3 research outputs found

    Actualizaci贸n de servicios distribuidos con replicaci贸n pasiva

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    [ES] Los servicios distribuidos tendr铆an que garantizar siempre su disponibilidad. Para conseguir esto se utiliza replicaci贸n. As铆, cuando una instancia de un componente falle, siempre habr谩 alguna otra que pueda retomar el servicio interrumpido de una manera transparente para el usuario. Aunque se puedan superar estas situaciones de fallo, la replicaci贸n no resuelve todas las situaciones de indisponibilidad de una manera inmediata. Cuando el software ejecutado en un servicio se tenga que actualizar, hay que dise帽ar alg煤n protocolo para garantizar que la transici贸n entre una versi贸n y la siguiente se haga sin interrumpir la capacidad de servicio. Hoy en d铆a todav铆a no hay soluciones completas para todos los escenarios. De hecho, todas las entidades que ofrecen servicios distribuidos (bancos, comercios, correo electr贸nico, mensajer铆a...) llegan a mostrar intervalos de indisponibilidad cuando se hacen estas transiciones. El alumno estudiar谩 algunas soluciones para los casos m谩s sencillos, eligiendo una cuyo dise帽o mejorar谩 para implantarla y evaluar su rendimiento. La soluci贸n asumir谩 que el servicio utiliza el modelo de replicaci贸n pasiva.[EN] Distributed service must always guarantee their availability. Replication is needed for achieving this. Thus, when a component replica fails, there will be others that may resume such an interrupted service in a transparent way. In spite of this, replication does not solve all unavailability situations in a direct way. When the software that is run in a service needs to be upgraded, a protocol needs to be designed in order to guarantee that the transition from the current software version to the next does not endanger service continuity. Nowadays, there are no complete solution for all upgrade scenarios. Indeed, many companies that provide distributed services (banks, commerce, e-mail, instant messaging...) still show unavailability intervals in case of software upgrading. The student should study several solutions for basic cases, selecting one of them in order to improve its design and implement it. Those tasks will be complemented with a performance evaluation. That solution should assume that the implemented service respects the passive replication model.Mendoza Pait谩n, JE. (2019). Actualizaci贸n de servicios distribuidos con replicaci贸n pasiva. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/130033TFG

    Advanced Software Techniques for Data Management Systems. Volume 2: Space Shuttle Flight Executive System: Functional Design

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    A functional design of software executive system for the space shuttle avionics computer is presented. Three primary functions of the executive are emphasized in the design: task management, I/O management, and configuration management. The executive system organization is based on the applications software and configuration requirements established during the Phase B definition of the Space Shuttle program. Although the primary features of the executive system architecture were derived from Phase B requirements, it was specified for implementation with the IBM 4 Pi EP aerospace computer and is expected to be incorporated into a breadboard data management computer system at NASA Manned Spacecraft Center's Information system division. The executive system was structured for internal operation on the IBM 4 Pi EP system with its external configuration and applications software assumed to the characteristic of the centralized quad-redundant avionics systems defined in Phase B

    Advanced data management system analysis techniques study

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    The state of the art of system analysis is reviewed, emphasizing data management. Analytic, hardware, and software techniques are described