11 research outputs found

    Self-Supervised and Invariant Representations for Wireless Localization

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    In this work, we present a wireless localization method that operates on self-supervised and unlabeled channel estimates. Our self-supervising method learns general-purpose channel features robust to fading and system impairments. Learned representations are easily transferable to new environments and ready to use for other wireless downstream tasks. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed method is the first joint-embedding self-supervised approach to forsake the dependency on contrastive channel estimates. Our approach outperforms fully-supervised techniques in small data regimes under fine-tuning and, in some cases, linear evaluation. We assess the performance in centralized and distributed massive MIMO systems for multiple datasets. Moreover, our method works indoors and outdoors without additional assumptions or design changes

    CSI-fingerprinting Indoor Localization via Attention-Augmented Residual Convolutional Neural Network

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    Deep learning has been widely adopted for channel state information (CSI)-fingerprinting indoor localization systems. These systems usually consist of two main parts, i.e., a positioning network that learns the mapping from high-dimensional CSI to physical locations and a tracking system that utilizes historical CSI to reduce the positioning error. This paper presents a new localization system with high accuracy and generality. On the one hand, the receptive field of the existing convolutional neural network (CNN)-based positioning networks is limited, restricting their performance as useful information in CSI is not explored thoroughly. As a solution, we propose a novel attention-augmented residual CNN to utilize the local information and global context in CSI exhaustively. On the other hand, considering the generality of a tracking system, we decouple the tracking system from the CSI environments so that one tracking system for all environments becomes possible. Specifically, we remodel the tracking problem as a denoising task and solve it with deep trajectory prior. Furthermore, we investigate how the precision difference of inertial measurement units will adversely affect the tracking performance and adopt plug-and-play to solve the precision difference problem. Experiments show the superiority of our methods over existing approaches in performance and generality improvement.Comment: 32 pages, Added references in section 2,3; Added explanations for some academic terms; Corrected typos; Added experiments in section 5, previous results unchanged; is under review for possible publicatio

    WiFi Access Points Line-of-Sight Detection for Indoor Positioning Using the Signal Round Trip Time

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    The emerging WiFi Round Trip Time measured by the IEEE 802.11mc standard promised sub-meter-level accuracy for WiFi-based indoor positioning systems, under the assumption of an ideal line-of-sight path to the user. However, most workplaces with furniture and complex interiors cause the wireless signals to reflect, attenuate, and diffract in different directions. Therefore, detecting the non-line-of-sight condition of WiFi Access Points is crucial for enhancing the performance of indoor positioning systems. To this end, we propose a novel feature selection algorithm for non-line-of-sight identification of the WiFi Access Points. Using the WiFi Received Signal Strength and Round Trip Time as inputs, our algorithm employs multi-scale selection and Machine Learning-based weighting methods to choose the most optimal feature sets. We evaluate the algorithm on a complex campus WiFi dataset to demonstrate a detection accuracy of 93% for all 13 Access Points using 34 out of 130 features and only 3 s of test samples at any given time. For individual Access Point line-of-sight identification, our algorithm achieved an accuracy of up to 98%. Finally, we make the dataset available publicly for further research

    A survey of deep learning approaches for WiFi-based indoor positioning

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    One of the most popular approaches for indoor positioning is WiFi fingerprinting, which has been intrinsically tackled as a traditional machine learning problem since the beginning, to achieve a few metres of accuracy on average. In recent years, deep learning has emerged as an alternative approach, with a large number of publications reporting sub-metre positioning accuracy. Therefore, this survey presents a timely, comprehensive review of the most interesting deep learning methods being used for WiFi fingerprinting. In doing so, we aim to identify the most efficient neural networks, under a variety of positioning evaluation metrics for different readers. We will demonstrate that despite the new emerging WiFi signal measures (i.e. CSI and RTT), RSS produces competitive performances under deep learning. We will also show that simple neural networks outperform more complex ones in certain environments

    Continuous monitoring of health and mobility indicators in patients with cardiovascular disease: a review of recent technologies

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    Cardiovascular diseases kill 18 million people each year. Currently, a patient’s health is assessed only during clinical visits, which are often infrequent and provide little information on the person’s health during daily life. Advances in mobile health technologies have allowed for the continuous monitoring of indicators of health and mobility during daily life by wearable and other devices. The ability to obtain such longitudinal, clinically relevant measurements could enhance the prevention, detection and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This review discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various methods for monitoring patients with cardiovascular disease during daily life using wearable devices. We specifically discuss three distinct monitoring domains: physical activity monitoring, indoor home monitoring and physiological parameter monitoring

    Location-Enabled IoT (LE-IoT): A Survey of Positioning Techniques, Error Sources, and Mitigation

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has started to empower the future of many industrial and mass-market applications. Localization techniques are becoming key to add location context to IoT data without human perception and intervention. Meanwhile, the newly-emerged Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) technologies have advantages such as long-range, low power consumption, low cost, massive connections, and the capability for communication in both indoor and outdoor areas. These features make LPWAN signals strong candidates for mass-market localization applications. However, there are various error sources that have limited localization performance by using such IoT signals. This paper reviews the IoT localization system through the following sequence: IoT localization system review -- localization data sources -- localization algorithms -- localization error sources and mitigation -- localization performance evaluation. Compared to the related surveys, this paper has a more comprehensive and state-of-the-art review on IoT localization methods, an original review on IoT localization error sources and mitigation, an original review on IoT localization performance evaluation, and a more comprehensive review of IoT localization applications, opportunities, and challenges. Thus, this survey provides comprehensive guidance for peers who are interested in enabling localization ability in the existing IoT systems, using IoT systems for localization, or integrating IoT signals with the existing localization sensors