15 research outputs found

    Prediction of Multivariable Properties of Reservoir Rocks by Using Fuzzy Clustering

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    AbstractForecasting of geological parameters is very important for decision making on investment to exploration of new hydrocarbon structures and fields. On the one hand, the complexity of this problem is originated from the nonlinearity and uncertainty of behavior of an ensemble of interrelated parameters changing with respect to the depth. This phenomenon is considered analogously to time series, where the depth plays the role of time. On the other hand, the available data are irregular over the depth, as represent different geological bodies with distinct properties. These features mandate necessity to consider multivariable time series of geological parameters with irregular intervals. In this paper, we consider multilag forecasting of five geological parameters over the depth. As a model of forecasting, fuzzy c-means based fuzzy if-then rules are used and this allows better capture of high complexity of the considered phenomena than the classical precise forecasting model. The experimental data show validity of the suggested approach

    Supplier Selection Problem under Z-information

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    AbstractSupplier selection problem is a very important element of Supply Chain Management systems. The existing works are devoted to solving this problem under deterministic, stochastic, interval-based and fuzzy information. Unfortunately, up today no systematic research on supplier selection under partial reliability of information is proposed. In this paper we suggest new method for solving supplier selection problem under fuzzy and partially reliable information formalized by using Z-numbers. The method is based on determination of Z-number valued ideal and negative ideal solutions. A numerical example is provided to illustrate validity of the proposed approach to supplier selection problem

    Computing with confidence

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    The advent of accessible high-speed computing has revolutionised engineering which has been utterly transformed from a largely solitary pencil-and-paper endeavour to a collective enterprise based on computer calculations and widely shared software tools

    Decision Making under Complex Uncertainty

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    This research determine the relationship between self esteem and permissive parenting with risk taking behavior . The Subjects in this research use 124 aged 11-18 years drink alcoholic beverages. This study uses a quantitative correlational approach with independent variables of self-esteem and permissive parenting as well as the dependent variable of risk taking behavior. Date collection methods with self-esteem scale, Alabama parenting questionnaire scale, and risk taking ability scale. Daea analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that there was a negative relationship between self-esteem and risk taking behavior. That is, the lower self-esteem, the more risk taking behavior will be taken. Then, there is a positive relationship between permissive parenting and risk taking behavior. This means that the high permissive parenting, the more risk taking behavior will be taken. Furthermore, there is a significant relathionship netween self esteem and simultaneous permissive parenting towards risk taking behavior