiteur de réseau de neurones pourcoder implicitement la distribution a priori, et un schéma de division pour incor-porer cet distribution dans un algorithme d’optimisation pour trouver un estima-teur de type MAP. La deuxième partie de cette thèse se concentre sur le modèle Variational Auto Encoder (VAE) et certaines de ses variantes qui montrent ses capacités à capturer explicitement la distribution de probabilité d’ensembles de données de grande dimension tels que les images. Sur la base de ces modèles VAE, nous proposons deuxmanières de les incorporer comme distribution a priori pour les problèmes inverses généraux en imagerie: •Le premier (Chapitre 4) calcule un estimateur MAP conjoint (espace-latent) nommé Joint Posterior Maximization using an Autoencoding Prior (JPMAP). Nous montrons des preuves théoriques et expérimentales que la fonction objectif proposée satisfait une propriété de bi-convexité faible qui est suffisante pour garantir que notre schéma d’optimisation converge vers un pointstationnaire. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent également la meilleurequalité des solutions obtenues par notre approche JPMAP par rapport à d’autresapproches MAP non convexes qui restent le plus souvent bloquées dans desminima locaux. •Le second (Chapitre 5) développe un algorithme d’échantillonnage a poste-riori de type Gibbs pour l’exploration des distributions a posteriori de problèmes inverses utilisant des chaînes multiples et un VAE comme distribution a priori. Nous montrons comment utiliser ces échantillons pour obtenir desestimations MMSE et leur incertitude correspondante.En esta tesis se estudian métodos bayesianos para resolver problemas inversos mal condicionados en imágenes usando distribuciones a priori entrenadas. La primera parte de esta tesis (Capítulo 3) se concentra en dos problemas particulares, a saber, el de eliminación de ruido y descompresión conjuntos, y el de superresolución a partir de múltiples imágenes. Después de un extenso estudio de las estadísticas del ruido para estos problemas en el dominio transformado (wavelet o Fourier),derivamos dos algoritmos nuevos para resolver este problema inverso en particular. Uno de ellos se basa en una distribución a priori de autosimilitud multiescala y puede verse como una generalización al dominio wavelet del célebre algoritmo Non-Local Bayes para el caso de ruido no Gaussiano. El segundo utiliza un algoritmo de eliminación de ruido basado en una red neuronal para codificar implícitamente la distribución a priori de las imágenes y un esquema de relajación para incorporar esta distribución en un algoritmo de optimización y así encontrar un estimador similar al MAP. La segunda parte de esta tesis se concentra en el modelo Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) y algunas de sus variantes que han mostrado capacidad para capturar explícitamente la distribución de probabilidad de conjuntos de datos en alta dimensión como las imágenes. Basándonos en estos modelos VAE, proponemos dos formas de incorporarlos como distribución a priori para problemas inversos genéricos en imágenes : •El primero (Capítulo 4) calcula un estimador MAP conjunto (espacio imagen y latente) llamado Joint Posterior Maximization using an Autoencoding Prior (JPMAP). Mostramos evidencia teórica y experimental de que la función objetivo propuesta satisface una propiedad de biconvexidad débil que es suficiente para garantizar que nuestro esquema de optimización converge a un punto estacionario. Los resultados experimentales también muestran la mayor calidad de las soluciones obtenidas por nuestro enfoque JPMAP con respecto a otros enfoques MAP no convexos que a menudo se atascan en mínimos locales espurios. •El segundo (Capítulo 5) desarrolla un algoritmo de muestreo tipo Gibbs parala exploración de la distribución a posteriori de problemas inversos utilizando múltiples cadenas y un VAE como distribución a priori. Mostramos cómo usar esas muestras para obtener estimaciones de MMSE y su correspondiente incertidumbr
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