45 research outputs found

    Extremum Seeking for Dead-Zone Compensation

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    13301甲第4148号博士(学術)金沢大学博士論文本文Full 以下に掲載:Journal of Automation and Control Engineering 3(4) pp.265-269 2015. Engineering and Technology Publishing. 共著者:Dessy Novita and Shigeru Yamamoto

    Robust Controller Design For Linear Systems With Nonlinear Distortions: A Data-Driven Approach

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    The extensive use of frequency-domain tools for analyzing and controlling linear systems have become indispensable for the control systems engineer. However, due to the increased performance demands on today's industrial systems, the effects of certain nonlinearities can no longer be neglected in control applications, and the use of these tools becomes problematic. In the current literature, however, frequency-domain methods exist where the underlying linear dynamics of a nonlinear system can be captured in an identification experiment; in this manner, the nonlinear system is replaced by a linear model with a noise source where a best linear approximation of the nonlinear system is obtained with an associated frequency-dependent uncertainty. This allows the use of robust control algorithms to ensure performance for the underlying linear system. In this paper, a data-driven H\mathcal{H}_\infty robust control strategy is presented which implements a convex optimization algorithm to ensure the performance and closed-loop stability of a linear system that is subject to nonlinear distortions. A case study is presented to illustrate how the proposed method can be used to design controllers for this class of systems

    The Roles of Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Motors in Industry 4.0 Era: Opportunities & Challenges

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    Piezoelectric Ultrasonic motors (USM) are based on the principle of converse piezoelectric effect i.e., vibrations occur when an electrical field is applied to piezoelectric materials. USMs have been studied several decades for their advantages over traditional electromagnetic motors. Despite having many advantages, they have several challenges too. Recently many researchers have started focusing on Industry 4.0 or Fourth Industrial revolution phase of the industry which mostly emphasis on digitization & interconnection of the entities throughout the life cycle of the product in an industrial network to get the best possible output. Industry 4.0 utilizes various advanced tools for carrying out the nexus between the entities & bringing up them on digital platform. The studies of the role of USMs in Industry 4.0 scenario has never been done till now & this article fills that gap by analyzing the piezoelectric ultrasonic motors in depth & breadth in the background of Industry 4.0. This article delivers the novel working principle, illustrates examples for effective utilization of USMs, so that it can buttress the growth of Industry 4.0 Era & on the other hand it also analyses the key Industry 4.0 enabling technologies to improve the performance of the USMs

    The design and control of an actively restrained passive mechatronic system for safety-critical applications

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    Development of manipulators that interact closely with humans has been a focus of research in fields such as robot-assisted surgery and haptic interfaces for many years. Recent introduction of powered surgical-assistant devices into the operating theatre has meant that robot manipulators have been required to interact with both patients and surgeons. Most of these manipulators are modified industrial robots. However, the use of high-powered mechanisms in the operating theatre could compromise safety of the patient, surgeon, and operating room staff. As a solution to the safety problem, the use of actively restrained passive arms has been proposed. Clutches or brakes at each joint are used to restrict the motion of the end-effector to restrain it to a pre-defined region or path. However, these devices have only had limited success in following pre-defined paths under human guidance. In this research, three major limitations of existing passive devices actively restrained are addressed. [Continues.

    Volume 3 – Conference

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    We are pleased to present the conference proceedings for the 12th edition of the International Fluid Power Conference (IFK). The IFK is one of the world’s most significant scientific conferences on fluid power control technology and systems. It offers a common platform for the presentation and discussion of trends and innovations to manufacturers, users and scientists. The Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems at the TU Dresden is organizing and hosting the IFK for the sixth time. Supporting hosts are the Fluid Power Association of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), Dresdner Verein zur Förderung der Fluidtechnik e. V. (DVF) and GWT-TUD GmbH. The organization and the conference location alternates every two years between the Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems in Dresden and the Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems in Aachen. The symposium on the first day is dedicated to presentations focused on methodology and fundamental research. The two following conference days offer a wide variety of application and technology orientated papers about the latest state of the art in fluid power. It is this combination that makes the IFK a unique and excellent forum for the exchange of academic research and industrial application experience. A simultaneously ongoing exhibition offers the possibility to get product information and to have individual talks with manufacturers. The theme of the 12th IFK is “Fluid Power – Future Technology”, covering topics that enable the development of 5G-ready, cost-efficient and demand-driven structures, as well as individual decentralized drives. Another topic is the real-time data exchange that allows the application of numerous predictive maintenance strategies, which will significantly increase the availability of fluid power systems and their elements and ensure their improved lifetime performance. We create an atmosphere for casual exchange by offering a vast frame and cultural program. This includes a get-together, a conference banquet, laboratory festivities and some physical activities such as jogging in Dresden’s old town.:Group 8: Pneumatics Group 9 | 11: Mobile applications Group 10: Special domains Group 12: Novel system architectures Group 13 | 15: Actuators & sensors Group 14: Safety & reliabilit

    Ultrasound cleaning of microfilters

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    Modification of the rotary machining process to improve surface form

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    Planing and moulding operations carried out within the woodworking industry make extensive use of rotary machining. Cutter-marks are produced on the timber surface which are generally accepted as unavoidable. More noticeable surface defects may be produced by such factors as cutter-head imbalance, and until recently most research has concentrated on removing these defects. When a high quality finish is required, a further machining operation, such as sanding, is often required to remove cutter-marks. What is required, is a modified machining process which combines a surface closer to the ideal fixed knife finish, whilst retaining the flexibility, practicality and cost effectiveness of rotary machining. [Continues.

    Parametric analysis of microwave and laser systems for communication and tracking Quarterly report, 6 Mar. - 6 Jun. 1966

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    Parametric analysis of microwave and laser systems for communication and tracking - updated reference data for advanced space communication and tracking system

    Millimeter-Precision Laser Rangefinder Using a Low-Cost Photon Counter

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    In this book we successfully demonstrate a millimeter-precision laser rangefinder using a low-cost photon counter. An application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) comprises timing circuitry and single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) as the photodetectors. For the timing circuitry, a novel binning architecture for sampling the received signal is proposed which mitigates non-idealities that are inherent to a system with SPADs and timing circuitry in one chip