1,012 research outputs found

    Robust Linear Temporal Logic

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    Although it is widely accepted that every system should be robust, in the sense that "small" violations of environment assumptions should lead to "small" violations of system guarantees, it is less clear how to make this intuitive notion of robustness mathematically precise. In this paper, we address this problem by developing a robust version of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), which we call robust LTL and denote by rLTL. Formulas in rLTL are syntactically identical to LTL formulas but are endowed with a many-valued semantics that encodes robustness. In particular, the semantics of the rLTL formula φψ\varphi \Rightarrow \psi is such that a "small" violation of the environment assumption φ\varphi is guaranteed to only produce a "small" violation of the system guarantee ψ\psi. In addition to introducing rLTL, we study the verification and synthesis problems for this logic: similarly to LTL, we show that both problems are decidable, that the verification problem can be solved in time exponential in the number of subformulas of the rLTL formula at hand, and that the synthesis problem can be solved in doubly exponential time

    Complexity of equivalence relations and preorders from computability theory

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    We study the relative complexity of equivalence relations and preorders from computability theory and complexity theory. Given binary relations R,SR, S, a componentwise reducibility is defined by R\le S \iff \ex f \, \forall x, y \, [xRy \lra f(x) Sf(y)]. Here ff is taken from a suitable class of effective functions. For us the relations will be on natural numbers, and ff must be computable. We show that there is a Π1\Pi_1-complete equivalence relation, but no Πk\Pi k-complete for k2k \ge 2. We show that Σk\Sigma k preorders arising naturally in the above-mentioned areas are Σk\Sigma k-complete. This includes polynomial time mm-reducibility on exponential time sets, which is Σ2\Sigma 2, almost inclusion on r.e.\ sets, which is Σ3\Sigma 3, and Turing reducibility on r.e.\ sets, which is Σ4\Sigma 4.Comment: To appear in J. Symb. Logi

    A non-distributive logic for semiconcepts of a context and its modal extension with semantics based on Kripke contexts

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    A non-distributive two-sorted hypersequent calculus \textbf{PDBL} and its modal extension \textbf{MPDBL} are proposed for the classes of pure double Boolean algebras and pure double Boolean algebras with operators respectively. A relational semantics for \textbf{PDBL} is next proposed, where any formula is interpreted as a semiconcept of a context. For \textbf{MPDBL}, the relational semantics is based on Kripke contexts, and a formula is interpreted as a semiconcept of the underlying context. The systems are shown to be sound and complete with respect to the relational semantics. Adding appropriate sequents to \textbf{MPDBL} results in logics with semantics based on reflexive, symmetric or transitive Kripke contexts. One of these systems is a logic for topological pure double Boolean algebras. It is demonstrated that, using \textbf{PDBL}, the basic notions and relations of conceptual knowledge can be expressed and inferences involving negations can be obtained. Further, drawing a connection with rough set theory, lower and upper approximations of semiconcepts of a context are defined. It is then shown that, using the formulae and sequents involving modal operators in \textbf{MPDBL}, these approximation operators and their properties can be captured

    The Safe Lambda Calculus

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    Safety is a syntactic condition of higher-order grammars that constrains occurrences of variables in the production rules according to their type-theoretic order. In this paper, we introduce the safe lambda calculus, which is obtained by transposing (and generalizing) the safety condition to the setting of the simply-typed lambda calculus. In contrast to the original definition of safety, our calculus does not constrain types (to be homogeneous). We show that in the safe lambda calculus, there is no need to rename bound variables when performing substitution, as variable capture is guaranteed not to happen. We also propose an adequate notion of beta-reduction that preserves safety. In the same vein as Schwichtenberg's 1976 characterization of the simply-typed lambda calculus, we show that the numeric functions representable in the safe lambda calculus are exactly the multivariate polynomials; thus conditional is not definable. We also give a characterization of representable word functions. We then study the complexity of deciding beta-eta equality of two safe simply-typed terms and show that this problem is PSPACE-hard. Finally we give a game-semantic analysis of safety: We show that safe terms are denoted by `P-incrementally justified strategies'. Consequently pointers in the game semantics of safe lambda-terms are only necessary from order 4 onwards

    Topos Theory and Consistent Histories: The Internal Logic of the Set of all Consistent Sets

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    A major problem in the consistent-histories approach to quantum theory is contending with the potentially large number of consistent sets of history propositions. One possibility is to find a scheme in which a unique set is selected in some way. However, in this paper we consider the alternative approach in which all consistent sets are kept, leading to a type of `many world-views' picture of the quantum theory. It is shown that a natural way of handling this situation is to employ the theory of varying sets (presheafs) on the space \B of all Boolean subalgebras of the orthoalgebra \UP of history propositions. This approach automatically includes the feature whereby probabilistic predictions are meaningful only in the context of a consistent set of history propositions. More strikingly, it leads to a picture in which the `truth values', or `semantic values' of such contextual predictions are not just two-valued (\ie true and false) but instead lie in a larger logical algebra---a Heyting algebra---whose structure is determined by the space \B of Boolean subalgebras of \UP.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe