5,212 research outputs found

    Implementing QR Code Technology in Medical Device Pacakage

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    The medical device industry strives to improve the delivery of key device information through the package to patients, doctors and end users. To achieve this goal Indications For Use (IFU) and user manuals have been major tools and are necessary components required in Medical Device Package according to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards. Historically there have been challenges caused by packaging information materials aspects such as manufacturing, transportation and translation. The need for extensive packaging and labelling has ultimately contributed to increased cost of manufacturing for devices. It is also important to know what information a customer needs and recognize that the safety of the consumer is of the utmost importance. The development and implementation of new technologies and procedures in a medical device industry may be complicated and slow but it is a necessity to improve safety and provide maximum comfort to the end user. Barcodes and Two Dimensional code have been used in the medical device industry for tracking purposes; however, the focus of this thesis was using QR codes (two-Dimensional barcode) in medical device package without IFU, user guides and manuals to enhance patient safety, reduce cost and enhance the breadth of information available to the ultimate users. Access to the information was achieved by just taking a picture or scanning the QR code which was printed on a medical device package. This thesis also assesses the feasibility of implementing the QR code technology on medical device package and a case study is conducted that elaborates on the cost analysis

    Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, v. 4, no. 3

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    Impact of contextual factors on patient outcomes following conservative low back pain treatment: systematic review

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    Background and objectiveChronic low back pain is pervasive, societally impactful, and current treatments only provide moderate relief. Exploring whether therapeutic elements, either unrecognised or perceived as implicit within clinical encounters, are acknowledged and deliberately targeted may improve treatment efficacy. Contextual factors (specifically, patient’s and practitioner’s beliefs/characteristics; patient-practitioner relationships; the therapeutic setting/environment; and treatment characteristics) could be important, but there is limited evidence regarding their influence. This research aims to review the impact of interventions modifying contextual factors during conservative care on patient’s pain and physical functioning.Databases and data treatmentFour electronic databases (Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO and AMED) were searched from 2009 until 15th February 2022, using tailored search strategies, and resulted in 3476 unique citations. After initial screening, 170 full-text records were potentially eligible and assessed against the inclusion–exclusion criteria. Thereafter, studies were assessed for methodological quality using a modified Downs and Black scale, data extracted, and synthesised using a narrative approach.ResultsTwenty-one primary studies (N = 3075 participants), were included in this review. Eight studies reported significant improvements in pain intensity, and seven in physical functioning, in favour of the contextual factor intervention(s). Notable contextual factors included: addressing maladaptive illness beliefs; verbal suggestions to influence symptom change expectations; visual or physical cues to suggest pain-relieving treatment properties; and positive communication such as empathy to enhance the therapeutic alliance.ConclusionThis review identified influential contextual factors which may augment conservative chronic low back pain care. The heterogeneity of interventions suggests modifying more than one contextual factor may be more impactful on patients’ clinical outcomes, although these findings require judicious interpretation


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    This report provides a comprehensive review and synthesis of published research on the impact of USDA's domestic food and nutrition assistance programs on participants' nutrition and health outcomes. The outcome measures reviewed include food expenditures, household nutrient availability, dietary intake, other measures of nutrition status, food security, birth outcomes, breastfeeding behaviors, immunization rates, use and cost of health care services, and selected nonhealth outcomes, such as academic achievement and school performance (children) and social isolation (elderly). The report is one of four volumes produced by a larger study that includes Volume 1, Research Design; Volume 2, Data Sources; Volume 3, Literature Review; and Volume 4, Executive Summary of the Literature Review. The review examines the research on 15 USDA food assistance programs but tends to focus on the largest ones for which more research is available: food stamps, school feeding programs, and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Over half of USDA's budget - $41.6 billion in fiscal year 2003 - was devoted to food assistance and nutrition programs that provide low-income families and children with access to a healthy diet.Dietary intake, food expenditures, nutrient availability, nutrient intake, nutritional status, nutrition and health outcomes, USDA, Food Security and Poverty,

    The Organization of Firms Across Countries

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    We argue that social capital as proxied by trust increases aggregate productivity by affecting the organization of firms. To do this we collect new data on the decentralization of investment, hiring, production, and sales decisions from Corporate Headquarters to local plant managers in almost 4,000 firms in the United States, Europe, and Asia. We find that firms headquartered in high trust regions are more likely to decentralize, with trust accounting for about half of the variation in decentralization in our data. To help identify causal effects, we look within multinational firms, and show that higher levels of bilateral trust between the multinational's country of origin and subsidiary's country of location increases decentralization, even after instrumenting trust using religious and ethnic similarities between the countries. Trust raises aggregate productivity through two channels: (1) trust facilitates reallocation between firms by allowing more efficient firms to grow as CEOs can decentralize more decisions and (2) trust complements the adoption of new technologies, thereby increasing productivity within firms during times of rapid technological change.decentralization, trust, Rule of Law, social capital, theory of the firm

    Barriers to Public Pension Program Participation in a Developing Country

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    AbstractIncreasing public pension participation rates in developing countries is an important policyobjective. We study three possible constraints to such participation by using a randomized controltrial and the administrative records covering about 40 percent of Mongolian subdistricts. We findthat providing information about subsidiary monetary benefits (survivors’ and disability pensions)does not increase participation significantly. However, providing information about the mobilephone payment of pension funds and dispatching experts to a pension administrative agency froma foreign aid agency both increase payments. These results imply that perceived transaction costsand trust affect demand for pension services. They also suggest that foreign aid can affect citizens’participation in public services by changing their perception of these services

    A first look at Stata 3.1

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