227 research outputs found

    Geo-Adaptive Deep Spatio-Temporal predictive modeling for human mobility

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    Deep learning approaches for spatio-temporal prediction problems such as crowd-flow prediction assumes data to be of fixed and regular shaped tensor and face challenges of handling irregular, sparse data tensor. This poses limitations in use-case scenarios such as predicting visit counts of individuals' for a given spatial area at a particular temporal resolution using raster/image format representation of the geographical region, since the movement patterns of an individual can be largely restricted and localized to a certain part of the raster. Additionally, current deep-learning approaches for solving such problem doesn't account for the geographical awareness of a region while modelling the spatio-temporal movement patterns of an individual. To address these limitations, there is a need to develop a novel strategy and modeling approach that can handle both sparse, irregular data while incorporating geo-awareness in the model. In this paper, we make use of quadtree as the data structure for representing the image and introduce a novel geo-aware enabled deep learning layer, GA-ConvLSTM that performs the convolution operation based on a novel geo-aware module based on quadtree data structure for incorporating spatial dependencies while maintaining the recurrent mechanism for accounting for temporal dependencies. We present this approach in the context of the problem of predicting spatial behaviors of an individual (e.g., frequent visits to specific locations) through deep-learning based predictive model, GADST-Predict. Experimental results on two GPS based trace data shows that the proposed method is effective in handling frequency visits over different use-cases with considerable high accuracy

    Data Management and Mining in Astrophysical Databases

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    We analyse the issues involved in the management and mining of astrophysical data. The traditional approach to data management in the astrophysical field is not able to keep up with the increasing size of the data gathered by modern detectors. An essential role in the astrophysical research will be assumed by automatic tools for information extraction from large datasets, i.e. data mining techniques, such as clustering and classification algorithms. This asks for an approach to data management based on data warehousing, emphasizing the efficiency and simplicity of data access; efficiency is obtained using multidimensional access methods and simplicity is achieved by properly handling metadata. Clustering and classification techniques, on large datasets, pose additional requirements: computational and memory scalability with respect to the data size, interpretability and objectivity of clustering or classification results. In this study we address some possible solutions.Comment: 10 pages, Late

    On a functional contraction method

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    In den letzten zwanzig Jahren hat sich die Kontraktionsmethode als ein wesentlicher Zugang zu Problemen der Konvergenz in Verteilung von Folgen von Zufallsvariablen, die additiven Rekurrenzen genügen, herausgestellt. Dabei beschränkten sich ihre Anwendungen zunächst auf reellwertige Zufallsvariablen, in den letzten Jahren wurde die Methode allerdings auch für komplexere Wertebereiche, wie etwa Hilberträume entwickelt. Basierend auf der Klasse der Zolotarev-Metriken, die in den siebziger Jahren eingeführt wurden, entwickeln wir die Methode im Rahmen von Banachräumen und präzisieren sie in den Fällen von stetigen resp. cadlag Funktionen auf dem Einheitsintervall. Wir formulieren ausreichende Bedingungen an die unter Betrachtung stehende Folge und deren möglichen Grenzwert, welcher eine stochastische Fixpunktgleichung erfüllt, die es erlauben, in Anwendungen funktionale Grenzwertsätze zu beweisen. Im Weiteren präsentieren wir als Anwendung zunächst einen neuen Beweis vom klassischen Invarianzprinzip nach Donsker, der auf additiven Rekursionen beruht. Außerdem wenden wir die Methode zur Analyse der Komplexität von partiellen Suchproblemen in zweidimensionalen Quadrantenbäumen und 2-d Bäumen an. Diese grundlegenden Datenstrukturen werden seit ihrer Einführung in den siebziger Jahren viel studiert. Unsere Ergebnisse liefern Antworten auf Fragen, die seit den Pionierarbeiten von Flajolet et al. in den achtziger und neunziger Jahren auf diesem Gebiet unbeantwortet blieben. Wir erwarten, dass die von uns entwickelte funktionale Kontraktionsmethode in den nächsten Jahren zur Lösung weiterer Fragen des asymptotischen Verhaltens von Zufallsgrößen, die additive Rekursionen erfüllen, beitragen wird.Within the last twenty years, the contraction method has turned out to be a fruitful approach to distributional convergence of sequences of random variables which obey additive recurrences. It was mainly invented for applications in the real-valued framework; however, in recent years, more complex state spaces such as Hilbert spaces have been under consideration. Based upon the family of Zolotarev metrics which were introduced in the late seventies, we develop the method in the context of Banach spaces and work it out in detail in the case of continuous resp. cadlag functions on the unit interval. We formulate sufficient conditions for both the sequence under consideration and its possible limit which satisfies a stochastic fixed-point equation, that allow to deduce functional limit theorems in applications. As a first application we present a new and considerably short proof of the classical invariance principle due to Donsker. It is based on a recursive decomposition. Moreover, we apply the method in the analysis of the complexity of partial match queries in two-dimensional search trees such as quadtrees and 2-d trees. These important data structures have been under heavy investigation since their invention in the seventies. Our results give answers to problems that have been left open in the pioneering work of Flajolet et al. in the eighties and nineties. We expect that the functional contraction method will significantly contribute to solutions for similar problems involving additive recursions in the following years

    Diamond-based models for scientific visualization

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    Hierarchical spatial decompositions are a basic modeling tool in a variety of application domains including scientific visualization, finite element analysis and shape modeling and analysis. A popular class of such approaches is based on the regular simplex bisection operator, which bisects simplices (e.g. line segments, triangles, tetrahedra) along the midpoint of a predetermined edge. Regular simplex bisection produces adaptive simplicial meshes of high geometric quality, while simplifying the extraction of crack-free, or conforming, approximations to the original dataset. Efficient multiresolution representations for such models have been achieved in 2D and 3D by clustering sets of simplices sharing the same bisection edge into structures called diamonds. In this thesis, we introduce several diamond-based approaches for scientific visualization. We first formalize the notion of diamonds in arbitrary dimensions in terms of two related simplicial decompositions of hypercubes. This enables us to enumerate the vertices, simplices, parents and children of a diamond. In particular, we identify the number of simplices involved in conforming updates to be factorial in the dimension and group these into a linear number of subclusters of simplices that are generated simultaneously. The latter form the basis for a compact pointerless representation for conforming meshes generated by regular simplex bisection and for efficiently navigating the topological connectivity of these meshes. Secondly, we introduce the supercube as a high-level primitive on such nested meshes based on the atomic units within the underlying triangulation grid. We propose the use of supercubes to associate information with coherent subsets of the full hierarchy and demonstrate the effectiveness of such a representation for modeling multiresolution terrain and volumetric datasets. Next, we introduce Isodiamond Hierarchies, a general framework for spatial access structures on a hierarchy of diamonds that exploits the implicit hierarchical and geometric relationships of the diamond model. We use an isodiamond hierarchy to encode irregular updates to a multiresolution isosurface or interval volume in terms of regular updates to diamonds. Finally, we consider nested hypercubic meshes, such as quadtrees, octrees and their higher dimensional analogues, through the lens of diamond hierarchies. This allows us to determine the relationships involved in generating balanced hypercubic meshes and to propose a compact pointerless representation of such meshes. We also provide a local diamond-based triangulation algorithm to generate high-quality conforming simplicial meshes

    Query processing of spatial objects: Complexity versus Redundancy

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    The management of complex spatial objects in applications, such as geography and cartography, imposes stringent new requirements on spatial database systems, in particular on efficient query processing. As shown before, the performance of spatial query processing can be improved by decomposing complex spatial objects into simple components. Up to now, only decomposition techniques generating a linear number of very simple components, e.g. triangles or trapezoids, have been considered. In this paper, we will investigate the natural trade-off between the complexity of the components and the redundancy, i.e. the number of components, with respect to its effect on efficient query processing. In particular, we present two new decomposition methods generating a better balance between the complexity and the number of components than previously known techniques. We compare these new decomposition methods to the traditional undecomposed representation as well as to the well-known decomposition into convex polygons with respect to their performance in spatial query processing. This comparison points out that for a wide range of query selectivity the new decomposition techniques clearly outperform both the undecomposed representation and the convex decomposition method. More important than the absolute gain in performance by a factor of up to an order of magnitude is the robust performance of our new decomposition techniques over the whole range of query selectivity

    Image Understanding by Hierarchical Symbolic Representation and Inexact Matching of Attributed Graphs

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    We study the symbolic representation of imagery information by a powerful global representation scheme in the form of Attributed Relational Graph (ARG), and propose new techniques for the extraction of such representation from spatial-domain images, and for performing the task of image understanding through the analysis of the extracted ARG representation. To achieve practical image understanding tasks, the system needs to comprehend the imagery information in a global form. Therefore, we propose a multi-layer hierarchical scheme for the extraction of global symbolic representation from spatial-domain images. The proposed scheme produces a symbolic mapping of the input data in terms of an output alphabet, whose elements are defined over global subimages. The proposed scheme uses a combination of model-driven and data-driven concepts. The model- driven principle is represented by a graph transducer, which is used to specify the alphabet at each layer in the scheme. A symbolic mapping is driven by the input data to map the input local alphabet into the output global alphabet. Through the iterative application of the symbolic transformational mapping at different levels of hierarchy, the system extracts a global representation from the image in the form of attributed relational graphs. Further processing and interpretation of the imagery information can, then, be performed on their ARG representation. We also propose an efficient approach for calculating a distance measure and finding the best inexact matching configuration between attributed relational graphs. For two ARGs, we define sequences of weighted error-transformations which when performed on one ARG (or a subgraph of it), will produce the other ARG. A distance measure between two ARGs is defined as the weight of the sequence which possesses minimum total-weight. Moreover, this minimum-total weight sequence defines the best inexact matching configuration between the two ARGs. The global minimization over the possible sequences is performed by a dynamic programming technique, the approach shows good results for ARGs of practical sizes. The proposed system possesses the capability to inference the alphabets of the ARG representation which it uses. In the inference phase, the hierarchical scheme is usually driven by the input data only, which normally consist of images of model objects. It extracts the global alphabet of the ARG representation of the models. The extracted model representation is then used in the operation phase of the system to: perform the mapping in the multi-layer scheme. We present our experimental results for utilizing the proposed system for locating objects in complex scenes
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