2,625 research outputs found

    Decentralized Hybrid Formation Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    This paper presents a decentralized hybrid supervisory control approach for a team of unmanned helicopters that are involved in a leader-follower formation mission. Using a polar partitioning technique, the motion dynamics of the follower helicopters are abstracted to finite state machines. Then, a discrete supervisor is designed in a modular way for different components of the formation mission including reaching the formation, keeping the formation, and collision avoidance. Furthermore, a formal technique is developed to design the local supervisors decentralizedly, so that the team of helicopters as whole, can cooperatively accomplish a collision-free formation task

    Decentralized Motion Planning with Collision Avoidance for a Team of UAVs under High Level Goals

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    This paper addresses the motion planning problem for a team of aerial agents under high level goals. We propose a hybrid control strategy that guarantees the accomplishment of each agent's local goal specification, which is given as a temporal logic formula, while guaranteeing inter-agent collision avoidance. In particular, by defining 3-D spheres that bound the agents' volume, we extend previous work on decentralized navigation functions and propose control laws that navigate the agents among predefined regions of interest of the workspace while avoiding collision with each other. This allows us to abstract the motion of the agents as finite transition systems and, by employing standard formal verification techniques, to derive a high-level control algorithm that satisfies the agents' specifications. Simulation and experimental results with quadrotors verify the validity of the proposed method.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore, 201

    Decentralized Multi-Subgroup Formation Control With Connectivity Preservation and Collision Avoidance

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    This paper proposes a formation control algorithm to create separated multiple formations for an undirected networked multi-agent system while preserving the network connectivity and avoiding collision among agents. Through the modified multi-consensus technique, the proposed algorithm can simultaneously divide a group of multiple agents into any arbitrary number of desired formations in a decentralized manner. Furthermore, the agents assigned to each formation group can be easily reallocated to other formation groups without network topological constraints as long as the entire network is initially connected; an operator can freely partition agents even if there is no spanning tree within each subgroup. Besides, the system can avoid collision without loosing the connectivity even during the transient period of formation by applying the existing potential function based on the network connectivity estimation. If the estimation is correct, the potential function not only guarantees the connectivity maintenance but also allows some extra edges to be broken if the network remains connected. Numerical simulations are performed to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed multi-subgroup formation control

    3D Formation Control in Multi-Robot Teams Using Artificial Potential Fields

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    Multi-robot teams find applications in emergency response, search and rescue operations, convoy support and many more. Teams of autonomous aerial vehicles can also be used to protect a cargo of airplanes by surrounding them in some geometric shape. This research develops a control algorithm to attract UAVs to one or a set of bounded geometric shapes while avoiding collisions, re-configuring in the event of departure or addition of UAVs and maneuvering in mission space while retaining the configuration. Using potential field theory, weighted vector fields are described to attract UAVs to a desired formation. In order to achieve this, three vector fields are defined: one attracts UAVs located outside the formation towards bounded geometric shape; one pushes them away from the center towards the desired region and the third controls collision avoidance and dispersion of UAVs within the formation. The result is a control algorithm that is theoretically justified and verified using MATLAB which generates velocity vectors to attract UAVs to a loose formation and maneuver in the mission space while remaining in formation. This approach efficiently scales to different team sizes

    Comprehensive review on controller for leader-follower robotic system

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    985-1007This paper presents a comprehensive review of the leader-follower robotics system. The aim of this paper is to find and elaborate on the current trends in the swarm robotic system, leader-follower, and multi-agent system. Another part of this review will focus on finding the trend of controller utilized by previous researchers in the leader-follower system. The controller that is commonly applied by the researchers is mostly adaptive and non-linear controllers. The paper also explores the subject of study or system used during the research which normally employs multi-robot, multi-agent, space flying, reconfigurable system, multi-legs system or unmanned system. Another aspect of this paper concentrates on the topology employed by the researchers when they conducted simulation or experimental studies

    Velocity field path-planning for single and multiple unmanned ariel vehicles

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have seen a rapid growth in utilisation for reconnaissance, mostly using single UAVs. However, future utilisation of UAVs for applications such as bistatic synthetic aperture radar and stereoscopic imaging, will require the use of multiple UAVs acting cooperatively to achieve mission goals. In addition, to de-skill the operation of UAVs for certain applications will require the migration of path-planning functions from the ground to the UAV. This paper details a computationally efficient algorithm to enable path-planning for single UAVs and to form and re-form UAV formations with active collision avoidance. The algorithm presented extends classical potential field methods used in other domains for the UAV path-planning problem. It is demonstrated that a range of tasks can be executed autonomously, allowing high level tasking of single and multiple UAVs in formation, with the formation commanded as a single entity