14,072 research outputs found

    PointMap: A real-time memory-based learning system with on-line and post-training pruning

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    Also published in the International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Volume 1, January, 2004A memory-based learning system called PointMap is a simple and computationally efficient extension of Condensed Nearest Neighbor that allows the user to limit the number of exemplars stored during incremental learning. PointMap evaluates the information value of coding nodes during training, and uses this index to prune uninformative nodes either on-line or after training. These pruning methods allow the user to control both a priori code size and sensitivity to detail in the training data, as well as to determine the code size necessary for accurate performance on a given data set. Coding and pruning computations are local in space, with only the nearest coded neighbor available for comparison with the input; and in time, with only the current input available during coding. Pruning helps solve common problems of traditional memory-based learning systems: large memory requirements, their accompanying slow on-line computations, and sensitivity to noise. PointMap copes with the curse of dimensionality by considering multiple nearest neighbors during testing without increasing the complexity of the training process or the stored code. The performance of PointMap is compared to that of a group of sixteen nearest-neighbor systems on benchmark problems.This research was supported by grants from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR F49620-98-l-0108, F49620-0l-l-0397, and F49620-0l-l-0423) and the Office of Naval Research (ONR N00014-0l-l-0624)

    Feature Selection via Binary Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation

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    Feature selection (FS) has become an indispensable task in dealing with today's highly complex pattern recognition problems with massive number of features. In this study, we propose a new wrapper approach for FS based on binary simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (BSPSA). This pseudo-gradient descent stochastic algorithm starts with an initial feature vector and moves toward the optimal feature vector via successive iterations. In each iteration, the current feature vector's individual components are perturbed simultaneously by random offsets from a qualified probability distribution. We present computational experiments on datasets with numbers of features ranging from a few dozens to thousands using three widely-used classifiers as wrappers: nearest neighbor, decision tree, and linear support vector machine. We compare our methodology against the full set of features as well as a binary genetic algorithm and sequential FS methods using cross-validated classification error rate and AUC as the performance criteria. Our results indicate that features selected by BSPSA compare favorably to alternative methods in general and BSPSA can yield superior feature sets for datasets with tens of thousands of features by examining an extremely small fraction of the solution space. We are not aware of any other wrapper FS methods that are computationally feasible with good convergence properties for such large datasets.Comment: This is the Istanbul Sehir University Technical Report #SHR-ISE-2016.01. A short version of this report has been accepted for publication at Pattern Recognition Letter

    Adaptive imputation of missing values for incomplete pattern classification

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    In classification of incomplete pattern, the missing values can either play a crucial role in the class determination, or have only little influence (or eventually none) on the classification results according to the context. We propose a credal classification method for incomplete pattern with adaptive imputation of missing values based on belief function theory. At first, we try to classify the object (incomplete pattern) based only on the available attribute values. As underlying principle, we assume that the missing information is not crucial for the classification if a specific class for the object can be found using only the available information. In this case, the object is committed to this particular class. However, if the object cannot be classified without ambiguity, it means that the missing values play a main role for achieving an accurate classification. In this case, the missing values will be imputed based on the K-nearest neighbor (K-NN) and self-organizing map (SOM) techniques, and the edited pattern with the imputation is then classified. The (original or edited) pattern is respectively classified according to each training class, and the classification results represented by basic belief assignments are fused with proper combination rules for making the credal classification. The object is allowed to belong with different masses of belief to the specific classes and meta-classes (which are particular disjunctions of several single classes). The credal classification captures well the uncertainty and imprecision of classification, and reduces effectively the rate of misclassifications thanks to the introduction of meta-classes. The effectiveness of the proposed method with respect to other classical methods is demonstrated based on several experiments using artificial and real data sets

    Robust Adaptive Median Binary Pattern for noisy texture classification and retrieval

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    Texture is an important cue for different computer vision tasks and applications. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is considered one of the best yet efficient texture descriptors. However, LBP has some notable limitations, mostly the sensitivity to noise. In this paper, we address these criteria by introducing a novel texture descriptor, Robust Adaptive Median Binary Pattern (RAMBP). RAMBP based on classification process of noisy pixels, adaptive analysis window, scale analysis and image regions median comparison. The proposed method handles images with high noisy textures, and increases the discriminative properties by capturing microstructure and macrostructure texture information. The proposed method has been evaluated on popular texture datasets for classification and retrieval tasks, and under different high noise conditions. Without any train or prior knowledge of noise type, RAMBP achieved the best classification compared to state-of-the-art techniques. It scored more than 90%90\% under 50%50\% impulse noise densities, more than 95%95\% under Gaussian noised textures with standard deviation σ=5\sigma = 5, and more than 99%99\% under Gaussian blurred textures with standard deviation σ=1.25\sigma = 1.25. The proposed method yielded competitive results and high performance as one of the best descriptors in noise-free texture classification. Furthermore, RAMBP showed also high performance for the problem of noisy texture retrieval providing high scores of recall and precision measures for textures with high levels of noise