121 research outputs found

    An Efficient Algorithm for Optimization of Power with Computational Security in MANETs

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    The major issues associated with MANETs include the precious battery power of the nodes and security threats from compromised nodes inside the network The introduction of an additional dynamic node may optimize the power but however it leads to jamming and interference and thereby reducing the efficiency of the network Since MANETs have a highly dynamic topology they are vulnerable to active and passive adversaries We aim to optimize the network power with added security features and propose a new algorithm Power with Computational Security PCS Algorithm to overcome the above mentioned drawbacks The PCS Algorithm employs a dynamically computed Power Threshold to achieve efficiency Also We make the network secure by introducing a Security Provider which consists of dealer phase and combiner phase to ensure all the security requirements are met Thus We achieve power efficient and secure data transfer with minimal information and thus it minimizes the mobility resource and prior-trust relationship constraint

    Using Attribute-Based Access Control, Efficient Data Access in the Cloud with Authorized Search

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    The security and privacy issues regarding outsourcing data have risen significantly as cloud computing has grown in demand. Consequently, since data management has been delegated to an untrusted cloud server in the data outsourcing phase, data access control has been identified as a major problem in cloud storage systems. To overcome this problem, in this paper, the access control of cloud storage using an Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) approach is utilized. First, the data must be stored in the cloud and security must be strong for the user to access the data. This model takes into consideration some of the attributes of the cloud data stored in the authentication process that the database uses to maintain data around the recorded collections with the user\u27s saved keys. The clusters have registry message permission codes, usernames, and group names, each with its own set of benefits. In advance, the data should be encrypted and transferred to the service provider as it establishes that the data is still secure. But in some cases, the supplier\u27s security measures are disrupting. This result analysis the various parameters such as encryption time, decryption time, key generation time, and also time consumption. In cloud storage, the access control may verify the various existing method such as Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) and Nth Truncated Ring Units (NTRU). The encryption time is 15% decreased by NTRU and 31% reduced by CP-ABE. The decryption time of the proposed method is 7.64% and 14% reduced by the existing method

    A measurement study of peer-to-peer bootstrapping and implementations of delay-based cryptography

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    This thesis researches two distinct areas of study in both peer-to-peer networking formodern cryptocurrencies and implementations of delay-based cryptography.The first part of the thesis researches elements of peer-to-peer network mechanisms,with a specific focus on the dependencies on centralised infrastructure required for theinitial participation in such networks.Cryptocurrencies rely on decentralised peer-to-peer networks, yet the method bywhich new peers initially join these networks, known as bootstrapping, presents a significantchallenge. Our original research consists of a measurement study of 74 cryptocurrencies.Our study reveals a prevalent reliance on centralised infrastructure which leadsto censorship-prone bootstrapping techniques leaving networks vulnerable to censorshipand manipulation.In response, we explore alternative bootstrapping methods seeking solutions lesssusceptible to censorship. However, our research demonstrates operational challengesand limitations which hinder their effectiveness, highlighting the complexity of achievingcensorship-resistance in practice.Furthermore, our global measurement study uncovers the details of cryptocurrencypeer-to-peer networks, revealing instances outages and intentional protocol manipulationimpacting bootstrapping operations. Through a volunteer network of probes deployedacross 42 countries, we analyse network topology, exposing centralisation tendencies andunintentional peer exposure.Our research also highlights the pervasive inheritance of legacy bootstrapping methods,perpetuating security vulnerabilities and censorship risks within cryptocurrencysystems. These findings illuminate broader concerns surrounding decentralisation andcensorship-resistance in distributed systems.In conclusion, our study offers valuable insights into cryptocurrency bootstrappingtechniques and their susceptibility to censorship, paving the way for future research andinterventions to enhance the resilience and autonomy of peer-to-peer networks.In the second part of the thesis, attention shifts towards delay-based cryptography,where the focus lies on the creation and practical implementations of timed-release encryptionschemes. Drawing from the historical delay-based cryptographic protocols, thisthesis presents two original research contributions.The first is the creation of a new timed-release encryption scheme with a propertytermed implicit authentication. The second contribution is the development of a practicalconstruction called TIDE (TIme Delayed Encryption) tailored for use in sealed-bidauctions.Timed-Release Encryption with Implicit Authentication (TRE-IA) is a cryptographicprimitive which presents a new property named implicit authentication (IA). This propertyensures that only authorised parties, such as whistleblowers, can generate meaningfulciphertexts. By incorporating IA techniques into the encryption process, TRE-IAaugments a new feature in standard timed-release encryption schemes by ensuring thatonly the party with the encryption key can create meaningful ciphertexts. This propertyensures the authenticity of the party behind the sensitive data disclosure. Specifically, IAenables the encryption process to authenticate the identity of the whistleblower throughthe ciphertext. This property prevents malicious parties from generating ciphertextsthat do not originate from legitimate sources. This ensures the integrity and authenticityof the encrypted data, safeguarding against potential leaks of information not vettedby the party performing the encryption.TIDE introduces a new method for timed-release encryption in the context of sealedbidauctions by creatively using classic number-theoretic techniques. By integratingRSA-OEAP public-key encryption and the Rivest Shamir Wagner time-lock assumptionwith classic number theory principles, TIDE offers a solution that is both conceptuallystraightforward and efficient to implement.Our contributions in TIDE address the complexities and performance challengesinherent in current instantiations of timed-release encryption schemes. Our researchoutput creates a practical timed-release encryption implementation on consumer-gradehardware which can facilitate real-world applications such as sealed-bid auctions withclear steps for implementation.Finally, our thesis concludes with a review of the prospects of delay-based cryptographywhere we consider potential applications such as leveraging TIDE for a publicrandomness beacon.<br/

    IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Security and Privacy in Emerging Decentralized Communication Environments

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    The return of Eratosthenes: Secure Generation of RSA Moduli using Distributed Sieving

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    Secure multiparty generation of an RSA biprime is a challenging task, which increasingly receives attention, due to the numerous privacy-preserving applications that require it. In this work, we construct a new protocol for the RSA biprime generation task, secure against a malicious adversary, who can corrupt any subset of protocol participants. Our protocol is designed for generic MPC, making it both platform-independent and allowing for weaker security models to be assumed (e.g., honest majority), should the application scenario require it. By carefully ``postponing the check of possible inconsistencies in the shares provided by malicious adversaries, we achieve noteworthy efficiency improvements. Concretely, we are able to produce additive sharings of the prime candidates, from multiplicative sharings via a semi-honest multiplication, without degrading the overall (active) security of our protocol. This is the core of our sieving technique, increasing the probability of our protocol sampling a biprime. Similarly, we perform the first biprimality test, requiring several repetitions, without checking input share consistency, and perform the more costly consistency check only in case of success of the Jacobi symbol based biprimality test. Moreover, we propose a protocol to convert an additive sharing over a ring, into an additive sharing over the integers. Besides being a necessary sub-protocol for the RSA biprime generation, this conversion protocol is of independent interest. The cost analysis of our protocol demonstrated that our approach improves the current state-of-the-art (Chen et al. -- Crypto 2020), in terms of communication efficiency. Concretely, for the two-party case with malicious security, and primes of 2048 bits, our protocol improves communication by a factor of ~37

    Efficient Hybrid Exact/Relaxed Lattice Proofs and Applications to Rounding and VRFs

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    In this work, we study hybrid exact/relaxed zero-knowledge proofs from lattices, where the proved relation is exact in one part and relaxed in the other. Such proofs arise in important real-life applications such as those requiring verifiable PRF evaluation and have so far not received significant attention as a standalone problem. We first introduce a general framework, LANES+, for realizing such hybrid proofs efficiently by combining standard relaxed proofs of knowledge RPoK and the LANES framework (due to a series of works in Crypto\u2720, Asiacrypt\u2720, ACM CCS\u2720). The latter framework is a powerful lattice-based proof system that can prove exact linear and multiplicative relations. The advantage of LANES+ is its ability to realize hybrid proofs more efficiently by exploiting RPoK for the high-dimensional part of the secret witness while leaving a low-dimensional secret witness part for the exact proof that is proven at a significantly lower cost via LANES. Thanks to the flexibility of LANES+, other exact proof systems can also be supported. We apply our LANES+ framework to construct substantially shorter proofs of rounding, which is a central tool for verifiable deterministic lattice-based cryptography. Based on our rounding proof, we then design an efficient long-term verifiable random function (VRF), named LaV. LaV leads to the shortest VRF outputs among the proposals of standard (i.e., long-term and stateless) VRFs based on quantum-safe assumptions. Of independent interest, we also present generalized results for challenge difference invertibility, a fundamental soundness security requirement for many proof systems
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