19 research outputs found

    Decentralized trade, random utility and the evolution of social welfare

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    We study decentralized trade processes in general exchange economies and house allocation problems with and without money. The processes are subject to persistent random shocks stemming from agents' maximization of random utility. By imposing structure on the utility noise term -logit distribution-, one is able to calculate exactly the stationary distribution of the perturbed Markov process for any level of noise. We show that the stationary distribution places the largest probability on the maximizers of weighted sums of the agents' (intrinsic) utilities, and this probability tends to 1 as noise vanishe

    "Decentralized Trade, Random Utility and the Evolution of Social Welfare"

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    We study decentralized trade processes in general exchange economies and house allocation problems with and without money. The processes are subject to persistent random shocks stemming from agents' maximization of random utility. By imposing structure on the utility noise term -logit distribution-, one is able to calculate exactly the stationary distribution of the perturbed Markov process for any level of noise. We show that the stationary distribution places the largest probability on the maximizer of several social welfare functions in different variants of the model.

    Decentralized Trade, Random Utility and the Evolution of Social Welfare

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    We study decentralized trade processes in general exchange economies and house allocation problems with and without money. The processes are affected by persistent random shocks stemming from agents' maximization of random utility. By imposing structure on the utility noise term --logit distribution--, one is able to calculate exactly the stationary distribution of the perturbed Markov process for any level of noise. We show that the stationary distribution places the largest probability on the maximizers of weighted sums of the agents' (intrinsic) utilities, and this probability tends to 1 as noise vanishes.decentralized trade, exchange economies, housing markets, long-run stochastic stability, logit model, social welfare functions.

    Decentralized Trade, Random Utility and the Evolution of Social Welfare

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    We study decentralized trade processes in general exchange economies and house allocation problems with and without money. Such processes are subject to persistent random shocks stemming from agents’ maximization of random utility. By imposing structure on the utility noise term —logit distribution—, one is able to calculate exactly the stationary distribution of the perturbed Markov process for any level of noise. We show that the stationary distribution places the largest probability on the maximizer of several social welfare functions in different variants of the model.Decentralized Trade, Exchange Economies, Housing Markets, Stochastic Stability, Logit Model, Social Welfare Functions


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    We study decentralized trade processes in general exchange economies and house allocation problems with and without money. The processes are subject to persistent random shocks stemming from agents’ maximization of random utility. By imposing structure on the utility noise term —logit distribution—, one is able to calculate exactly the stationary distribution of the perturbed Markov process for any level of noise. We show that the stationary distribution places the largest probability on the maximizers of weighted sums of the agents’ (intrinsic) utilities, and this probability tends to 1 as noise vanishes

    Decentralized trade, random utility and the evolution of social welfare.

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    We study decentralized trade processes in general exchange economies and house allocation problems with and without money. The processes are subject to persistent random shocks stemming from agents' maximization of random utility. By imposing structure on the utility noise term -logit distribution-, one is able to calculate exactly the stationary distribution of the perturbed Markov process for any level of noise. We show that the stationary distribution places the largest probability on the maximizers of weighted sums of the agents' (intrinsic) utilities, and this probability tends to 1 as noise vanishes

    El uso de sistemas dinámicos estocásticos en la Teoría de Juegos y la Economía

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    Este breve artículo glosa algunas de las aplicaciones recientes de sistemas dinámicos estocásticos a la Teoría de Juegos y la Economía. El modelo que se describe con más detalle demuestra que la única asignación estocásticamente estable de un proceso de intercambio entre coaliciones sujeto a errores en la toma de decisiones es la asociada al equilibrio de mercado. Resultados como éste proveen una nueva fundamentación a un concepto central en la Teoría Económica.


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    In an exchange economy with a finite number of indivisible goods, we analyze a dynamic trading process of coalitional recontracting where agents maymake mistakes with small probability. We show first that the recurrent classes of the unperturbed (mistake-free) process consist of (i) all core allocations as absorbing states, and (ii) non-singleton classes of non-core allocations. Next, we introduce a perturbed process, where the resistance of each transition is a function of the number of agents that make mistakes –do not improve– in the transition and of the seriousness of each mistake. If preferences are always strict, we show that the unique stochastically stable state of the perturbed process is the Walrasian allocation. In economies with indifferences, non-core cycles are sometimes stochastically stable, while some core allocations are not. The robustness of these results is confirmed in a weak coalitional recontracting process.

    Mistakes in cooperation: the stochastic stability of edgeworth's recontracting.

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    In an exchange economy with a finite number of indivisible goods, we analyze a dynamic trading process of coalitional recontracting where agents maymake mistakes with small probability. We show first that the recurrent classes of the unperturbed (mistake-free) process consist of (i) all core allocations as absorbing states, and (ii) non-singleton classes of non-core allocations. Next, we introduce a perturbed process, where the resistance of each transition is a function of the number of agents that make mistakes -do not improve- in the transition and of the seriousness of each mistake. If preferences are always strict, we show that the unique stochastically stable state of the perturbed process is the Walrasian allocation. In economies with indifferences, non-core cycles are sometimes stochastically stable, while some core allocations are not. The robustness of these results is confirmed in a weak coalitional recontracting process.