7,066 research outputs found

    Are ambiguous conjunctions problematic for machine translation?

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    The translation of ambiguous words still poses challenges for machine translation. In this work, we carry out a systematic quantitative analysis regarding the ability of different machine translation systems to disambiguate the source language conjunctions “but” and “and”. We evaluate specialised test sets focused on the translation of these two conjunctions. The test sets contain source languages that do not distinguish different variants of the given conjunction, whereas the target languages do. In total, we evaluate the conjunction “but” on 20 translation outputs, and the conjunction “and” on 10. All machine translation systems almost perfectly recognise one variant of the target conjunction, especially for the source conjunction “but”. The other target variant, however, represents a challenge for machine translation systems, with accuracy varying from 50% to 95% for “but” and from 20% to 57% for “and”. The major error for all systems is replacing the correct target variant with the opposite one

    Evaluating conjunction disambiguation on English-to-German and French-to-German WMT 2019 translation hypotheses

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    We present a test set for evaluating an MT system’s capability to translate ambiguous conjunctions depending on the sentence structure. We concentrate on the English conjunction ”but” and its French equivalent ”mais” which can be translated into two different German conjunctions. We evaluate all English-to-German and French-to-German submissions to the WMT 2019 shared translation task. The evaluation is done mainly automatically, with additional fast manual inspection of unclear cases. All systems almost perfectly recognise the ta-get conjunction ”aber”, whereas accuracies fo rthe other target conjunction ”sondern” range from 78% to 97%, and the errors are mostly caused by replacing it with the alternative cojjunction ”aber”. The best performing system for both language pairs is a multilingual Transformer TartuNLP system trained on all WMT2019 language pairs which use the Latin script, indicating that the multilingual approach is beneficial for conjunction disambiguation. As for other system features, such as using synthetic back-translated data, context-aware, hybrid, etc., no particular (dis)advantages can be observed. Qualitative manual inspection of translation hypotheses shown that highly ranked systems generally produce translations with high adequacy and fluency, meaning that these systems are not only capable of capturing the right conjunction whereas the rest of the translation hypothesis is poor. On the other hand, the low ranked systems generally exhibit lower fluency and poor adequacy

    A Tale of Two DRAGGNs: A Hybrid Approach for Interpreting Action-Oriented and Goal-Oriented Instructions

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    Robots operating alongside humans in diverse, stochastic environments must be able to accurately interpret natural language commands. These instructions often fall into one of two categories: those that specify a goal condition or target state, and those that specify explicit actions, or how to perform a given task. Recent approaches have used reward functions as a semantic representation of goal-based commands, which allows for the use of a state-of-the-art planner to find a policy for the given task. However, these reward functions cannot be directly used to represent action-oriented commands. We introduce a new hybrid approach, the Deep Recurrent Action-Goal Grounding Network (DRAGGN), for task grounding and execution that handles natural language from either category as input, and generalizes to unseen environments. Our robot-simulation results demonstrate that a system successfully interpreting both goal-oriented and action-oriented task specifications brings us closer to robust natural language understanding for human-robot interaction.Comment: Accepted at the 1st Workshop on Language Grounding for Robotics at ACL 201

    A Tale of Two DRAGGNs: A Hybrid Approach for Interpreting Action-Oriented and Goal-Oriented Instructions

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    Robots operating alongside humans in diverse, stochastic environments must be able to accurately interpret natural language commands. These instructions often fall into one of two categories: those that specify a goal condition or target state, and those that specify explicit actions, or how to perform a given task. Recent approaches have used reward functions as a semantic representation of goal-based commands, which allows for the use of a state-of-the-art planner to find a policy for the given task. However, these reward functions cannot be directly used to represent action-oriented commands. We introduce a new hybrid approach, the Deep Recurrent Action-Goal Grounding Network (DRAGGN), for task grounding and execution that handles natural language from either category as input, and generalizes to unseen environments. Our robot-simulation results demonstrate that a system successfully interpreting both goal-oriented and action-oriented task specifications brings us closer to robust natural language understanding for human-robot interaction.Comment: Accepted at the 1st Workshop on Language Grounding for Robotics at ACL 201

    Comparison and Adaptation of Automatic Evaluation Metrics for Quality Assessment of Re-Speaking

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    Re-speaking is a mechanism for obtaining high quality subtitles for use in live broadcast and other public events. Because it relies on humans performing the actual re-speaking, the task of estimating the quality of the results is non-trivial. Most organisations rely on humans to perform the actual quality assessment, but purely automatic methods have been developed for other similar problems, like Machine Translation. This paper will try to compare several of these methods: BLEU, EBLEU, NIST, METEOR, METEOR-PL, TER and RIBES. These will then be matched to the human-derived NER metric, commonly used in re-speaking.Comment: Comparison and Adaptation of Automatic Evaluation Metrics for Quality Assessment of Re-Speaking. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1509.0908

    HOL(y)Hammer: Online ATP Service for HOL Light

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    HOL(y)Hammer is an online AI/ATP service for formal (computer-understandable) mathematics encoded in the HOL Light system. The service allows its users to upload and automatically process an arbitrary formal development (project) based on HOL Light, and to attack arbitrary conjectures that use the concepts defined in some of the uploaded projects. For that, the service uses several automated reasoning systems combined with several premise selection methods trained on all the project proofs. The projects that are readily available on the server for such query answering include the recent versions of the Flyspeck, Multivariate Analysis and Complex Analysis libraries. The service runs on a 48-CPU server, currently employing in parallel for each task 7 AI/ATP combinations and 4 decision procedures that contribute to its overall performance. The system is also available for local installation by interested users, who can customize it for their own proof development. An Emacs interface allowing parallel asynchronous queries to the service is also provided. The overall structure of the service is outlined, problems that arise and their solutions are discussed, and an initial account of using the system is given

    Context and Language

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