1,973 research outputs found

    Visa trial of international trade: evidence from support vector machines and neural networks

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    International trade depends on networking, interaction and in-person meetings which stimulate cross-border travels. The countries are seeking policies to encourage inbound mobility to support bilateral trade, tourism, and foreign direct investments. Some nations have been implementing liberal visa regimes as an important part of facilitating policies in view of security concerns. Turkey has been among the nations introducing liberal visa policies to support trade in the last decade and recorded significant increases in the volumes of exports. In this paper, we employed machine learning methodologies, Support vector machines (SVM) and Neural networks (NN), to investigate the facilitating impact of liberal visa policies on bilateral trade, using the export data from Turkey for the period of 2000–2014. The research disentangled the variables that have the strongest impact on trade utilizing SVM and NN models and exhibited that visa policies have significant impacts on the bilateral trade. More relaxed visa policies are recommended for the countries in the pursuit of increasing exports

    Automatic Scaling of Text for Training Second Language Reading Comprehension

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    For children learning their first language, reading is one of the most effective ways to acquire new vocabulary. Studies link students who read more with larger and more complex vocabularies. For second language learners, there is a substantial barrier to reading. Even the books written for early first language readers assume a base vocabulary of nearly 7000 word families and a nuanced understanding of grammar. This project will look at ways that technology can help second language learners overcome this high barrier to entry, and the effectiveness of learning through reading for adults acquiring a foreign language. Through the implementation of Dokusha, an automatic graded reader generator for Japanese, this project will explore how advancements in natural language processing can be used to automatically simplify text for extensive reading in Japanese as a foreign language

    AI driven B-cell Immunotherapy Design

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    Antibodies, a prominent class of approved biologics, play a crucial role in detecting foreign antigens. The effectiveness of antigen neutralisation and elimination hinges upon the strength, sensitivity, and specificity of the paratope-epitope interaction, which demands resource-intensive experimental techniques for characterisation. In recent years, artificial intelligence and machine learning methods have made significant strides, revolutionising the prediction of protein structures and their complexes. The past decade has also witnessed the evolution of computational approaches aiming to support immunotherapy design. This review focuses on the progress of machine learning-based tools and their frameworks in the domain of B-cell immunotherapy design, encompassing linear and conformational epitope prediction, paratope prediction, and antibody design. We mapped the most commonly used data sources, evaluation metrics, and method availability and thoroughly assessed their significance and limitations, discussing the main challenges ahead

    A random forest approach to segmenting and classifying gestures

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    This thesis investigates a gesture segmentation and recognition scheme that employs a random forest classification model. A complete gesture recognition system should localize and classify each gesture from a given gesture vocabulary, within a continuous video stream. Thus, the system must determine the start and end points of each gesture in time, as well as accurately recognize the class label of each gesture. We propose a unified approach that performs the tasks of temporal segmentation and classification simultaneously. Our method trains a random forest classification model to recognize gestures from a given vocabulary, as presented in a training dataset of video plus 3D body joint locations, as well as out-of-vocabulary (non-gesture) instances. Given an input video stream, our trained model is applied to candidate gestures using sliding windows at multiple temporal scales. The class label with the highest classifier confidence is selected, and its corresponding scale is used to determine the segmentation boundaries in time. We evaluated our formulation in segmenting and recognizing gestures from two different benchmark datasets: the NATOPS dataset of 9,600 gesture instances from a vocabulary of 24 aircraft handling signals, and the CHALEARN dataset of 7,754 gesture instances from a vocabulary of 20 Italian communication gestures. The performance of our method compares favorably with state-of-the-art methods that employ Hidden Markov Models or Hidden Conditional Random Fields on the NATOPS dataset. We conclude with a discussion of the advantages of using our model


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    Protein interactions drive diverse processes essential to living organisms, and thus numerous biomedical applications center on understanding, predicting, and designing how proteins recognize their partners. While unfortunately the number of interactions of interest still vastly exceeds the capabilities of experimental determination methods, computational methods promise to fill the gap. My thesis pursues the development and application of computational methods for several protein interaction prediction and design tasks. First, to improve protein-glycan interaction specificity prediction, I developed GlyBERT, which learns biologically relevant glycan representations encapsulating the components most important for glycan recognition within their structures. GlyBERT encodes glycans with a branched biochemical language and employs an attention-based deep language model to embed the correlation between local and global structural contexts. This approach enables the development of predictive models from limited data, supporting applications such as lectin binding prediction. Second, to improve protein-protein interaction prediction, I developed a unified geometric deep neural network, ‘PInet’ (Protein Interface Network), which leverages the best properties of both data- and physics-driven methods, learning and utilizing models capturing both geometrical and physicochemical molecular surface complementarity. In addition to obtaining state-of-the-art performance in predicting protein-protein interactions, PInet can serve as the backbone for other protein-protein interaction modeling tasks such as binding affinity prediction. Finally, I turned from ii prediction to design, addressing two important tasks in the context of antibodyantigen recognition. The first problem is to redesign a given antigen to evade antibody recognition, e.g., to help biotherapeutics avoid pre-existing immunity or to focus vaccine responses on key portions of an antigen. The second problem is to design a panel of variants of a given antigen to use as “bait” in experimental identification of antibodies that recognize different parts of the antigen, e.g., to support classification of immune responses or to help select among different antibody candidates. I developed a geometry-based algorithm to generate variants to address these design problems, seeking to maximize utility subject to experimental constraints. During the design process, the algorithm accounts for and balances the effects of candidate mutations on antibody recognition and on antigen stability. In retrospective case studies, the algorithm demonstrated promising precision, recall, and robustness of finding good designs. This work represents the first algorithm to systematically design antigen variants for characterization and evasion of polyclonal antibody responses

    A Semi-Supervised Information Extraction Framework for Large Redundant Corpora

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    The vast majority of text freely available on the Internet is not available in a form that computers can understand. There have been numerous approaches to automatically extract information from human- readable sources. The most successful attempts rely on vast training sets of data. Others have succeeded in extracting restricted subsets of the available information. These approaches have limited use and require domain knowledge to be coded into the application. The current thesis proposes a novel framework for Information Extraction. From large sets of documents, the system develops statistical models of the data the user wishes to query which generally avoid the lim- itations and complexity of most Information Extractions systems. The framework uses a semi-supervised approach to minimize human input. It also eliminates the need for external Named Entity Recognition systems by relying on freely available databases. The final result is a query-answering system which extracts information from large corpora with a high degree of accuracy