10 research outputs found

    Loyalty cards and the problem of CAPTCHA: 2nd tier security and usability issues for senior citizens

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    Information Security often works in antipathy to access and useability in communities of older citizens. Whilst security features are required to prevent the disclosure of information, some security tools have a deleterious effect upon users, resulting in insecure practices. Security becomes unfit for purpose where users prefer to abandon applications and online benefits in favour of non-digital authentication and verification requirements. For some, the ability to read letters and symbols from a distorted image is a decidedly more difficult task than for others, and the resulting level of security from CAPTCHA tests is not consistent from person to person. This paper discusses the changing paradigm regarding second tier applications where non-essential benefits are forgone in order to avoid the frustration, uncertainty and humiliation of repeated failed attempts to access online software by means of CAPTCHA

    Coordinacion de abastecimiento con informacion compartida en pymes agroalimentarias colombianas.

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    Este artículo, propone un modelo de Inventario Gestionado por el Vendedor (Vendor Managed Inventory–VMI-) mejorado respecto al modelo propuesto por Yao [1] en una cadena de abastecimiento para dos eslabones con un vendedor y un comprador, que considera los costos de envío del proveedor al comprador y un inventario sincronizado. Se analizan los costos totales relevantes de la cadena de abastecimiento y los beneficios para cada uno de los eslabones en comparación con las situaciones en que no se implemente la política de VMI y en la que se implemente el modelo de VMI propuesto por Yao[1]. Se revisa el impacto de la aplicación de VMI en el sector panifi cador en Colombia, con el uso de parámetros que fueron determinados en estudios anteriores [2] y se obtiene que la implementación de una política de coordinación de inventarios es beneficiosa tanto para el proveedor como para el comprador


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    Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih dan pesat mebuat gaya hidup masyarakat ikut berubah. Perkembangan teknologi ini membuat pelaku bisnis menciptakan layanan transportasi berbasis aplikasi internet yang diberi nama Go-jek. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji adakah pengaruh persepsi kemudahan terhadap niat beli ulang dengan menggunakan persepsi kegunaan sebagai variabel intervening. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif, kemudian dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan menggunakan teknik non probability sampling dengan menggunakan metode path analysis. Dalam design ini responden yang diteliti adalah para pengguna layanan aplikasi Go-jek. Sampel yang diambil adalah 220 orang dengan menggunakan Snowball Sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan skala Likert. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh persepsi kemudahan terhadap niat beli ulang dengan persepsi kegunaan sebagai variabel intervening. The rapid and sophisticated technology development has change the lifestyles. The technology development utilized ​​businesses person to create transportation services based Internet named Go-jek. The purpose of this study is to examine the perceived ease of use is there any influence on repurchase intentions using the perceived of usefulness as an intervening variable. This study used a descriptive study, and quantitative approach. This study also used non probability sample technique and path analysis method. In this design study, researcher used the user of Go-Jek service application as research respondent. The sample of this research used 220 ​​people as respondent by using snowball sampling. This study used questionnaire instrument and analyzed by using likert scale. The results of this study showed that there is an effect on purchase intentions perceived ease of use of usefullness as an intervening variable

    Factors Affecting Trust and Interest in Transactions by Indonesian MSME Sellers in e-Commerce

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    Introduction/Main Objective: This study aims to examine the factors that influence the trust and interest in e-commerce transactions among MSME actors in Indonesia. Therefore, a study was conducted on the effect of these variables. Background of the problem: The transition of MSMEs in Indonesia to using e-commerce for carrying out their business transactions. Every year, there is an increase in the number of MSMEs converting from conventional to digital, as well as the government's contribution to assist in the transition. Novelty: The variable of interest in transacting through e-commerce is the basis for conventional businesses to switch to digital, but in other studies, no one has added a variable of trust as an intervening variable, and several other supporting variables for the interest in transacting via e-commerce. This study presents new research that provides a comprehensive view of the technology acceptance model (TAM) and how it relates to trust and interest in e-commerce transactions. Research Methods: This study uses a snowball sampling technique by employing a survey of the MSMEs in Indonesia with certain criteria. This study also uses structural equation modeling (SEM) based on partial least squares (PLS). Findings/Results: This study proves that all the variables of trust and interest in e-commerce transactions are supportive and significant, but there are two hypotheses that do not support them (H3 and H6). This shows that empirically MSMEs are not necessarily interested in using e-commerce for their business transactions. Conclusion: This study provides insight into the trust and interest in e-commerce transactions among MSME business actors. We suggest that the MSMEs should switch to using e-commerce for their transactions, to develop their businesses into digital ones

    An Anomaly Detection Scheme for DDoS Attack in Grid Computing

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    The demand for computing power and storage is increasing continuously and there are applications like scientific research and industrial need, whose computational demand even exceeds the available fastest technologies. As a result it is an economically feasible mean to look into efficiently aggregate existing distributed resources. To achieving this goal makes it possible to build a shared large scale wide-area distributed computing infrastructure, a concept which has been named the Grid computing. The primary objective of Grid computing is to support the sharing of resources and service spanning across multiple administrative domains. Due to the inherently dynamic and multi organizational nature maintaining security of both users and resources is the challenging aspect of Grid. Grid uses internet as an infrastructure to build communication, with the fusion of web services and grid technologies further increases the security concerns for their complex nature. This thesis takes a look at the vulnerability of Grid environment on denial of service attack. We found that deploying an efficient intrusion detection system to Grid can significantly improve its security and it can detect denial of service attack before it affects the victim. But due to the special characteristics and requirement of Grids, the existing traditional intrusion detection system can not work properly in that environment. The focus of this thesis is to investigate and design an anomaly detection system which can detect DoS and DDoS attack with high attack detection and low false alarm rate to achieve high performance. We have extensively surveyed the current literatures in this area; the main stress is put on feature selection for the Grid based anomaly detection system. An entropy based anomaly detection system has been proposed; also we have discussed the advantage of taking entropy as the metric. Finally the performance of the system has been analyzed using NS2 network simulator. For shake of continuity each chapter has its relevant introduction and theory. The work is also supported by list of necessary references. Attempt is made to make the thesis self-content

    An investigation into trust and security in the mandatory and imposed use of financial ICTs upon older people

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    Care needs to be taken to reduce the number of people who are fearful and mistrustful of using ICT where that usage is forced upon them without choice or alternative. The growing incidence of mandatory and imposed online systems can result in confusion, misuse, fear, and rejection by people with only rudimentary ICT skills. A cohort where a high percentage of such people occur is older people, defined in this study as people over the age of 60 Examples of compulsory ICT interactions include some banks limiting bank statement access through online rather than paper-based options. Other examples include the purchase of theatre or sports events tickets through ticketing systems that require an online transaction to take place. Increasingly, people are living beyond the normal retiring age. As the older cohort increases in size and in overall global population percentage, the problem of forced technology usage affects technology acceptance, technology trust, and technology rejection. People care about ICT systems where reduced trusted acceptance of technology reduces the advantages of digital health care, the perceived security of banking and shopping, and the autonomy of ICT-driven lifestyle choices. This study aims to solve one of the puzzles of ICT-driven change, where older people can show trepidation towards using technology. By understanding the drivers that influence the choices older people make in relation to ICT systems, it may be possible to introduce a much higher level of trusted acceptance in ICT systems. Although many people adopt ICTs into their lives, many older people face difficulty in using technology when it is forced upon them. This study aims to understand the connection between how choice (or lack of choice) can lead to the rejection or resistance towards ICT usage. Older people sometimes opt towards practices that place themselves at risk of financial or informational disadvantage. This study used a qualitative approach to understanding the factors that influenced the trusted acceptance, trepidation, and in some cases rejection of ICT usage by interviewing a sample of older people. Participants were asked to consider a wide range of ICT-usage scenarios and to describe their intentions. The study focussed on circumstances where ICT usage fell under either mandatory, imposed, or voluntary conditions in order to compare user behaviour. Settings included a range of technology-reliant states that examined IT security, volition and choice, aging, trusted acceptance, and technology adoption. Participants were interviewed to discover and sort the conditions (whether singly or in combination) under which the expectation of ICT acceptance was in some way altered, diminished, or prevented. This research found that older people made poor decisions when the choice to use a technology was replaced with a mandatory or strongly imposed pathway. Mandatory ICT usage across the broad area of financial transactions brought about widespread fear and distrust of online technology usage. The results revealed that many older people not only find these innovations daunting and confronting, but they also have difficulty placing their trust in ICT systems and applications that have become mandatory. In normative conditions, increased ICT acceptance and ICT usage is expected. When ICTs are mandatory in their usage, acceptance is replaced with compulsory procedure. This does not mean that mandatory things cannot be accepted, but rather that older people will accept the need to use a technology according to their perception of what is necessary for their daily and routine interactions. This study showed that voluntary ICT usages including choices increase informed decision-making, security of online financial interactions, and trusted reliance upon ICTs. Choice in ICT usage carries greater trust than mandatory, obligated, or heavily imposed ICTs. The study revealed that mandatory ICT systems can create perceptions of fear, mistrust and uncertainty. In situations where a mandatory ICT system becomes the normative method of transaction, a strong risk to the trusted acceptance of a technology is not merely the lack of ICT-based choice, but also the inability to gain reassurance or secondary confirmation through either face to face or telephone-based communication. Trust in not just the usage, but the implied secure usage of mandated and imposed ICTs, is problematic for older people. This study revealed the significance of mandated ICT systems that limit choices for people, because older humans more readily validate and associate their trust in new innovations when they can access various different professional, technical, peer-based, social and popular opinions. The research also showed that older people are fearful and less trusting in mandatory and imposed systems because they have less financial resilience, and less opportunity to bounce back from loss and disadvantage brought about by digital and online interactions. Older people were worried and reluctant to accept technology at first glance because they knew that they had spent more time than others in a pre-internet, pre-digital environment, and their seminal life experiences are correspondingly less technology-related. The results showed that many older people preferred human communication and interaction rather than communicating, buying, paying, and trusting in purely digital, ICT-based experiences. This demonstrated a gap in the trust and security of digital systems, and the need to address those ICTs that impose and mandate instruments and procedures for daily life. Specifically this study looked at what could reduce unsafe and insecure banking practices by understanding the role of choice in the trusted usage of ICT systems. This study is significant because it shows that older people make financial and social, decisions under reactionary, insecure, and under-informed conditions as a result of a gap in terms of trust security and choice. On the one hand older people develop trust towards a new innovation based on accumulated human discussion, information and reputation. On the other hand older people hold the perception that online systems offer reduced choices. This study led to the development of a model for trusted technology choice (TTCM). It differs from traditional acceptance and diffusion thinking, by having outputs as either ICT acceptance or ICT rejection. It diverges from diffusion and technology acceptance models (TAM), because technology acceptance is not regarded as a foregone conclusion. Instead, it places a very high value upon choice and volition, trust, security and human interaction. The TTCM model, together with a framework for identifying volition barriers, provides a different set of criteria for understanding the needs of older people and their meaningful interactions with new innovation and ICTs. The practical applications for using such a model directly impact upon financial and social stability for older people. Where choices are either removed or limited due to ICT usage, older citizens are unfairly disadvantaged. A model that accurately predicts the trusted usage of ICT innovations can have a widespread effect on the implementation of large-scale public and private systems where the trusted acceptance (or rejection) of each system has on flow impact on financial, health, and other critical services that include the growing population of older people

    Modelo conceptual de sistema de información para apoyar la gestión ambiental proactiva en pymes

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    En muchas empresas de manufactura, principalmente en las pequeñas y medianas, la gestión ambiental se caracteriza por su ausencia o por buscar sólo el cumplimiento de la normatividad ambiental, paralelamente los sistemas de información (SI) desarrollados para la industria, que incluyen la perspectiva ambiental, se enfocan en su mayoría en el cumplimiento de la regulación. Ante esto, en la literatura surgen nuevos conceptos para que las industrias vayan más allá de este cumplimiento, como la gestión ambiental proactiva (GAP), que se define como una compleja integración de recursos estratégicos, capacidades organizacionales y prácticas ambientales que conducen a un mejor desempeño ambiental y una mayor ventaja competitiva, según lo dice la adaptación ambiental a la Visión Basada en Recursos de la empresa (NRBV)1, estas capacidades valiosas se soportan en los recursos estratégicos. Por lo anterior, este proyecto de investigación busca construir un modelo conceptual de SI como recurso estratégico, que soporte la información de una capacidad ambiental: “la integración con stakeholders”, la cual permite a una firma desplegar prácticas ambientales más proactivas para alcanzar una ventaja competitiva sostenible. La investigación se lleva a cabo con un enfoque multimetodológico que permite combinar distintas metodologías y técnicas. En el caso del desarrollo del modelo conceptual se siguen algunas técnicas de la metodología de sistemas suaves (SSM)2, además, se basa en lo encontrado en la literatura y en el análisis de un diagnóstico a 10 empresas de Bogotá y Manizales – Colombia. En adición, este proyecto de investigación desarrolla 2 módulos integrados a un sistema ERP (Enterprises Resources Planning), como una sección materializada del modelo conceptual.Los resultados proporcionan una guía para la administración de información sobre la integración con stakeholders encaminada hacia un GAP en pymes de manufactura. Además, durante el desarrollo de la investigación se puede concluir, entre otras cosas, que la gestión de información sobre la GAP en una firma se despliega de forma más transversal que vertical a lo largo del SI y de las actividades primarias y secundarias de una compañía.Abstract. In many industries, mainly in small and medium enterprises (SMEs), environmental management is characterized by its absence or searching only for the compliance of environmental regulations, alongside industrial information systems (IS) that include environmental perspective mostly focuses on regulatory compliance. However, concepts such as proactive environmental management (PEM) have emerged, for industries beyond this compliance. This, according to the theory of Natural Resource-Based View (NRBV), is a complex coordination of strategic resources, organizational capabilities and environmental practices that lead to improvement in environmental performance and competitive advantage. These capabilities especially are supported on enterprise strategic resources. The objective of this investigation is to propose a model of information system (IS) as a strategic resource that facilitates and supports information management of one organizational capability: “Stakeholders Integration”, which allows a firm to deploy more proactive environmental practices in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. The model was developed with the MDA methodology and it is based on the academic literature, the NRBV theory and the analysis of a qualitative diagnosis in 10 companies in Bogotá, Colombia. The research uses the multimetodology that combines different methodologies and techniques. The conceptual model development follows some techniques of soft systems methodology (SSM), and it is based on the academic literature, the NRBV theory and the analysis of a qualitative diagnosis in 10 companies in Bogota and Manizales - Colombia. Additionally, the research included the design of an application integrated to ERP (Enterprises Resources Planning) as a materialized section of the conceptual model. The results provide a guideline for the information management aimed to a PEM in manufacturing SMEs. Also, the IS model’s results allow to determine that the management of the PEM’s information in a firm displays in way much more horizontally than vertically throughout the IS and the primary and secondary activities of the industry.Maestrí