21,665 research outputs found

    A Systematic Literature Review of the Use of Computational Text Analysis Methods in Intimate Partner Violence Research

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    Purpose: Computational text mining methods are proposed as a useful methodological innovation in Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) research. Text mining can offer researchers access to existing or new datasets, sourced from social media or from IPV-related organisations, that would be too large to analyse manually. This article aims to give an overview of current work applying text mining methodologies in the study of IPV, as a starting point for researchers wanting to use such methods in their own work. Methods This article reports the results of a systematic review of academic research using computational text mining to research IPV. A review protocol was developed according to PRISMA guidelines, and a literature search of 8 databases was conducted, identifying 22 unique studies that were included in the review. Results: The included studies cover a wide range of methodologies and outcomes. Supervised and unsupervised approaches are represented, including rule-based classification (n = 3), traditional Machine Learning (n = 8), Deep Learning (n = 6) and topic modelling (n = 4) methods. Datasets are mostly sourced from social media (n = 15), with other data being sourced from police forces (n = 3), health or social care providers (n = 3), or litigation texts (n = 1). Evaluation methods mostly used a held-out, labelled test set, or k-fold Cross Validation, with Accuracy and F1 metrics reported. Only a few studies commented on the ethics of computational IPV research. Conclusions: Text mining methodologies offer promising data collection and analysis techniques for IPV research. Future work in this space must consider ethical implications of computational approaches

    Detecting the Anti-Social Activity on Twitter using EGBDT with BCM

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    The rise of social media and its consequences is a hot topic on research platforms. Twitter has drawn the attention of the research community in recent years due to various qualities it possesses. They include Twitter's open nature, which, unlike other platforms, allows visitors to see posts posted by Twitter users without having to register. In twitter the sentiment analysis of tweets are used for detecting the anti-social activity event which is one of the challenging tasks in existing works. There are many classification algorithms are used to detect the anti-social activities but they obtains less accuracy. The EGBDT (Enhanced Gradient-Boosted Decision Tree) is used to optimize the best features from the NSD dataset and it is given as input to BCM (Bayesian Certainty Method) for detecting the anti-social activities. In this work, tweets from NSD dataset are used for analyzing the sentiment polarity i.e. positive or negative. The efficiency of the proposed work is compared with SVM, KNN and C4.5. From this analysis the proposed EGBDT and BCM obtained better results than other techniques

    Domestic violence crisis identification from Facebook posts based on deep learning

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    Domestic Violence (DV) is a cause of concern due to the threat it poses towards public health and human rights. There is a need for quick identification of the victims of this condition, so that Domestic Violence Crisis Service (DVCS) can offer necessary support in a timely manner. The availability of social media has allowed DV victims to share their stories and receive support from community, which opens an opportunity for DVCS to actively approach and support DV victims. However, it is time consuming and inefficient to manually browse through a massive number of available posts. This paper adopts a Deep Learning as an approach for automatic identification of DV victims in critical need. Empirical evidence on a ground truth data set has achieved an accuracy of up to 94%, which outperforms traditional machine learning techniques. Analysis of informative features helps to identify important words which might indicate critical posts in the classification process. The experimental results are helpful to researchers and practitioners in developing techniques for identifying and supporting DV victims

    Análisis comparativo sobre modelos de redes neuronales profundas para la detección de ciberbullying en redes sociales

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    Social media usage has been increased and it consists of both positive and negative effects. By considering the misusage of social media platforms by various cyberbullying methods like stalking, harassment there should be preventive methods to control these and to avoid mental stress. These extra words will expand the size of the vocabulary and influence the performance of the algorithm. Therefore, we come up with variant deep learning models like LSTM, BI-LSTM, RNN, BI-RNN, GRU, BI-GRU to detect cyberbullying in social media. These models are applied on Twitter, public comments data and performance were observed for these models and obtained improved accuracy of 90.4%.Introducción: el uso de las redes sociales se ha incrementado y tiene efectos tanto positivos como negativos. Al considerar el uso indebido de las plataformas de redes sociales a través de varios métodos de acoso cibernético, como el acecho y el acoso, debe haber métodos preventivos para controlarlos y evitar el estrés mental.Problema: estas palabras adicionales ampliarán el tamaño del vocabulario e influirán en el rendimiento del algoritmo.Objetivo: Detectar el ciberacoso en las redes sociales.Metodología: en este documento, presentamos variantes de modelos de aprendizaje profundo como la memoria a largo plazo (LSTM), memoria bidireccional a largo plazo (BI-LSTM), redes neuronales recurrentes (RNN), redes neuronales recurrentes bidireccionales (BI-RNN), unidad recurrente cerrada (GRU) y unidad recurrente cerrada bidireccional (BI-GRU) para detectar el ciberacoso en las redes sociales.Resultados: El mecanismo propuesto ha sido realizado, analizado e implementado sobre datos de Twitter con Accuracy, Precision, Recall y F-Score como medidas. Los modelos de aprendizaje profundo como LSTM, BI-LSTM, RNN, BI-RNN, GRU y BI-GRU se aplican en Twitter a los datos de comentarios públicos y se observó el rendimiento de estos modelos, obteniendo una precisión mejorada del 90,4 %.Conclusiones: Los resultados indican que el mecanismo propuesto es eficiente en comparación con los es-quemas del estado del arte.Originalidad: la aplicación de modelos de aprendizaje profundo para realizar un análisis comparativo de los datos de las redes sociales es el primer enfoque para detectar el ciberacoso.Restricciones: estos modelos se aplican solo en comentarios de datos textuales. El trabajo propio no se ha concentrado en datos multimedia como audio, video e imágenes

    Using Artificial Intelligence to Identify Perpetrators of Technology Facilitated Coercive Control.

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    This study investigated the feasibility of using Artificial Intelligence to identify perpetrators of coercive control through digital data held on mobile phones. The research also sought the views of the police and victim/survivors of domestic abuse to using technology in this way

    Using Artificial Intelligence to Identify Perpetrators of Technology Facilitated Coercive Control

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    This study is one of the 21 projects funded by the Home Office for research on perpetrators of domestic abuse. It is interested in a specific form of domestic abuse known as Technology Facilitated Coercive Control (TFCC) and focussed on the digital communication between (alleged) perpetrators and victim/survivors held on mobile phones. The purpose of this feasibility study was twofold, i. to test the viability of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) programme to identify () perpetrators (including alleged perpetrators) of domestic abuse using digital communications held on mobile phones ii. to examine police and victim/survivor attitudes towards using AI in police investigations. Using digital conversations extracted from court transcriptions where TFCC was identified as a factor in the offending, the research team tested data sets built on different methods and techniques of AI. Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools, a subfield of AI, were also tested for their speed and accuracy in recognising abusive communication and identifying and risk assessing perpetrators of TFCC. Conscious of national concern about policing practices relating to Violence Against Women and Girls and that any AI programme would be futile without the co-operation of both the police and the public, two online surveys were devised to measure opinion. The first sought insight into the attitudes of victim/survivors, viewed as experts in domestic abuse, about using AI in police investigations. The second involved the police and questioned their views of using AI in this way

    Exploring Text Mining and Analytics for Applications in Public Security: An in-depth dive into a systematic literature review

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    Text mining and related analytics emerge as a technological approach to support human activities in extracting useful knowledge through texts in several formats. From a managerial point of view, it can help organizations in planning and decision-making processes, providing information that was not previously evident through textual materials produced internally or even externally. In this context, within the public/governmental scope, public security agencies are great beneficiaries of the tools associated with text mining, in several aspects, from applications in the criminal area to the collection of people's opinions and sentiments about the actions taken to promote their welfare. This article reports details of a systematic literature review focused on identifying the main areas of text mining application in public security, the most recurrent technological tools, and future research directions. The searches covered four major article bases (Scopus, Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, and ACM Digital Library), selecting 194 materials published between 2014 and the first half of 2021, among journals, conferences, and book chapters. There were several findings concerning the targets of the literature review, as presented in the results of this article